240363 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEItK �°�o��(� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. �' �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL L TIO —G E _ L FORM C MM SS�IONE Robert F I�etersoa �' -p�TF WHBREAS, DSDUG'PIONS end Additioac which might prove to be necessary in the I�provament describnd ae Gradiag, Surfacing and��Construction of Curb t�ad Gutter on MITCBSLL AVSNtJB froa pinthrop to Michael; also Grade, Surface and Constr�ct Curb and Gutter on POWERS AVBPIUE from Winthrop Street to Michael Str�et, Co�ptrol- ler's Cantract L-6971, Tower Asphalt, Inc., Contsactor�have been provided for in the Specif ications, and WABREAS, It has been found necessary to make tha following Daduction and Additio�: DEDUCTION � 118 Lin. Ft. of curb and gutter was inetalled under permit previoum� to coatract w�ork at Lot 12, Blk. 7, South Battle Creek Seights. G-1715. 118 Lin. Ft. B6-24 concrete carb and gutter @ $2.40 a $283.20 ADDITION Remove and reconatruct B6-24 curb � gutter at S.S, coraer of Fowers Ave. nnd Winthrop St. to match new �rk. 8 Lin: 'Ft. w, � $3.40 = $ 26.40 Co�t to bQ pro-rated nnd asseased agaiast total frontage, G-1716 TOTAL NST DBDUGTION $256.80 And � l�SRSAS, The total deduction is $256.80 and the Comnissioner of Fublic Worke � has agreed with the Contrnctor that the aeount of $256.80 is the correct sum to be � deducted fro� said contract; therefore be it -.'� _ RBSOLVSD, Thet the City of St. Faul through ita City Council apprnves the foregoiag deduction made in accordance with the Specificatione in the sum of $256.80, said ae�unt to be deducted fro� the Iump eum consideration named in the contract, known as Cosptroller's Contract L-6971. . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council SEP � 5 19s� 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish proverl -��� � `� 195� 1g�_ � Favor Meredith '� Peterson Mayor A gainst Tedesco � Mr. President, Byrne P�1�LrSHEa ��P 2 8 1968 ���t . �O � DUPLICATL TO PRINTLR 240���3 Y CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SSDONER RQ��C F• P�L�L'i0II DATF W&B�SAS, HEDtJGTf011S and Addit3ona xhicb wi�ht pro�re to bs nea��cary in tt� Lpm�r�nt d�acrib�d a� Gradin�, Sarfacin� and Co�tr�ction of Curb uid Gutt�r oA MTT(�LL AVEIiUB fx�a Wintbrop to Micluel; also Grad�� Snrf'aae and Conatruct Curb and 6ntt�r on POWSRS AVE�tqE froa Winthrop Str��t to Michasl Str4et, Cosptrol- lar's Contract �.-6971, Tower Asplult, Inc., CoAtre�ceor tur� be�n pio�ided for iA tlu Specifications, a�,ttd W�tS�lS. It haa baen foand n�c�sedry to �k� ths following D�d�ction and Additions D�DUGTI011 118 Lin. Ft. o� ct�rb 4nd �nt�er wae iaat�lltd nnd�r per�it pra�io�s to contraet vork at x,ot 12, Blk. 7. Soatb Batt1� Crs�k H�i�ht4. G-171S. 11� Lin. Pt. D6-24 concrete curb aad �utt�r Q� $2.�r0 = �28�.20 ADDTTYO�f A�ov� and r�coaatruct 86-24 curb 6 �ntter at 5.�. corn�r of Powr� Ave. and Qinthrop St. to �atch ne�o �ork. • � Lin. Bt. i $�.40 = $ 26,�►0 Coat to be pro-rated a�d a6oe0�ed �saia�t total fronta�e� 6-1716 � ' TOTAL !BT D�DOGTI011 $25b'�0 Md ' iiBSREAS, Th� total d�nctioa i� $256.80 and ttu Co■�issioner of P�blic Worlc� has agr�ed with the Cot�trartor that ths aaount of $256.�0 ia the corr�ct sua to bt dednctod froi 8ai�d contract, th�rafor� bo it RE80LV�D� That ths City of St. Faul tbrcwgh ita City Cp�acil appro��a tts� forsgoin� dednction �ad� in accordaacs with th� Sp�cifications in th� s�ts of $256.�0, smid a�onnt to b� ded�ct�d f� tlu lnap aua consid�Yation aased ia tha contraet, kaoWn as Coap�roller'8 Contract L-6971. ��,P z � 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��;� ? � 1�"� Dalglish Approved 19—_ �' � Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Peteraon � � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ` �O