240539 f ORI6IN/�j TO CITY CLERK ���f��� -� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NQ. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE q7F RESOLVED� That` the following estimated appropriations in the Comptroller' s Budget Estimates for ig69 be increased as follows : 002g Municipal Publicity Bureau From To Change 126 Salaries - Exempt Professional 12, 000. 00 13,078. 00 +1, 078.00 � �12 Salaries .- Clerical -0- 5, 322.00 +5, 322.00 6,400.00 � - be it ' � '� FUR.THER RESOLVED� That the following item in the financing � schedule be increased in the following amount: Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes, ,� Tag Levy�-,-��`Schedule 'A, Publicity Bureau - � M.S.A. 465. 55 �6, 400.00 j - � �r . t , , . •_,. .-. - .. . • .� ---� ' - -� ----... _ _.r� .. '�.....,..�.�. y._` .- _. - --° t } �' . . .. i i • ` ! F�RM APPROVED ' • ' ; Asst Corporatfon Co nse� � _ , i � OCT 9196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �CT 9196� � . Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19—_ � ^ Meredith � � Tn Favor � Peterson /l ' � Sprafka � �J Mayor , ; A gainst Tedesco • Mr. President, Byrne _ .� �PUBLISHE� � �- ,, . OCT 1�1 19��. . . "� � - -�o . , r - , DU�LIC JC TO rRINT[R �A , !��n • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �`1 v � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEa DATF R,ESOLVED, That the following eeti�aated appropriations in the Comptroller�c� Budget Estiaates �or 1969 be inoreaaed a� . followss 0029 Munioipal Publioity Hureau F� T° Ch.�an�e 126 Salaries - Es�mpt Protessional 12,000.00 13,076.00 +1,078.00 it2 Salariee - Cleriaai ' -0- 5,322.00 +5�,�22_____�.00! • • 6,400.00 be it FiTRTHER RESOLYED, That the following item in the finanQing sahedule be 3nareased in the �ollowing amounts Reai Estate and Peraanal Property Taaes, TaY Levy - Sahedule A, Publioity Buresu - � M.s.A. �465.55 �6,�00.00 ��T 91�68 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ���-'� �� ���� Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Favor Peterson Sprafka �' Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O