04-824Council File # Q�
Green Sheet # 206677
Presented By:
Referred To: Committee:Date:
2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent, pursuant to the attached grant application,
3 needs City Council review and endorsement of the attached Safe and Sober grant application; and
5 WHEREAS, this grant provides funding to increase compliance with traffic safety laws by enhanced
6 enforcement of traffic laws coupled with education and media relations; and
8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts this grant, if granted, and authorizes the
9 CiTy of Saint Paul to enter into, and Chief John Harrington to implement a grant agreement with the
10 Minnesota Department of Public Safety.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date�
Adoptioe� Certified by Council
By: _�
Approved by
o�f- ga�
Saint Paul Police Department �`"��/
As the second lazaest and Capital City of Minnesota, Saint Paul is located in the heart of
the lazgest population center of the State. The City of St. Paul hosts many events which
draw large crowds creating traffic problems. The Nfinnesota State Fair and Taste of
Minnesota are the longest n,nn;ng events in the City. The Xce1 Energy Center hosts
concerts, professional hockey, State High Schooi Toumaments, a Hmong New Year
Festival and conventions on a regular basis. The Ciry has a diverse ethnic makeup which
draws in people from azound the United States to the Hmong Soccer Festival, Cinco de
Mayo and Rondo Days. Saturday nights during the summer, the City of St. Paul has a car
show and street rods where officers are assigned to traffic enforcement duties.
The project director for the 2005 grant will be Ser�eant Dan Malmgren. Sergeant Dan
Malmgren has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physics and Mathematics from Hamline
University, Bachelor of Science degree in Law Enforcement and Masters of Arts Degree
in Public Administration from Minnesota University — Mankato. He has been with the
St. Pau1 Police Department for 15 yeazs, the last ei2ht yeazs as a Sergeant. He is
experienced in supervision, administration and investigation. He has been assigned to the
Traffic and Accident Unit the last two years. He serves on the Minnesota Criminal
Justice System DWI Task Farce which successfully lobbied for lowering the alcohol limit
to .08 percent and reform of language in the forfeiture laws. He has been the
department's program coordinator for Operation Night Cap and handles the vnit's
expense budget. He laiows how to motivate officers and has been asked by the Office of
Traffic Safety to be a panelist at the September 2004 Safe and Sober Conference on
motivating personnel. He has been a participant in the Safe and Sober program and
assisted Sergeant David Plucinak, past project director.
Sergeant Plucinak has distinguished himself as a leader and motivator of the program
leading the State the last three yeazs in seat belt enforcement. He will assist in the
program motivaring and scheduling officers based on performance.
St. Paul continues to maintain iis traffic unii oi 14 dedicated ofiicers while other
resources have been reduced. The St. Paul Police Department participates in Operation
Night Cap, saturation patrols for enforcement for impaired drivers. When funding for the
program ran out this spring, the City of St. Paul hosted a saturation patrol with on-duty
The City has taken initiatives in reducing speed on its city streets. The Tra�c
Engineering Department is identifying problem azeas of safety and redevelopment of
roadway to reduce speed of vehicles and promote safety. In 2003 and 2004, several
major streets were reduced from four lanes to two lanes. Tlse study showed a reduction
of speed and will continue to be unplemented throughout the City.
Officer Lila Sturgeon has been a Saint Paul Police Officer for 10 yeazs and formerly
assigned to the Traffic Enforcement Unit. She is the lead Child Passenger Safety
pracritioner. She holds clinics once a month at a Saint Paul Fire Station. She has taken a
� .. ,
personal interest in child safety and is an excellent instructor. Officer Dan Day is
assigned to the Traffic Enforcement Unit and gives presentations on alcohol awareness to
schools and businesses utilizin� Fatal Vision Goggles. The Police Deparbnent has a full
time media relations coordinator, Officer Paul Schnell, who interacts with the merlia to
answer questions and provide proactive information to the community.
Media outlets are notined by fax, e-maii and personal interviews announcing Safe and
Sober waves to seven television stations, radio stations, two major newspapers, 20
community and ethnic pagers and 13 District Councils. Sergeant Rick Klein is a 25 yeaz
veteran of the Police Department and is the lead accident reconstructionist. He has
provided inYerviews on radio programs and television news on traffic safety, serious
injury and fatal accidents.
