240489 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , 24�489 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL ND i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC�NSE OOI�IITT� � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY October 3� Z968 COMMISSIONE DATF E�SOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following oersons at the addresses stated, be ar� the � sar�e are hereby granted. Don Marrone Ford, Inc. 204 Bates D1r.Rep.Gara�e App.6270NewNLoc, E,B. Crabtree Co.�St. Paul Racquet Club 600 DeSoto V.M.Loc.1M " 6546'� "" � Superamerica Statfon, Inc. 395 RT. Lexington F�zel Dlr.-L�iq. " 6548" "" �, I ,-.Rrt Thole 357 selby Gas Sta.4P " 6596" "" I u n Gen.Rep.Garage u n n �mo u n C��3rette o u n nn � o a CZg.Qper.2I+? n n u nrn i James Bastyr 1286 Un�versity Barber " 6648" "" , �ervomation TC�O.L.P. Ii�gh Sohool 880 Portland V.M.Loc.lAi " 6804" 0" ° " 1� add.mach. n u n �s,n John T. Cincotta 1350 E. Maryland Beauty Shou " 6845tD N" ' '� " V.M.Loc.1M ° 6846n ao ` Pepsz. Co1a�Leonard J. Huberty 106� Hudson Rd. V.I�.Loc.lyd ° 685$�' Q" " �Charles I�tabrey 1370 E. Maryland V.M.Loc.1M " 6860" "" Don Varney 36o E. Magnolia Mtr.Veh.Dr. " (y9p1.�� n�r ; Robert E. Zust 141 PdcBoal Apt..301 Mtr.�eh.Dr. " 6919" "" �ary P. Garman 1256 Watson Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 69471° "" I i i , ��-� 3196� 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— '' Yeas Nays I Carlson �� 31g6� Dalglish pproved 19— � i Meredith �n Favor ; Peteraon �� ; Sprafka Mayor , Tedesco A gainst �� Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� Q� � ���'$ • �O �