240265 ORIQINAL TO CITY CLERK ����6�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N0. "'��� �� � LICENSE CQr1NLITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �6 tember 19� Z7V8 COMMISSIONE DATF p RESOLVED: That application for transfer of On Sale Li.quor License issued to Thomas �C. Skweres at l�75 j'�abasha Street to Mikate, Snc. at the same address and their application for Restaurant, Off Sale Asalt Beverage and Cigarette � l�.censes at tlze same address, be and the same are hereby granted on the ' condition that within days of this date s aid Mikate, Inc. sha11 compl,y with a11 requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police� and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul I,egislative �cde and all other applicablle ordinances and laws. { SE� � 9 1� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � � 1�� - A rove 19— Meredith f Tn Favor r�son Sprafka Q ��I{g Yor Tedesco - A gainst `�� �"" ��: PUBLISNE� SEP 21 196� _:: �:u::.. .:�::��::...... .......... •:::.....:::.: .... Mr. Vice President �� . CITY O� S-AIPaT PAUL ��� Capital of Minnesota ��� .. ' /. �" �e a�ti�ec�t o c��lic c�a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTIi FIRE PROTECTION R'ILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,Deputy Commiaaloner DANIEL P.Me LAUGRLIN, Lleenae IneyeeWr September 19, 1968 Honorable Mayor and City Council � • Sa9.nt �'aul, Minnesota � Gentlemen: , Nfikate, Inc. is �oined by Thomas C. Skweres in makir� application for the transfer of On Sale L3.quor License No. 7371, . expiri.ng January 31, 1969, issued to Thomas C. Skweres at �.75 ti�Jabasha Street to Mikate, Inc. at the same address. Mikate� Inc. also make application for Restaurant, Off Sale Ma1t Beverage and Cigarette licenses for the same address. The officers of the applicant corporation are Michael J. Geraldo� President and Treasurer; and Katherine Geraldo� Vice- presiden� and Secretary. They are also the two stockholders in the corporation. ' This location has been a licensed business since 1923; as a pool hall until 1931�-35 � since this time as currently licensed liquor establishment. The Skweres fami.ly have held the licenses at this address since 1925. t�ichael Geraldo is self-employed as a commercial rubbish hauler. Mrs. Geraldo is a housewife and has no outside employment. Ver3s truly yours� .�����` . L3.cense Inspector - - � b ' :F . � . i � � � - .' • _ - ' .> . � . . ' � . � ' � ' � . � . , ' � � _ . . . •� ' . • � , - � _ . { ^ , � �azti.�z �. .L'ydea . ' ' • ATTORNEY AT LAW . . 841�UNIVERBITY AVfiNUE ' . _ � � , ,� PHONe� 228•0144 - " � _ ~ SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55104 . - . , Septem�e� 11�� 19C��i � • . r , . , . - � � , - �o the I�onorab7�� Ma;�z� � . . . � � . �a ' � � , � Citv ^ounaa.l, b�' th����,ty e�' ��. �'a.U?, . � ' , � . Ramsey Coun�Ly f�o�az�t Ho�i�Q � . ' . � ;'�,.P�.ttl., �:;r.n�sota . ' _ • . . � � i�nt��.cfiPt1 s . � . ' �l�a�c �e acl�i,se�. 1:1��� i���A.T:{, �.?��ra��'G:3r�`1'�7, & _�in��eso�ta � n " _ � corpQra���n� i�'purch�.sin� �'�e �n-�a1.e �et�il Llyt�ol nus� " ' .. ines� �.z�� :�.,ic�uo•r �3.cen��y notd in t,h� xtar.� ol: 2i�C'I•�AS C: - S�r;���, lqc�.ted at it75 i��.