240448 ORIGINAL$O CITY CLERK ���J��� � � " CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - 'LICENS� Cor•�tI2"rEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October �.� 1g68 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOZVID; �That Application for the transfer of portion of license No. l�132��covering Foodstuff� On and. Off Sale Malt �everage and Cigarette ONT,Y� e�iring June 1l�, 1969, issued to Michael E. and Mrs. Jeanette Maggi at 453-5 Collins Street, be and the same are hereby transferred to riichael E. and Mrs. Jeanette I�qaggi at 883 Payne �.venueo . TRANS� (�,ocation) OTdLY � Informally approved by Council Sept. 19� and 20, 1968 p1d I,ocation OCT 1 1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� 1 ���� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith / Tn Favor Peterson � � Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 'PUBL��HEB OCT 51968 �O i , CITY OF� �SAIN� PAUL � � S— : --� Capital of Minnesota � �� , ` � `� � �e a�ti�e�t o c���ic �a et � p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION R'ILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Comminaioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inepeetor September 19� 1968 . Honorable riayor and City Council • Saint Paul, Mi.rmesota Gentlemens - �t present Michael E. and Mrs. Jeannette t�iaggi are licensees at �.53-5 Collin Street, holcling Foods�uff, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage� Tavern, Dance Ha11, and. Cigarette Licenses No. l�132, all expiring June 1l�, 1969• • They have so been licensed at this address since June i955. Because the City of St. Paul will acquire the property at this address due to a final order of the City �ouncil� for the extension of the Arch-Pennsylvania Highiaay, they will be forced out ^ of business at this loc ation. . Therefore, applic ation is made by them to t ransfer their licenses to 883 Payne Avenue which is located on the West side of the street bettaeen York and Wells Avenues. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1936, as _a 3.2 establishment only. The tavern and dance hall portion would be nesa for this location. The current licensee at 883 Payne Avenue� Welington G. Bergraan, has held similar licenses at this address since August 1967. He has advised that if the above transfer if approved, he ��ould discontinue his business as l�censee at 883 Payne Ave. Attached besides their informal applications for this transfer is a copy of a letter of notification to them from the Bureau of Valuations, City of St. Paul relative to the status of �-53-5 Collins Street. Very truly yours� ��,.� �� � ' � L3.cense Insp ector ��i%_" o�• �j O . � b � .,_ - -1/'Y��/ , . „ CITY �F SAINT PAUL ' DEPARTMENT ()F' P(TBLIC SAFETY • , LICENSE DIVISI"(7N � / p Date �' ,� _ 19 fj 4 . � � * 1. Application for �J� � ��' ��/� � � -• • • • � Licsense � 4 t ' ..�� �-� �� . �� �+ ��l 2. Nama of applioant i C � 3. .Business addresa /�fi- `e, Residence (� �� V / S.�.c�► (� I a 4. Trade name, 3f ar�y ., M1�� , �' � .� �'� ; -� - -- - - --- - .- --- - _.. ._ - �- - 5. Retail Bear Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp will be usedo - -- _ - � 6. Cm. what floor located I � Number of rooma used� � -- - - - _ ' 7. Betwesn svhat cross streetsy'��K�" IFU��Ph.ich side of atreet (i(J� S� �`- - 8. �Are premiaes now'oacupied 'e.�Yiat businesa �c ,� /�t1��E��ow long � � � _ . _ . . � -.. - --._. ..