In the metropolitan azea, it is not always easy to receive coverage by the media. The City
of St. Paul realizes the importance of the media in providing information. This last year,
the Safe and Sober prog*am was included in the City Kr.ights show. City Knights is a
cable program produced by the CiTy of Saint Paul. It show cases Police Department news
and has won awazds nationwide for its program. The project coordinator, Sergeant Dan
Malmgren, is on the City Knights staff:
Seat belt enforcement will continue to be scheduled during daylight hours emphasizing
morning and evening rush hours. We have been highiy successful working during this
time period. DUI enforcement efforts will continue to be during the night time hours.
With baz closing time extended until2am, it becomes important to schedule peopie to
patrol later in the evening for nnpaired drivers. Shifts will be limited to four and six
hours to reduce breaks and keep officers motivated maximizing contacts.per hour.
The Project Coordinator, Sergeant Malmgren, has been monitoring the Department of
Public Safety's DUI online reporting project closely. The City believes this user friendly
software will provide more efficient use of an officer's time by calculating the cruninal
chazge, plate impoundment, notice.of revocation and forfeiture issues. To meet this goal,
the City of Saint Paul is asking for matching funds for two computers to be placed in the
"Intoxilyzer Rooms" at the Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center. These
into�lyzer's are used on unpaired arrests by Saint Paul, Ramsey County, and State
Patrol. The computers will be maintained by the City of Saint Paul but will benefit all by
reducing time officers spend arresting a drunk driver and return them to the streets for
fiirtlier enforcement efforts.
Basic Agreement
Lead Agency Name: St. Paul Police � Paztner
Pop.: 287.1�1
To complete this double-bordered block pleasE
Officers: Full-Time:543
Part-Time: 0
of citv or countv used from �rids :
Alcohot-related Crashes
Total Number of Swom Officers in A�ency(ies)
to the Grids — Attachment 1.
Non-use of Seat Be3ts in Crashes
By VMT: 190 By VMT: 159
X higher/worse than siare rank or Q lower/safer than state renk X highedworse than state rank or ❑ lower/safer than state rank
By Population: 190 By Population: 185
X higherJworse than state rank or Q tower/safer than stace racilc X higher/wone than state rank ar ❑ lower/safer than state rnnk
Applicant in one of 20 counties with the highest number of deaths and serious injuries? X Yes ❑ No
Considering the number of additional enforcement hours you plan to schedule, fil[ in at
OBJECTIVES [easl three of the blank objectives (#s 2 through 12J. See the second pmagraph of
section VII-A, a e II o the RFP or more in ormation and instructions on ob'ectives.
l. Realizing Safe & Sober is a�aut dedicated to reducing deaths and injuries caused by traffic crashes by increasing seat belt and
child seat use and decreasing impaired driving, the agency commits to enhanced enforcement and public and media relations
outreach followin the Safe & Sober calendaz provided.
2. Strive to increase DWI arresu by 10 percent (from 26 to 31 arrests) when compazing those written beginning
Aueust 26`" 2003 and ending September 11. 2003 to those wriYten beginning Aueust 26• 2004 and ending September 11. 2004.
3. Strive to increase seat belt use, as shown by informal surveys, from 82 percent to 84 percent when comparing those
conducted the week of 6/2/03 to those conducted the week of _6/2/04
4. Strive to increase child seat citations written by percent (from to citations) when comparing those
written in the period from to with those from to
5. X Conduct or ❑ participate in _12_ child seat clinics during the yeaz beginning _8/I/04_ and ending _7/31/OS
6. Strive to increase seat belt citarions/warnings written by 5 percent (from 3014 to 3165 citations) when
comparing those written in the period from _l/1iO4_to _6/6l04, with those from _1/1(OS to 6/5/04_
7. Strive to increase speeding citarions written by 5 percent (from 9802 to 10292 ) when comparing those written from
1/1/04 to 6/5/04 withthosefrom_1/5/OS to _6/5lOS_
8. Su�ive to increase "not a drop" drinking and driving arrests by ? percent (from to ) when comparing
2005 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 1 of 4
- 2005 Safe & Sober Grant Application
Minnesota Department of Pubiic Safety, OfFice of Traffic Safety
Application for the Following Agency:
LEAD: St. Paul Police Department
LEAD AGENCY INFORMATION I e-mail address: dan.malmeren@ci.stpauLmn.us
St Paui Police Department Sergeant Dan
P.O. Box
City: St. Pau]
Agency Name
367 Grove St.
Street Address (nee ded in addition to P.O.
