240361 y � . OdYinal to City Clerk .� �� ORDINANCE ��pe , `��� COUNCIL FILE NO. < PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13542, approved January 31 , 1967, pertaining to No Parking Zones. THE COUNCIL OF THE L�'ITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Ordinance No: 13542, approved January 31 , 1967, is hereby amended by deleting the following from Section S thereof: STREET FROM TO SIDE HOURS Maryland Ave. Abell St. Barclay St. Both 7:00-9:00 A.M. 4:00-6:00 P.M. Section 2. That Ordinance No. 13542, approved January 31 , 1967, . is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 5 thereof: STREET FROM TO SIDE HOURS Maryland Ave. Abell St. Hazelwood St. Both 7:00-g:00 A.M. 4:00-6:0o P.M. Section 3. This ordinance shall not be printed as part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code but shall be incorporated therein by reference. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty , (30) days from and after its �passage, approval and publication. i�„ �CT 10196� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dal lish � ���g S p ra f ka n Favor -�'����� A gainst ..Tedesco ••• r. �:......�:�:'7:.�.......= p �96� ' :.P�rQai:�en�:o(By���):::: � °T 1 .N � ice Yreeident et �) r Approved: Att t: , � Cit lerk �. 1'n� yor �O � Form approved Corporation Counsel By � L % . pUBLISHED OCT 19 1968 ,t•� y , /d/�/ I st q 'S =� ` 2nd Laid over to � 3rd and app /� —Adopted � 9I� � . 1 Yea Nays Y�@as Nays � Cerlson � Carlson �Dalglish � 1 Dalglish `Meredi+h �ii#r �eterson ��a�� ei� on . � \prafka � � Sprafka . � " �\Tedesco Tedesco , Mr. President Byrne �e:fi;t;:�j�'. ,;;•;,1.�x,:•;;���=s,;..:;.p,;:::; �'�e: .:eiia ° ���� _ t ( eterson) f �ys f �