240421 I ����� , ORIGtNAL TO CITY CL6RK J� r► ��` CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NQ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCI S LUTION— E RAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F PeterBOn COMMISSIONE ATF WBSRBAS, Deduction Whieh �ight prove to be necessarq in the Improvement dmscribed as the FOREST-E[1CLID RBLIEF SYSTSM, Coaaptroller�s Contract No. L-7035, Lamntti � Sons, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specification�, and WASRBAS, It has been fonnd necessary to nake tbe tollowing Dedaction: DEDUCTION Delete raplaceaent of castings aad top slab on e�cieting inlet aanholes (center eells) and de•liver the aev cover and ring castiags to seWer aaintenance yerd for a dedaction of $50.00 per mnnhole M}h, Deleta top slab and castings 66 @ $50.00 each - $3,300.00 Total Dednction - $3,300.00 and WfffitSAS, The totnl dednction is $3,300.00 aAd the Co�issioner of Public Worke .has agreed witb the Contractor tbat tbe amount of $3,300.00 is the correct . . , sum to be deducted from eaid contract, therefore be it _ ^ . ._~';.v:, .�,k,,: RBSOLVED, Thnt the City of St. Faul through itc �itq Conncil approves the formgoiag deductioa made in accordance With the Sp�cifications in ths aum of $3,300.00, �aid amount to be deducted fro� the lu�p tnm considmration nened in thQ eontract, known as Co�ptroller's Contract L-7035. +�CT 1 1�6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �CT' 1 196� Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19—.._ Tr +• + �n�iiaiiu� r Tn �'aVOY' Meredith � ��� Mayor A gainst �. � �`�gs�.���x'::. . PU�LISHf� QC� 5196� Mr. Vice Yr::siden'� ';' •�•+��� �� �Q�4�� DUl4.tCATL TO rRIN'IER ,• ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY ROU@Y'C �. Pet�rson COMMISSIONER DATF �AS. 13eduction Which •ight prove to be neees�ry in the Inprove�ent describe8 as the M�AL.RT-BtJCLID �SL�F SYST�, Co�ptrol�er's Contr�c� �to. L-7U�S, La�„a�etti 6e Sons, Inc., Contraetor� have been provided for in the Specitic�tion�, �nd • W�AS. It lu� been foqad nacesaary to aake tha follo�ring Dedr�ctiont DEDUCTIO�f D�lete r�placeseat of casti,nge aad �op slab on exiatiA� inlet saAtales (ceater wells) nnd d�liver the rEnM co�er mnd rin� castin�a Ca ssw�r �intenJtnce �ard for a dec�ction af �SO.QO p�r s�ahole DAlett top elab aad c�atin�s �6 Q �SQ.00 each - $3,3(?0.0� To�dl pec�ction - $3,3Q0.00 and W�EREAJ, The �otal dRarictioa is �3.30b.00 and the Coa�iseipner o!` Pqblic Siorks hms esgreed W3th tbe Con�racto� that tl�e �o�nti of �3,300.00 is the correct s� to be dad�cCed $ros s��d contract. thnretorQ he tt xB30LV�D, That t�e Ctty �f 3t. P+�sl throngh its Gitg► Conncil apprn��s ths £or��oing dedqct�.on a�de in accord�c�ee �th the Spscificatior�s in the �� of $3.300.OQ, caid �r�t tio b� d�ch�ct�d fraa the ltarp �tt� conaider�tion �d in th� eontrect, kno�m as Co�troYler�a Gontr�ct L-7035. �T 1 1�6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��°T 1 1��� Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19—_ � ' Tn Favor Meredith -et��, � Mayor A gainst ����:��:€....... Mr. wice Yresident (P::;cr:.an1 �°