- -, r _ - . t 9. �re premisea now unoccupied�HaPr long vacant � � Previous use r , . � r , , � 10. Are you a new own.er �,�jHave you been in a ai.milar buainess before ;� � ' �There �s . G.' ' When �O 1� 11. Are you going to operate this buainess personally �° If not, who will operate it 12. Are you in anq other business at the gresent t9.me � •� /�}-��°� � 13. �Have there besn any complaints against your operation of this type of plaoe (7 VPhen � �+ � �9h.ere � . _ _. !� 14. Eave you ever had ax�y license revoked �- - � V�hat reason and date , . - -- -- - - - � �:,t ':: . 15. Are you a aitizen of the IInited States Native�_Naturalized��,�'_---'"� - L ��� �� � �� �� � 16. 'PVhe re w�re you b orn t W e e of b i r'th �"` ``r:s� . _ _ ..... �- _ .. � 17. I am. znarried. My (wife's) name and addresa is _ •Y--�,�_ _� �� \� � �V Y�i � 1 � _r � 1. � � �� � � v �'�y.I� .�'..�n `,4 \ 18. (If married female) m� maiden name is � � " 19. Hor� long have you lived in St. Paul � 20. Eave you ev�er been arrested �s Violation of what ariminal la�r or ordi.nanoe C�� ��� �� . 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City of St. Paul Yes No. (Anewer full,y and aomplete].y. �These a� 'lioations are t orou hl checl�d and an falaifioation �vi.11 be cause for denial.. � AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT ' • FOR • ,' -° RETAIL BEER OR LIQIIOR LICENSE Re s Sa 1e ' � v�,�'e�/ Lioense � � � r Name of applicant Business addreas �- ��. .' �� . $re you the sole ogmer of this buein.ess? . T�f not, is it a partnership� 0 orporat ion? � , other3 Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otheru�ise: Name �(.�`� �i Ad@re s s How ' If a corporation, give its name '�—" � Are you intarested in any ro�ray in any other getail Besr or Liquor business?�_Q . . _�.. As sole o�mer� Partner? Stoekholder'� D�herwise`� (Through loan of money, eta. E�plain� Addresa of auch business and nature of interest in same P Signature of ap lioant State of Minnesota� ' ' �ss County of �mse�r e � ...- - - - __ . .., _ . - � G�� � � �� being f irst��cluly aworri., deposes a�.d says upon oa h that he has�read the foregoing affidavit'�bea'rin.g ha.s si�nature and l�.ows the contents thereof; that the same�is true of his- own l�owledge, exaept �s to those matters therein stated�upon in.formgtion and bolief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. \ k Signature of applicant _ Sub;scr�.�ied and awor,n t. �.before me _this 3 � `�da�o�of�r�� � 19�� • - " -• . c� ,� � � •s� �`�,i,�g' - - -- � • f No P�b;�`ia� ey County, �innesota ' , �°tio�o��o,�'�.ti� . �My camm�saion:expires /Z 3D 19� ' y� 1.`, . � i ` '� . . ,+ . STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS CQITNTY OF RA�SEY � - � �( -_-_ . --- - • - c � being first duly aworn, doth depose an.d eay that he makes this ffid i i.n. aonnection zvith appliaation for .. _.. _. . . - - �- --- Q�. ....-- - - - � --- .._ - •— - • - - " Sale" liquor license (" � Sale" malt beverage license) in the Ci.ty of . - - • - - --��. ._._ _ _ -- ---- - -� - - Stat'e oP I+�inne s o�a Sai.nt Paul, Minneaota; that your affiant is a resident of the aixl has reaided therein for ars, mon.ths, and is _ _ . - - -- - � - - State nvw and has been f'or the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of 'd , and that he naw reaides at N0. C9 � • -- ��, �6inne a ota. . � b � _` Subsor,ibed and sworn to before me � . � - " �`'-'��` �vFt�* �;�o�. � -� �this ' _ -day,, 6$ 19 �� - �- . . �E - _ _ = - " OP'e• Q�c . , , ,,l Not ^,�Y�cs; Ramsey Coun.ty, Minnesota f� �6y cam�i%ssion expires /� jo 73 � �ly� � ` �l . . . , � CITY �F SQINT PAUL ' DEPARTMENT flF PUBLIC SAFETY t � o . �ICENSE DIVISIOid ' ,� /� � 19��Z/� � Da te 1. Application f or �• � l. � - �' ' ' " License _ � 2. Idame*of applicant ��°fl-f�•� / � � �' , �� � � 3. •Businesa address � �� �Residence � / .