240480 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �A O A Q{� , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL � FoENCi� N0, `� `�Uv LICE�ISE C����TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October 3, 1.96$ COMMISSIONE DATF RE�L�TID: That applic�.tion for Ftestaurant, Qn. and Off Sale P�alt Beverage and Cigarette licenses� applied for by Bernard Keene and Vera Keller at 26 �'�est Tenth S-treet, be and the s�e axe hereby granted on the condition that within � days of this date said Bernaxd Keene and Vera Keller shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative �ale and all other applicable ordinances and laws� i- . � , .� ' �a - i { � , . � � . � , � �CY 3196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ; - Yeas Nays (�,�� � 196� ' Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor ' Peterson !1 � Mayor ; Sprafku �J . Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISI��A Q�T 5 196& } - ' �O � I S . + CITY O��SAINT PAUL ��Q4 Capital of Minnesota �O �e a�ti�e�t o c�b`ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commisatoner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inepeetor October 3, 1968 Honorable Niayor and City Counc�.l Saint Paul, Minnesota GentleMen: Bernard. Keene and Vera Keller make application for Restaurant, Qn and Off Sale P•Zalt �everage and C�.gaxette I,icenses for 26 tiJest Tenth Street tahich is on the s�uth side of the street betT�aeen Fdabasha and St. Peter •Streets. This locat�on has been licensed for a similar business since 1933. `rhe present licenee� T�eopold Huebl� has held such licenses at this loca�ion since October 19d0. P�Ir. Keene has been self-employed since 1957 as a truck driver. _ Mrs. Keller is a housewife and did bartending taork for Paul Gissinger, Jr. from 1963 to 1965� _ Very truly yours� �� ��`� �� �� License Inspector � p � , � � CITY �F SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT �1F P[TBLTC SAFETY - LICENSE DIP�SI(7N • Da te �`�p�� 19�_ G�- 1. Applicsation for �-� � � ' Lioense 2. .Name of appl�cant � • • 3. �Businesa address��° ,���'` f� �esidence 4/�Q GGrr�- .. � U 4. Trade name, 3.f �n�r .�,.'� - --- --- -- _= , �.S36q . • �- `, �► �. , , 5, Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Retail I,iquor Federal Taa^Stamp will be uaedo 6. {� v�rhat floor located `� Number of room.s used�_ � j�i4,Gu,1,4,- r 7. Betw�aen wh.at cross atreets Which side o� street , v . . ._ . . . _ . , _ _. ....-r._,.--._ _.. . ._ . 8. �Are premiaes now occupied�'Wliat businese �� How long�LG„�,.;e. �q,3.� ._ - - - • - - - . _.. __.._ _..__. _ , .. - - - - - - 9. �re premises now unoocupied�ow long vacant �-- E'revioiz�s,.�,.ns�.:.-r� :. 10. Are you a new owner'�rHave you been in a similar business before ° � �There 'GPhen 11. Are you going to operate this businsss personallq���,,,� �� If not, who will oparate it ' 12. Are you i.n. any other business at the present time _�%�U�R•?� 13. Have there been any csomplaints againat your operation o this type of place �'I.o _ 1�Phen li9h.e re � 14. Bave you ever had ar�y license revoked �'� VPhat reason and date 15. Are you a citizen of the IInited States_��-�i Native Naturalized _ ... -__._,_......_ . - 16. '4Phere i�are you born,�j�� Date of birth�,�e�' �9'_.