Zip: MN
Lead or single agency appticants must fill in one of the fotlowing
numbers. Ask your auditor or treasurer or city clerk.
Federal Employer ID Number: 416005521
Minnesota TaY 1D Number:
Telephone: 651-266-5729
Fax: 6�1-266-5852
Amy Brown — Grants Manaeer
Fiscal0�cer Z (Typed name & job
Fiscal Officer Sienature
Resolution Stahu: ❑ Attached X In Progress' (Date: 8/25/04 )
Piease make every effort to compiete the e-mail address box and to have your parfiers (if any) do so too. A home e-mail
address of the project director is fine if one isn't available at work. Providing an e-mail address will help OTS communicate
with you quickly and wil] be appreciated.
Complete additionai pages if more than one agency is involved. Copy the second page if needed for more agencies.
i The person responsible for over-all management of The entire project (i.e., scheduling, media, summarizing reports and
invoices for OTS).
2 The person responsible for verifying financial records for the projecz (cannot be the same as the project director).
� ; �
Basic A,�eement
Lead AQency Name: St. Paul Police � Partner
Pop.: �87.151
7'o complete this double-bordered block please
of citv or countv used from grids :
Alcohol-related Crashes
By VMT: 190
X higher/worsc than state rank or Q lowerisafer than stafe rank
Officers: Full-Time:543 Part-Time: 0
Total �Iumber of Swom Officers in Agency(ies)
to the Grids — Attachment 1.
Non-use of Seat Belts in Crashes
By VNIT: 159
X higherlworse than state rank or Q lowedsaier than state rank
By Population: 190 By Population: 185
X hi2her/worse than state rank or Q lowerisafer than state rank X higherJworse than state rank or Q lower/safer
Applicant in one of 20 counties with the highest number of deaths and serious injuries? X Yes ❑ No
Considering the number of additional enforcement hours you plan to schedule, fill in at
�B.rECTI�S lensi three of the blank objeczives (#s 2 thraugh 12). See the second paragraph of
sectian VII-A page II of the RFP for more information and instructions on objectives.
1. Realizing Safe & Sober is a grant dedicated to reducing deaths and injuries caused by traffic crashes by mcreasmg seat belt and
child seat use and decreasing impaired driving, the agency commiu to enhanced enforcement and public and media relatioas
outreach following the Saje & Sober calendaz provided.
2. Strive to increase DWI arrests by 10 percent (from 26 to 31 arresu) when compazing those written b a�inning
Ausust 26�` 2003 and ending Seotember 11, 2003 to those written beginnin� Aueust 2B 2004 and ending September I l. 2004.
3. Strive to increase seat belt use, as shown by informal surveys, from 82 percent to 84 pe�cent when compazing those
conducted the week of 6/2/03 to those conducted the week of _6/2/04
4. Strive to increase child seat citations written by percent (from to citations) when comparing those
written in the period from to with those from to
5. X Conduct or O participate in _12_ child seat clinics during the yeaz beginnin� _8/1/04_ and ending _7/31/OS
6. Strive to increase seat belt citarions/warnings written by 5 percent (from 3014 to 3165 citadons) when
comparing those written in the period from _1/1/04_ to _6/6l04� with those from _l/1/O5� to _6/5/04_
7. Strive to increase speeding citations written by 5 percent (from 9802 to 10292 ) when comparing those written from
1!I/04 to 6/5/04 with those from_1/5/OS to _6/5/OS
8. Shive to increase "not a drop" drinking and driving atrests by ? percent (from
to ) when comparing
2005 Safe & Sober Basic A�eement, page 1 of 4
o� g ��
Basic A�reement
those written from to with those from ta
9. Sh to inc;ease minor consumption arrests by 10 percent (from 110 to l21 ) when comparing those
written from i/I/04_to _6/SiO4_ with those from 1/1/OS_ to _6/5/OS_
10. Track and report disposirion of X DWI arrests. ❑ All arrests. ❑ All citations and asesu
for the time period beginning _8�1/04 and endin� 7/31/OS
11. Reduce the number of traffio-related complainu by ? percent (from _ to
received from to with those received from _
12. Reduce the number of people injured in traffic crashes by 7 percent (from
injured from to with those injured from _
compiaints) when comparing those
injuries) when comparing those
P�I.IC IIVF�RP'IATI�lv AlvD 1V�D1 A I This secfion is a brief survey of the number of inedia outlets available to
RELATIONS you. Fil! in the number of each rype in the boxes that apply; leave blank
� onZv if there are none in your area.
