240477 Ori�inal to Clty Clerk � ORDINANCE �,����'�'�. � � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY C!�`1 ORDINANCE NO _ / . A.n o inance amending Ordinance No.' ?607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of � positions i_n. the Classi.fied Servtce of the Gity, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, � 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the titles in the specifications for Assistant Chief Pumping Engineer, , Chief Pumping Engineer, and Custodian-Engineer (Library Buildi.ngs); � and by substi�a.ting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following titles: I I Assistant Supervisor of Pumping ' Supervlsor of Pumping Building Mai.ntenance Supervisor--Libraries Se.ction 2. This_ orcli.nance shall take effect and be in force on the -- � first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, . approval, and publication. i , r . NOV 15 196� Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the ouncil Carlson � ' Dalglish Tn Favor / Meredith � i (a Peterson '� � Against Sprafka ��` NOV�15 1968 r: Preaident ( Ap ved: at: /���, /� � City lerk Mayor �� � orm approved Corporation Counsel By ��°� �lv� '�UBLISHE� ��V 2 3 196� / � I st r� , ' 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app /� �v—Adopted� I � Yeas �I ays as , Nays � arison \ arlson \ alglish \Dalglish \Meredith .�,��i eredith 6 �� � Peterson ( _ eterson v t, �� Sprafka \ Tedesco �edecco�. � Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne �O