240282 f , � ORIOINAL TO COUNCIL A1O. 24o2S2 CITY CL[RK C1TY OF SAINT PAUL FILE �� APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY Willia.m E• Qal'].8 � September �.2 68 ' COMMISSIONE DATF 19 R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS M�4Y BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE ' ' AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO • DR. CR. P.A118 0 • Ci9• � C CrC� Te� and Police 8e Fire Alarm 0101-10 Bldg. Mtce. - Salariee 10.000.00 0101-60 Bldg. Mtce. - Bldg. Remodeling * t�6,000.00 0110-10 Adminiatration - Salariea 33�75�•�� 0113-10 Deteative Division - Salariea , 4.000.00 0114�-80 Staff & Inepection - Capital Outlay ** 33�500.00 0120-10 IIniformed�gddition.- Salariee 10�500.00 0170-10 Adminietration - Salaries �,000.00 0171-ZO Tra,ffic Signal Mtce- Salariea 20�000.00 112-100 IIniformed Divieion - 3aleries 114,750.00" , 114-100 Staff b Inspeation - Sa.laries 17,000.00� 11+2-100 Fire Fighting - Sala,riea 1 000.00 1�F 0.00 1� 0.00 � * $10,000 to be encumbered for nev� roof on bldg. , $10.000 for new tranaformer and heavier circuit in bldg. , and $6,000 for a higher radi antenna - all of which are equally � divided between Police & Fire f'unda **Will be needed for the pnrchase of � extra police cara, radios, and airens YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS ��p � Q 196� C8P�.9O21 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� 19 � • Dalglish ��� � d 1968 Meredith APPROVED 19 _ IN FAVOR _ Petereon v . MAYOR � � OGAINST TedA8C0 � -' �� � """' COUNTERSIGNED BY - �,J C/IT1Y GOMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT ByI�II� �� _ � �° �O 2 8 196� � PUBLISHE� ��P � � � � � .� � ' � � , �: , Notice •CITY OF ST. PAUL __ Council File No.c��! - � �� to N�TNNESOTA Printer CODNCIL RESO�JTION 19_ RESOLUED, that the transfers ?�ithin funds of the various City Departments heretofore approved by the City �cinptroller, as such transfers of funds as of � 4 �/ ��indicated in documents attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, as fully as if the same were set forth fully and campletely herein, are hereby approved, copies of the aforementioned also being on file in the of- fice of the City Clerk and in the office of the City Comptroller_.- ��P 2 Q 196� . � • . Adopted by the Council 19_ City C orr�ptroller Approved ��P 2 Q 196�9_ By � PUBLI�HEB SEP 2 8 �968 . � -_ _ _ _` . . �, ,