240276 OIFiIGINAL TO CITY CLERK rel�V� �' � i __ _. � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL N�,. �' �l FF E OF THE CITY CLERK ` I � O ION-GE L FORM PRESENTED BY / COMMISSIONE � ATF t AS� Ad itions which might prove to be nec�ssary in the Improvement descxibed as Cnrbing Both Sides of MC LEAN AVENU£ from Cypress Street to Earl Street, Comptrol- ler�s Contract L-6989, Cedar Concrete Companq, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WHEREAS Side Inlets and connecting pipe were built at the Southeast corner of ' Cypress and McLean and the Northwest corner of Earl and McLean to provide drainage and s3dewalk removal and construction was necessary to extend the public walk to the new curb and gutter at the Northeast and Southeast corners of Cypress and at the Southwest corner of Earl, end WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS Gonstruct side inlet (24" curb opening) 2 each @ $50.00 $100.00 Furnish � Install 12" V.C.F. sewer 13 lin. ft. @ $ 4.00 52.00 Const. Monolithic Concrete walk (4" thick) 230 sq. ft. @ $ 0.80 184.00 Remove concrete sidewalk 20 sq. yds. @ $ 0.50 10.00 TOTAL NET ADDITION $346.00 and WHEREAS, The total addition is $346.00 and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $346.00 is the correct sum to be � added to said contract; therefore be it � � � RESOLVED, That the City of St. P�aul through its City Council approves the fore- � going additions made in accord"ance with the Specifications in the sum of $346.00, �1 said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known ' - as �omptroller's Contract 'L 6989, and which amount is to be financed by assessment . against benefited property. . - - - - ._ .. , �� � - --�-- -- _-__,,..,_____�r__..__.��__.� SEP 1 9196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��P 1 4 l�� Carlson Approve �-19�_ c unlland �"' Tn Favor Meredith � �• � Ma or 9!fl y A gainst Tedesco ._�.. .... ! ��i+��� •�� ::�:.. PU�LISHE� S�p E 1 Er•r�::::::s:::::::�i:::...:..:.::: :3� � • Mr. Vice �reside,nt � �� LyJrLICAT6 TO TRINTLlZ /M .G�{`.� �� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �> OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM159DONER �OU�Xt F• P�L���OA DATF W�S1tB�A8, Additioas rhich ■i�bt pmv� to ba uaeiasar� i.n tlu Lpru�ent d�icrib�d as (�xbiA� �oth �idea of ?�C LBA11 AVlF� froa Cypr�sa Stize�t to �arl SEraet. Ca�ptroi� l�r'a Contract L-6989, C�dar Caac�st� �pu►�� Contractor� hara b��n prc�Yidsd for in tttie $pecit��atiaas, and i�SAB Sids Inl�ts and conne��ing pips �ex� bailt �tt ths �outt��at �orner of Cy►ps�ss and I�lcl,eui and th� l(orth�e+�t coraar of $�rl �nd Hcl,�an to provid� dr�inag� and sid�Malk sysovsl �aad con�truction M�� ne�e�sary to sxt��d the public wrlk to the n�w curb �nd guttar �� tihe lbrtbeant snd SouttN�at corner� of Cypr�s� and at th� Souttn��t corn�r of �a�cl, and �A�, It has baeA gound .ne�a�aaar� �o a�ke the folloarLn� Addit3one� ' ADD3TI0� Conatruct sid� ialat (24'� cu�b op�nins3� . 2 u�h • • � $50.00 .$1�0.00 � lhirniah � Inatall 12w V.C.F. a�w�er 13 iia. f�. ! s� 4.00 52.00 Conct. I�inoli�hic �Concr�te W�lk•(4°i tbick) 2�0 sq. �'ti.- � � 0.�0 l84.00 . � Re�r� Gonarete sideW�lk 20 sq. yds. � � fl.SO 10.00 � „ • . . ,, , ,, , TO�AI. �IST AD�l"rlfllt $3h6.t?0 u►d � , . . �A�., xhs to�l ,�dditfoa ,is,'$346.00 and ttu Co■rissioaer of Public Wor1c� has a�rmsd With ths Contraatox tlut �t� uai�t of $34b.00 is the aorr�ct sa� to be added Co eaid contra,cC,. tl�r,@fore bie it , , , , , RBSOLViD, Tbat th,� Citiy of St. Pa�ul tbrough its Gitq avun�il appro��� tiu fore- �oing addition� aads in accordar,cy �rith th� Sp�cigiGatians iA the 4u� af $346.Q0, � �aid �sounC to be added to t'lu luap au� consid�ration �ed in Ct� contr�ct, kno�rn aa Coaptrollsr�a Cantract L•6989, and whicb +urount is ta bs fiaanced by agseassmnt againa t benef it�d pmpsrey. , ��P 1 9 �96� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 1 � fl` � �' Approved 19�_ �� �n Favor Meredith Mayor Tedesco �•�Against �:.��.�.+.�r;:�3����,����:�:i�9�� ................. Mr. Vice Pzesident ��