� �� 2� • ` 9 �� , ' . 4. Trade name, 3f ar�r � l / C.,° Y/�`U . 5. 8etail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Itetail Liquor Federal Tax_Stamp �will be used. 6. {� what floor located J � Number of rooma used�.^ � 7. Betwaen wi�at cross streets ,- � �1Nhich side of street � S.� 8. Are premiaes now occupied ('�'VPliat businese %���* �veK�Haw long �jc� , _ _ . . _ . _.. _ __... ._..._.. _.-_ ". , ; � .. 9. ��e premisea now unocaupied�How long vaoant • Previous`use�' _ • - � �j� ` -- - _-- --- --. ' � i � '" - s � 10; �Ar.e you a new� o�nier '� - Have, you been in a simila busine'ss before . _ � '� . �,k ,� -----7 �!i here ��� , __ ��,-il�Phen C� "lJ T � , z , --- -- - 11. Are you going-to operate this buainess personally -� If not, who will operate it - - - - --- - --- - - ---- � 12. Are you in any other busineas at the gresent tims �� .� �- .` /�`1���� �/ 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type of place ` VPhen � 11Vh.ere � . ,`` . � 14. •Bave you eve'r had any license revoked� Q �hat reason ansi date . '� , , ,, 15. Are you a citizen of the Un:i.ted States�`Nativ�e � Naturalized `_ ' ' .� .� . ��- t ' : :�J 'v 16. where w�are you born d � t �RW � `=1�1 �''�Date of birth �— aa,�"�',=��- '�y � �J �- __� _ 17. -I am. � married. My (�� (husbandfs) name and addresa is = _ =1 _ � � �-�1�-�L. -- � '7,� .� ��/ �� C�- c� -��"y-; ,.;� ''; . - � - _, - � , r;� �1'; �,,. / .,f _ ��, 18. (If married female) my maiden nams is � /�, fl� / �/ t7 "-_� �1'' 19. How� long have you lived in St. Paul / 20. Have you ev�er been arreated �C'_ Violation of what 02`�mincs]. ].p�p or ordinance , � ! � 21. Are you a registered vo r in the City of St. Paul Yea No. (Answer full,y an�i completely, �These a� �lioations are thorou hl chec�ed and an falaifiaation �rill be cause for denial.. . AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT ° �- FOR � .'� • RETAIL BEER �R LIQII�R LICEN3E � Re: Sa1e ��, ���Liaenae , Name of applicant - e�-(,(� � e / Business address �- °� � Are you the sole owner of this busi.n.ess? . T�f not, '� it a partnership� ,_fn aorporation?, , other3 � � � /f}!u � . _ _- --- - ._ , - - - - a Others inter ted in. business, include those by loan of money, property or otheravise s Name � �Q � "�1 Addre s s Haw r If a corporation, give its name Are you interested in any �rray in any other Retail Baer or Ziquor busine ss? (' As sole o�mer? Partner? Stockholder? Otherwise� (Through loan of money, etc. Egcplain) Addre s a of a uch bus ine ss and nature of inte re st in same _ _. � .`_ . � nature o applica - State of B�innesota) - �ss Cow�.ty of Ramsey `����'1/�� ��- �!'��"� �, being first-cluly aworn; depoaes and says upon. oath that he has�read the f oregoing affidavit�-bear�ng�his signature and l�.ows the contents thereof; that the� sams�is true of his� ovvn l�owrledge, except �as to those matters therein stated�upon infor�tion and bolief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. r � .� S' ture of applicant � Sab s�e�°i��ed and aworn.t�i y f ore ms 'r '_�+h�.s '� ' vday gfi ti 19 �U �' ` ' Gse� �� ---- `L. r1� � 1:c - ��_?