5 High Schools/4 colleges
� 1 p 13
Commercial TV Statioas Cable T'V Stations Company Newsletters Ciry/Organizational
You are required to distribute news releases to aIl media outleTS (mcludmg to the edrtors or staff counselors of tu school and
college papers) and to conduct ottter public informarion and media relations acfiviries. See pages 7 and 8 of the RFP.
2005 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 2 of 4
Basic A�eement
TRA�7IN� Fill in two rrumbers at the end of the [ine on the first four lines. — for zrample,
3(IO) if three offuers need and ten officers have I:ad the course. Far first year o ants, Advanced
SFST is not required and neither frst nor second year grants are required ta have a CPS practitioner:
put NA in the space if that training is not required Anendance is required by one person from each
lead agency at the September "Toward Zero Deaths" meeting. People from parrner agenciu are
welcome but not required ta aztend In order for OTS to pay for room costs, the list after line 6 must
be accurate. See RFP page 8 for Training Requirements and page 9 Getting Trainina and for
Tnwazds Zero Deaths Conference information.
The number of officers who
The number of office:s who
The number of officers who
Standardized Field
Advanced SFST:
e (or arel certified
and Enforcement: 240.
;sen�er Safety Practitiooers:
5) The number of a�enev staff who wili need to become (or aze� cemnea �nua rassen�er Safetv Technicians: �.
Nazne(s) of CPS Pracritioners and/or Technicians): Officer Lila Smrgeon
6) The people who will attend the Toward Zero Deaths conference (Sofe & Sober track) on September li'" and 14`":
Name Agency Phone Number
Dan Maltngen St. Paul Police 651-266-5729
Dave Plucinak St Paul Police 651-266-5727
Lila Sturgeon St. Paul Police 651-291-ll I1
Richard Klein St. Paul Police 651-266-5721
Jeremy Ellison St. Paul Police 651-291-1111
*^ Y�u ,�::::st� ?I in # 4. (See Section page 7 o,sthe RFP for informal survey information.)
1) By Friday, November 5�', 2004 each �ant lead agency will be required to fumish to their OTS coordinator: A) a list of
officers eligibie to work the Safe & Sober project with the dates of officers' SFST, OPUE and (where applicable) Advanced
SFST. Drugs That Impair and/or CPS Pracritioner training; B) a list of inedia contacts, organizarions and addresses, and C) a
list of the sites where the informal seat belt surve s will be conducted.
2) A plan on a form provided by the OTS will be submitted by Friday, April 1 for the Memorial Day wave and mid-summer
work occurring before July 1; by Wednesday, June 1 for the Labor Day wave and mid-summer work occurring on or affer
July 1; and when not covered by the above, one month prior to the use of any overtune hours outside of the Safe & Sober
enforcement waves. Basic information on enforcement schedules and public and media relations efforts are included in the
3) A full wave progress report on a form provided by the OTS will be submitted by Friday, April 29�' on the results of any
overtime worked before April 1; by Friday, July 29 on the results of overtime worked between April 1�` and 7une 30`�
(including Memorial Day); and by Friday, OcYober 28 on the results of overtime worked from July 1" through September
30'�. Full wave proeress reports include information on citations and wamings for specific offenses written (during project
paid Lours only) as well as public information and media relarions activities conducted. The lead agency in a�ant submits
one full wave report covering all agencies in that grant.