��� 17. �I am�married. �Hy (tivi.fe's) (huaband t s j nsme and address is k ' ' , _ - ' _ � , - � 18. (If married ferr�le) my maiden name is • fJ ;, � ' - . . . �,,,. �,� 19. Hovp long have you lived in St. Paul ,�s 20. Have you ev�er been arrested� Violation of what criminal ls�r or ordi.nanoe 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City of St. Raul ���� Yse Nu� (Anawer full,y� and completely. yTheae a �lioations are thorou hl checl�d and an falaifiaation wrill be cause for denial.� i f � $FFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT j FOR' + RETAIL BEER OR LIQII�R LICENSE " Re s �'^'� Sa18 �����-,-�- Livense Name of applicant ��p �Zr��,�� ^ .,�-�.x==��y..i- Bus�.n.esa aaa�a$ d 'll/.,��'` >a���"' _- _ _ � � � ----� , �-�-�i„�� Are you the sole owner of this business?�j'l,O; T"f not, is it a p�rtnership? ��_ - -- ----- _ �--r a orporat ion? , other� Others interested in business, include thoae by loan of money, property or otheru�ise s Nam.e i�,rit�f.� /'CGs�✓� Addre s s S/�� I�/,!�/•/b��• � �R fiN c'� Y �V��r/ BRi6N��� � If a corporation, give its name � Are qou interested in any �ray in. any other getail Beer or Liquor business? �Z(r ' As sole o�mer? a� Partner? f2�� Stoekholder4 �'L� Othex�vise� (Through loan of maney, eto. E�cplain) Addresa of auch busineas and nature of in.terest in same -- - - � ._-- ' Signature of appl• oant State of P�inneaota) '� �ss - Co� of Ramsey - .- . -•_-- - - .. . __ ._ _ . . . ' � ����� ��./Y '` being first clul� aworn, depo�ea and say� upon oath that he has �read tfie-foregoing-affidavit��bea'ring�liis si�nature and l�,ows the � contents thereof; that tYi.e sairi��is trtie of lhis_ own knawrledge, except as to those matters therein statecl�upon in.formation and belief and as to those mattera he be- lieves them to be true. � - ` - Signature of applicant ; . . ,.,-,- • • , �Subscri and sworn. t re ms ! (� �his day of 19 lQ ; b _ ...�� � . =�:`t. ,�vr:i�ia��:�:�� � Notary . lics, Ramsey C ty, Minne � P�'�• �3msa�G9'�. �� , Aqy Co�tniss�n exPir�s fuM1'3�, My commission expires � 19 t � , � STATE OF BIIINNESOTA � SS COUNTY OF R�iMSEY � � �,p�� being first duly sworn, doth depose and sa�r that he makes this affidavit in oonnection �+rith applioation for " Sals" liquor license (" ��t/ Sale" malt beverage license) i� the City of . _ _ . . -- .-- - ,- -. --- - -- --- . .� - S'tate of �3sins s ota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the and has resided therein for '7- � years, mon.ths, and is - - - - �- - - State now and has been for the time abave mentioned a bona fide resident of said Q�� and that he naw reaides at N0.���00 �Q�o� �v� /VD. -/�e �� OtSca, $�iff�II�OtC, �inne s ota. ' , .,,� �✓.�1��—�- � � _ q. ` Subsorib�sd and swor to before me � � thia- �� �ay of 19`�� ' 'r ^\ \ 11Bt�tL�/\ � � . _ ,. . . • lW���v Y Notar;� l,ic, Ramsey ounty, Minnesota � . , ., � � Bl1y-c�omm:i s s i on ex p i re s J�RA�4�S W. �tYMO - rmrt�vy �c. �amssy��, • . �Y GaAmis�kn expnPS 3t�1 �,j�1� � � • � , � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTb�NT {)F P[TBLIC SAFETY ' LICENSE DIVISIGN '- , '� Date �' � 19 �� �� r �.,.��� 1. Application. for ��y� �y,,, , _ ��,,� �, .� � pn� � Licsense 2. Name of applicant ��,� �''��, � � ti 3. �Busineas address —r� �'� Residence �/� - - • . e 4. Trade name, if an�r, ' - •� " _ � ' ` � - . 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Retail Ziquor Federal Tax Stamp will be usedo -� - , _ 6. ('�s what floor located Number of rooma used�` � � - -- - - - - � --_... . _ _. _ , ?. ,Betwaen what cross straet ich side of atreet , � 8. Are premisea now occupied�,,fP�Wliat businesa�� .. �_�„ �, How long����� - - . (/ - 9. A�'e premises now un.occupied ow long vacant �• ; Previous use . ` ,,� ` , , �_ . .. _. - - . 