� ub�lA''��?;y� ey county, �innesota . �- � ��`���{; � - My-�eoam�i��.�'nn- expires �a ,3d 19� � f � ti �� --t �_4- . .: R . . � . , <• .. . STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS COUNTY OF RAN[5EY ) � �'V�/�- � , being first duly sworn, doth depose � and say that�he makes this affidavit in. aonnection �rith applioation for " Sale" liquor license ("��-=L=Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of Sta te of Minne s ota Saint Paul, MinnesotQ; that your affiant is a resident of' the arxl has reaided therein for � ars, � months, and ie • - - - - - - - Sta�e now and ha s been for the time ab ove menti oned a b on� f ide re side nt of sa id / and that �he now reaides at N0. t t..(, � . J ��, �dinne s ota. r � ;.,:• f �� , - - • -- - - _ -z'Sub"saribed and sworn to before me . _ � ' � ti} . . ���� `�0�3 0 - �,_. � �this ��� d�'� 9 19 � � -^ RaE � e :i%'' - �b `s�' ` `: No ' , Ramsey County, Minnesota _ ";�; . '�� T,�jr�oonn�tisaion expirea �� �� �� ' ; ♦ .t . " f ( " . " • . J. WILLIAM DONOVAN ` • 223-5317 , Valuation Engineer � � � F ' � ' • • � ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U.L , ` -: �:;E,? _�a � ��` ' as5�� vai�ar�o� e�9��ee► . ' BUREAU OF VALUATIONS � . `. . ^ "^� � • , 4 286 Cify Hell ' -, . - • .. ! Seint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' � -_t; ' ��� � ' � : �OO ' • � , �"��}; ?°'r,, . ., ,� � September 17, 1968 . - � � �;, . ` + ' 1 � ' . � � • . . . Micha.el F. and Jeanette�Maggi � . . : ,° � ' 675 Otsego Street � , � ' � , F � ' • , . St. Paul, Minne sota � . , I � , > . ' ' Dear Sir and Mada.m: � ` ' ' � • ` � � , . � This is to advise that the premises located at �+53-�+57 Collins Street,�.�'�•� �_'s � �:.#, more particularly described as: ' � . :�:•;'-ir:; _ `,� ' , , . That part of Lot l, Block 11, Waxren & Wi.nslows addition � � ,�, �4�` , - to the Town of St, Pa.ul, lying north of Colla.ns Street, acc., ,;•,",�J�� , � • . , , 1� ,.:Yr- a ; , . for whicYi your names appear as record owners, must be acquired by the " ' ,5;, � � City of St. Pa,ul in the very near flzture for the Arch-Pennsylvania � - �.��' i'�� Highway. :';'� � � , The City Council has alreac�y passed a final order directing the acqui- � � sition of your property through the process of eminent domain, but be- -.� �s ,- ; �,. 1�.-: - . . � cause the Highway Depaxtment postponed the deadline for this acquisi- • ,; , , tion until 1969, the City h,as not proceeded beyond the final order. � ' `�; � I't is naw necessary that the Cit3r continue the condemnation proceed- - ` . ' _' ings in order to insure possession by the City in sufficient time to ' "., ° demolish the building and to ma.ke the site available for the construc-� �� �' � � , �-- � tion of the s�b�ect highway. • `` . . It is estimated that t�ie hearing 3.n connection with the ratification ,""j�.�.�.: :'�� ��', : of the awaxd for da.mages will be scheduled to be heaxcl before the City .��F-�,`� .�.a �:;';' Council on October 16, i968. You will receive a personal service ' �;•.���';;;'`�' " in connection with this heaxing, and this letter is not meant to be ��� •Y_;^�Y`;'`_��.�.;.';,T;���. a notification of the hearing but rather for your informa.tion and , , ._,�.:.��.•, ,,, '�,. ' records concerning the. status of your property. . . �Y=;,i:R•::r : ?�� ; ,,.. . _ .. j" . I will be pleased to meet`with you to discuss this matter in more detai].:� ','; , ', .