D001318 /� • No. D QOE3t8 Date: �^�- V� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THPs MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDLR for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: McMUrray Field Soccer Development known as Contract 015693 , City Project No. L95-00-24 , CM Construction , Contractor, is composed of the following: Painting aluminum louvers. ADD $214.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 214.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as �Contract 015693 , and which amount is to be financed £rom: Original Contract Sum $157,323.00 Change Orders to Date -0- Amount this Chan�e 214.00 New Contract Sum $157,537.00 APPROVED AS TO U'"`� 19 �� C95-3E006-0882-34147 CM Construction Contractor By letter dated August 19. 1997 Chief Engineer Director of cc: City Clerk � Finance Department Department Accovnting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy 19_ b�����.LC?� ���.%���h� �'�/:�/9� e '7/ irector of Financial Services Y+--- � Ad ' i�Assistant to the Mayor 19 PEPAHTMENTfOFF{CElCOUNCIL DAT£INLT�ATED GREEN SHEET �S'��NO3��7 47 Parks and Recreation $�22�9� CONTACT PEp50N AND PHONE INITIAIJDA'�E INITIAVDA7E im BreWO� 266-6421 � DEPARIMENTDIRECTOP _CRYCAUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBER FOR 2 CRV ATTOflNEY 4 CIN CLQiK MUST 8E ON GOUNCIL qGEN�A BY (DATp flOUi1NG �r �''� � OPDER 3'Ff NANC1AL5ERVICESDIR �� u 5 PARKS&RECREATIOPI (VA MAVOR�ORASSISTANT) G _ TOTAL 8 OF 516NA7UFE PAGES � (CLIP AIL LOCAiIONS FOR SIGNANRE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement McMurray Field Soccer Development FECOMMENDATIONS: App�ove (A) 0� Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONRtACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONS: PIANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �, Has [his person/tirtn ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? _CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO Q STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employeet DISTRICTCOUNCIL YES NO — — 3. Ooes this parson/fi�m poss¢ss a skill not normally possessed by any currenk ciry employee? SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVEi VES NO Ezplain all yes anawers on separa[e s�eM and attach IO 9reen sheet. INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPofiTUNITY �Who, What, When, Where, luminum louver factory coat does not match trim color of building, requiring additional painting, ,g. ��"i',� :s . ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVEO: y RECE1VEt� �,:s�•� -.�; Lower color will match trim color. �� ` SEP 2 �997 ��. ; ��`��� ��� � � ��� C4TY CLERK �Q�� � � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ``" � None L �� DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Louver color will not matcfi color scheme of buitding. AL AMOUPfr OF TRANSACTION $ 27 4.00 COST/PEVENUE BUDGEfED �CIflCLE ONE) YE/ NO FlINDING SOUNCE CDBG ACTIVffY NUMBEq C95-3E006-0882-34147 FINANCIALINFORMATION: (EXPLAINI � � 68/19/1997 13:03 8958183 18 A:t�gust 9T City..of St Paul. 300 �City Ha�i Annez ' 25 YYest Fourth-SXreef Sf. Paui, k9At5s1D2 _ . . kNn: :tim �revver . CM CONSTRUCTION CO 1227b iJiCOLLET AVENUE SOUTH. BURNSV0.iE. MM 55337 • � Re: McMwray Sa¢cer Field Development De�r Jim, � i . 0 CM Gpnstriletion +s pteased td provide the toilowlh9 prfciog on fhe above referenced project as fillows: 9: ; G.4.; R�quest #1 (6lz19'� Paint aluminum Iouvers on b0ildin'g to match lri�n. Ap¢rov@d (6%2197} : � A, ��inting 2od.00 �' B. P& O.H: 5°!0 ` 10.00 C. Bond �% 4.00 ' Add ! ;� 2: CY.C:�12eqitest #2 (8l18j ' Remove'Ag Lirtie f ) acijacent areas, fie +�,�ith dit a'nd �geed-fo� Eurf astabl� ant. � '' A. �arkPiwork 9,OOd.00 B. , $98di�g 2,425.OD C. P& Q.H: b% � 598.00 Ll. 8orld Z% , 25C�.00 e�� — `�'1 — ' II thera are any queslians, ar if you nead addi6onal informatinn, piease don't 1lesit�{e.tQ cbntact rris. . ';. . Thank you. �y� ` �har7es`M; AQtersan_ ' CWI INC: Vfce Pte$ident � PAGE 01 �O13t8 �� - �;. cor�srnucnot� - COMPANY 89&8223 . FRX {612) 89SBi63 $214.00 $12,T71.00 i , ..�."__i�._ ___ Poat-it`Fa�cilote 7671 ote$( �7 *°, � v�w2r `4°"' G. , �.�w. e� �o.r�tn,C� ; PhonB u � P ons # F� > �Ra - � �Fa S F?�"