4) A short report on the number of seat belt citations written and of informal belt surveys resulu for the May mobilizarion —
whether or not on ro'ecf aid hours —will be submitted b noon on Thursda , Tune 9`". A re ort on the number of
2005 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 3 of 4
impaired driveis arrested — whether or not on project paid hoars — during the
..�„� �� �rt,,,��riav_ Sentember 15. Each agencv in a�rant submits the short
o �-sa �
Basic Aereement
Day mobilization will be submitted hy
5) A final report on progress towazds objectives set in this basic agreement will be subtnitted no later than Monday, Ocfober 31,
6) A set of informal seat belt use surveys will be conducted durin� the weeks of Mav 2 throueh Mav 8 and Iune 6 throueh June
12. A set is defined as counts of shoulder belt use and non-use of drivers and from seat passen�er
conducted at 5 sites. Site locations shall remain ccnstant throu�hout the yeaz. Results will be submitted to OTS in
7) Invoices will be submiited no less frequently than the followinn schedu]e: by Friday, Apri129 for any hours worked before
April l on Friday, July 29`" for overtime from April 1 tluou�h June 30; and by Friday, October 28�' for overtime worked
from July l through 3une 30'�. The OTS is required to reimburse �ant cosu according to state fiscal yeazs, therefore, you
must separate out all cosu incutred before July 1" from a(1 costs incurred afre: that date. Since reports on work must be
received before invoices can be paid, reports are due on the sazne dates as invoices and cover the same time periods.
SPECIt�LIZED PE12S�1vTTE1., I Fifl in both of the fo[lowing; leave blank if the answer is none. This is for our
tnf.,rn,atinn nnlv — vou are not reauired to have these personnel on staff.
2005 Safe & Sober Basic A�eement, page 4 of 4
� 8a�
Belt Report
AII agencies which have mceivrdJundingfar a Saje & Sober overtime paaol grantsixce 1998 nucst ca�nplete this repo2 Th+s dces not include agencres
iohich used a Chcllersge mv�d1or overtime patrols. -
There is no easier, cheaper, more effective way to save lives and prevent injuries than to increase seat be# and child seat use
rates. When evaluating appiications for Safe & Sober 2005, the OTS will a�ain consider your performance in comparison to
other gantees for the nte of vehicle stops per hour, the mte of stops that resuited in a citation or written warnin� for violation of
the seat belt or child seat laws, and the rate of stops resulting in a citarion rather than a wamin�. This repost is meant to help you
to make yois case that your a�ency is committed to enforcing the passenger protecYion laws. Please note: "Everyone is buckled
up" only tells us your agency doesn't need a Safe & Sober grant. Each yeaz OTS is able to approve about half of the requests for
funding we receive — it is our responsibility to do eveMhing we can to ensure our gants go to those communities who need
them most and can make the best use of them.
For each past federal year since 1998 (beginning October 1, 1997 and ending September 30, 1998) for which you received an
overtime Safe & Sober �rant, fill in the percerna�e of contacts which resuited in an acYion for failin� to comply with the seat belt
or child seat law. The results by lead agency for 1998, 1999, 200Q 2001, 2002, and 2003 are Anachment 2. 2004 only includes
the data reported as of June /. For more current 2004 data, cal! your OTS coordinator. In evaluating how wel! your agency
has done, we wil[ consider signifrcant impravement and the arrswers to the questions as well as absolute percentages.
Year Your Contacts All Agencies Average Contacts
Related to Passenger Protection Related to Passenger Protection
1998 % 18.4%
1999 % 20.7°/a
20Q0 223°/a 20.9%
2001 24.7% 21.5%
2002 29.9% 21.2%
2003 30.5% 21.8%
2004 42.4°/a 21.6°/a
If the report indicates you did not meet the average seat belt or child seat rates of other agencies, discuss below what you will do
differently in 2005. If you believe your agency did its part to enfozce the passenger protecrion laws but your rate was adversely.
affected by the poor performance of a parmer agency, also discuss below your agency's results in contrast to your partner
agency's (or agencies) results.
Restraint Use Enforcement Report for 2005 Safe & Sober Page 1 of 1
Send four copies with your application
Lead Applicant Agency: St. Paul PoIice Department
Note� Please round off all numbers for example $21 400.00 insteadof $21, 361.54 and $45.00 instead of $44.50.