�� ; , - . � . - . � Very truly yo , • : . .1r ..�r°y;z, . ,', , •GV�:.e��-r....—,..� �,�,"r f��� �,,f� , J. Willia.m Donovan � x, �� �;� '� ' ��Y� ' ' Valuation Engineer � ' �" ' , ` File No. 17087-E , . � � . � , .- , - :.. � ' Parcel 2 ' _: . , , . , . -.,,• ,�:; . - . . . � cc: Carl Zarson, 859 Thomas Avenue � � . � , �, ', � �. , ' � �` Ernest Ki.ndig Jr., 265 West Rose ' � � ; . . � ' . .;. - "��� " � ,�� , � � Glen Kindig, 1007 Baxrett St. ' ' • � • � � , ., ` � ' ' j�� Haward Gelb, Attorney � ," ' , • ; , f� �; - • '� , =,;.e . _ , . , - - - � " ' i . . . '. �, � � �- � CITY OF SAINT PAUL . � ; " Capital of Minneaota �e a�t�e�t o c��`ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,DeDOty Commiaa[oner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inepeetor September 20� 1968 Honorable Mayor and City Council Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The Honorable Body havin� indicated that they would not act upon a letter of appli.cation by Michael E. and Mrs. Maggi for the transfer of the licenses they hold at"l�53-5 �ollins �treet to 883 Fayne Avenue� submitted on IEhursday� September 19� 1968� �because the licenses also covered Tavern and Dance Hall, requested a supplement Ietter of applzcation elimi.nating these items. '7-'herefore� this is a supplement letter of application to the original letter of application, requesting the transfer of License No. 1�132, expiri.ng June 11�, i969, covering the portion of �'oodstuff� Om and Off Sale Malt �everage and C�.garette OIV�Y from �.53-5 Collins �treet to 883 Payne Avenue. Very truly yours� ` � U' � License Inspecto r . � �r � J _ � �p _.�-�.� _ _ ' _ �-�- �--- —_— — -------- -- - � ---- - -- - --- --------- — - � n , - = , , < < _ : � , _^ . . _ ._ - � , E LETTEf� GE-'�'iIP:G �:+'Ff:;iill�',� APPF{OVE,?_ .,,,r .� i , + , . i �_ , . 8e . 19, 1968 C� �;}iss�� -':• Qf �`ub13 c Safe�y, • � �_ � Terit�ll ts� � ?�w�.r+�•sqtR, St$, � �• , L�• rCtii.tC! i����i�• . . ` `�� . � ` �� 1 ` Hon. Wi111am E. C�rlson, � Comsr. of Public Safety, " , Tenth and Minn. Sts., St. Paul� Minn. � --� '`. . el P. NkLaughlin Deas 83r: � � � The Ci�y Counc, l toda,y ac �e v ably upon Commiseioner Carlaon s motion to �r��t ap 1 of"the beer transfer � and n�t,the tav�ern at t �' e' . ' e at hed letter. �/�`' � , WiZl�yoii`�ile p�ep�re� cuatomary reaolution? � Very tru].y youre, . ` . . � . � ��„/t City Clerk MS/hP 1 i � � ' . � - !%��� � , . ' � � � ,_ ,� -- ---� . " - _ � . , ..� . ; - . LE�TER GRANTTr1G INFQF�.��tAL APs?OVAL____.�, � _.._ -�--` _------- . ` __ �- --� `1^ Y � " .:ZiI'L'l4 :�T�.Ci\�l� �,__ . Sept. �0� �� '.� ' i ' � . � � • r�M#' i �` . . \ C�... , �sianer nf Public Safety, • � T�r��t aii�l ?fir�t�esota, �ts. , - �. , � Hoa: Wi113am��F;:'Carleon, , � � Camsr. of Pnblic Sa�ety, � Tenth and Minn. Sta., ' � ' St. Paul, Minn. , � Att . Da P. McLe,ughli.n �• ���i � - , � Dear Sir s - �. � / `�. / . ' The City Council today_ infor approved the applicat�io� � � o� Micha.el E. and Mra. Jea , � i ` the transfer o� Foodst f;; � On ar� O�f 8a1e Malt Bever,' a et � Ia,Y from, 453-5 Colli� � ' Street to 883 Pa�►ne Aven ��� : ` ` ` � f i � � � , , Will you pleas �` repare th ustomexy res,�lution? �� � � � �� �� � � � �. . . i � Very �ruly Yours, . + � P'� - f , ; F � 1 � � � �_�f� . City Clerk , _ � i ° AO/hp �=� • � � l _�.,.,; i � _. • �� �'- ---^-_--__ � ;- � _ —�—., -- -- - -- -- - - - — �.. ....� ,., '