10. Are you a new ov�mer�Have you bean in. a similar busineas before ��9 �fihere When 11. Are you going to operate thia buainess personally , If not, who will operate it 12. Are you i.n any other business at the present time ./1�,f} 13. Have there been any comp7.aints against your opsration of this type of p].ace When 7Jhe re � 14. Bava you ever had ar�r license revoked�ry�h�t reason and date 15. Are you a citizen of the IInited States Nativ�e " Naturalized 16. �ifhere w�are you bo • Date of birth �T�,r �'� 17. �I�_married. My (tivi.fe's� (hus and's j name and addresa is ` 7`� �' ` - y = . 18. (If married female) my maiden name is � 19. Haw long h�ve you lived in St. Paul Zd �-,���/UJ _ . � 20. Have you ev�er been arreste�7�Violation of what oriminsl law or ordi.nanoe fi ,_ 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Paul Yes _L1vd,. . - —�� (An.swer full,y and csompletel,y. JTheae a �lications are thorou hl checlflad and an falaifioation will be cause for denial.� • AF'FIDAVIT BY APPI,ICANT r FOR' ' RETAIL BEER OR LIQU�R LICENSE Re: ('.T� Sale �,,,� ��� �L�.oense Name of applicant �,��,� k,��� Business addreas � � (,� �� � Are you the sole owner of this busin.ess? . I�f not, is it a partnership? ' �..---•--- . c orporat ion? , other3 � - Others interested in, business, include those by loan of money, propert� or otheru�.ses Name ���.P.G,,,Q Addresa1��s� GG� IGuC�,p, gaw �G�jt, If a corpora'tion, give its name „ ,,�,,,�,� ` . - . �'-,.:-t.--, - - Are you interested i.n'any way in any other Retail Bser or Liquor busineas? /L'�'t� As sole owner? �2,J Partner? /v'� StoekholderY Otherwise3 (Through loan of money, eto. E�plain� Address of such business and nature of in.terest in same ' • . _ z�nature of applicant State of �dinnesota� � ._ �ss Co ty of Ramse � i _._.._ _ . ..� - - - . , . � � �+� _ ��-�� ��� -� � " being first��clizly�aworri.; depoaes and says upon oath that�.he-•lias �read the f oregoisig-affidavit'bea"r�ng�his si�nature and l�.o�rs the contents thereof; that th.e' sams�is trus of' lhis` ovirn laiowledge, except as to those matters therein stated�upon in.form9tion and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. z - ; , ��I� . •ignature of a pplicant , , - _ � - . �Subacribedrand swqrn. t be. or me � • _ this �day"of 19 �p � � = �• -- � . , ,, Notary ; , , ey Coun y, eso ' ��• �� 1 . � . . 1ea8,.�Pts�akG�xns�t��,i�• �a�cxp�3�i 1��18ap My co�ission expirea ' �.��,,,., _., � � y . . � J STATE OF MINNESOTA � ) SS COUNTY 4F R,qMS'EY ) ��i�ta- (��Ei�tf+r ^ being first dul�r sworn, doth depoSe and sa� that�he makes this affidavit in. o�nnection with applioation for " Sale" liquor license (" Q Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of - - - • - �- -----N.. ._ _ _.- -- ------ -- � - State of b4innes ota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that qour affiant is a resident of the and has resided therein for p� O � years, m�nths, and is - -_ - - - - - - - Sta te nouv an.d ha s been for the time ab ove menti oned a b ona f ide re side nt of sa id � and that �j he now reaides at N0. � /f�,�/, di� Yr • . . --� -� ��, �dinne s ota. _ � Subsoribed and sworn to before me -��thi r�,-'day of 19 � � � `v � .� � • _ " - � Notary b �, Ramsey C�un y, 'nnesota . �: � „ •. - - ,, - s�.._~a. � .�y commisaion expires " " c�•s�c���a_ �W�°���•• ` = _'' ., i. ' Nt�}I��EiC• �3R15C��'G�i`�q� . Mq Gat�trtiss�cn exprces tui� 16,I�70 � � r _