Proposed Federal Budget (only federal grant monies in this block)
Federal Safe & Sober Budget Summary
Percent (Federal amount divided by
Category Federal Amodnz federal bud�et toral)
1. Overtime Enforcement Hours Budget $ 31,500 90%
2. Discretionary Budget $ 3,500 lo%
Federal Budget Total $ 35,000 100°/a
Note: Federally paid overtime enforcement hours must equal at least 90% of the total federal budget.
On all the following budget forms, "Federal share" refers to the amount of money you are see.+ang m D"aje �'c
Sober grant funds and "Agency share" refers to the cost commitrnent by your agency or private sources to which
you have access The column "Total cost" refers to the sum of the federal share and the agency shaze.
Total overtime
�* rate�our** F
41 14
47 14
Number of
`** " hours Total cost
440 $24,200
120 $7,300
Federal Agency
shaze share
$24,200 $0
$"7,300 $0
$31,500 � $0
*Rank or seniority — groupings of o�cers with similaz salazies.
** All dollar amounts to be rounded and estimated. Attach further explanation if not overtime hours.
***See RFP for information on an acceptable fringe rates.
_1 '�T1�
Summary* of Discretionary Budget
Federal Shaze Agency Share
$0 $9,950
$3,500 $4,900
Not allowable this year 0
Not allowable this year 0
$3,500 $14,850
* Detaiis required on reverse side.
See RFP for a discussion of budgeting.
Total Cost
2005 Minnesota Safe & Sober
Breakdown of Discrerionary BudgeY
See RFP pases 4 and 5 fnr a discussion
Position (overtime dispatch)
Dis atcher 23
Clerical / Computer 32
Public Information Officer 41
Training 42
Total per � of
m� I Frmee hour hours
$14 $53 30
I 14 - 35 70
14 45 30 -
14 5� 6
li 55 100
a� 8a�
E ui ment *
Number of Agency
Descri tion units Cost er unit Total cost Federal share share*
StalkerDSRRadar 2 $6,000 $6,000 $2,500 $3,500
Dell Com uters for Intoxilyzer Rooms 2 $1,200 $2,400 $1,000 $1,400
Totat $8,400 $3�500 $4,900
* Note: Agency share for each piece of equipment must be greater than or equal to Federal share
Estimated Local eratin Costs
Number of miles Cost per mile
Descri uon Total Cost
3 o eratin rate er mile* 5231 $.65 $3,900
* Although the gant this yeaz does not allow reimbursement of squad openting costs, agencies are reqvired to track
the miles driven and report them as local costs. The rate of $0.375 per mile can be used if an agency doesn't compute
their own rate.
See RFP for a discussion of budgeting.
2005 Minnesota Safe & Sober
. _� r . . n .. , -... . ...,
, ��.
ro�i�e �iz6ioa GREEN SHEET No.� 206677
ChiePJohttHatriIlgtAn 266-5588 �I EFAF[TMENTDIRELTOR $ cincouxa�
� Please process ASAP. � ❑3 arvnnorsr+er `� ❑cmc�xic
�Fwqxcw�sexv�cesoiz_ �FlxnxcuusErtviqcera
' P.pproval of the attached Council Resolurion authorizing the City of Saint Paul to accept a Safe and Sober grant from
� the Minnesota Department of Eublic Safety if granted, and authorizing the City to enter into, and Chief John Harrington
to implement a grant agreement with the Minnesota Deparunent of Public Safety.
1. Has this persoNfrtn everworked under a contract for this department'�
CIB COMMITTEE ' 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee?
� 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent c0y employee?
4. Is this personffrm a targeted ventlof�
' Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl aitach to 9reen sheet
The City of Saint Paul, Police Department, needs City Council endorsement of the attached Safe and Sober
grant application and authorization to enter into, and implement a grant agreement with the Minnesota
Department of Public Safety. � �
�, -
" �U� t `� 2���
a.s �
, The Safe and Sober grant provides funding to increase compliance with traffic safety laws by enhanced
enforcement of traffic laws coupled with education and media relaYions.
3;, '
�-, None. -
,: Cot�ssctl �e�arch Ce�eP
�, Loss of grant funding to reduce deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents.
' AUG 1$ 2004
�, FUNDING SOURCE �4111ri050Y3 D0p8Th770Rt Of PUb1iC $�ety gCBrit AC7IVIN NUMBER 436-34147
Safe and Sober grant acceptaace�gs 2004