�a�h� 51;reei;, �5�. Pa*�l; ::inresotaa • and r,��ptact�vZ].y �vqu�at �h�� t�� G��,y �oa�i;u��. of uh.p C�.�y . � . " � _ r,�' i't. +'�,ul, k1�.n�esota, �;��n�fer s�d Gn=�a1.e �tt'ta�� �iG,uox� -� - ' _ • f,��CCJ��)V �~iVlll .LCr��i�1�4/.� V• '�/��TV_`i:� 1.�� ' • f y ' . � - , !'Ut,.�ii C]!i9 �`li���v�1''t',�� • - , `L rl LI i'1� f pl3. , . , . , ,` - °• . - • _ �E:;�60'L'ftlll�' JCt7Y`3y � . - � , � ��Sikate, �ncor�ora�ed � � . � , - � ' � - � . , ' �3'� __,___ -- --- - - . ' ' �-rc;sident • _ , - �u0?.�'�°� f:. 3xr�I`kQ�'�,, the ow7,�.r r�� t�,� afoxesaic? rus3.nESS arid ����uor � - _ .' _ . F�icen�e�, ras�ect£u�.�y ,jo�ns in tY+�.s rec�uest, t�a•t �,h� �,icens�e in � , , • t�7,E� n�;,�!e c�� 'rha�►aa 'G. ��eres, be �x�anSf�rs�4c? to: �rlK.f!^F;, lncox�- � pcx�a,t�ic�. '�har�k� �rou. , _ _ � - ^ � '.�.'1L'Tlo^:,S G. `::�F72Y`� ._ Y.� � ' ' � ' • ' � . � ., . . ; � - . � �- . . . , . • � . . . - . - . - • � � z ' * � - , , i � ,' � ' � J ' ' y l S , . •,. ;i`�' �� :� , . l CITY �F SAINT PAUL a - DEPARTb4ENT. �F' P[TBLTC SAFETY `� � LICEN5E DIPISION � Da te 9_.�?_�L 1. Application for (�� �$•� � L„ j yQ C� pr' ' Lioense � f� 2. Name of applicant ��1�Q��� �?j�.- �/�Q '� ��pr��� ���� 3. •Buainesa address �7�j ���dS�1$ Residence��gf ��'/� �'� 4. Trade name, if any � ( �'2 �7'PYT? ��t'Q�-.S" - ��r _ . 5o Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp�will be uaedo � 6. C�. �rhat floor l�cated �� Number of rooms used� Q �,�' � � -- - - - -- , �/4 ��l 7. Betv�reen what cross streets � —' �F- �0,-- VPhich side of atreet_ ��.5� 8. �Are premiaea now occupied �SWhat business�/f/�,CC� �G/�vaY Haev l�ng 3� 1 �'S �- —�- 9. .��e premises now unoccupied�t� Haw long vacant �' Previous use """' 10. Are you a new aa�raer L°� Have you been in a s imilar bus ines s bef ore /f a � -�-- --_ , iNhere � - •� • TNhen 11. Are you going ,to operate this businsss personallq ) ��,�' If not, who vc�ll operate it � 12. Are you in any other business at the present time Q 13. Have there been any csomplaints against your operation of this type of place D , __._. � VPhen =� 1fPhere " '�"" 14. °�ve you ever had ar�y license revoked�r�hat reason and date °°"" • . . �.. 15. Are you a citizen of the IInited Statea �c�Nativ�a�_Naturalized � , ,16. �ifhere w�are you bornc��� r/� Date of birth �a' /�== ��/9 17. -I am married. My (tivife's) (h�t�name and addresa is � _ __ • " �� ' - ' �.. �'" � ' .' _ � 18. (If married female) m�r maiden nams is 19. How long.hsve you lived in St. Paul .�,� j�y`$ � � .`, .. Q 20. Have you ev�er been arrested�_Vio1a'tion of what csriminal ].a�r or ordinance ""'° d ..,,, •^� , . -.�, , .�-,- . — - �— , 21. Are �rou a registered voter in the City of St. Paul �� Yes ...�... ° - No• (Answer full,y and complo�e].y. These a� �lioations are thorou hl checl�d and an ' falaifioation v�.11' be cause for denial,� . : "' • , � � . :� �- . � . • ` AF'FIDAVI�' B APPLIC9NT ' � FOR • � . " RETAIL BEER flR LIQIIOR LICENSE •� � . . . _ . - • - ' Re s ��/ Sa le �l �v o R LiQense Name of applicant ( � �� ,Q �q.► .Q Busi.ness address ��S G'/ �G'�SJ,��? Are you the sole owner of this buainess? �-°S rf not, is it a partnership? : = c orporat ion? C�.-Q�/f� , other� Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises Name • Ad@ress How - ��- ��-y r��,�l s fi. �/, �,��5. S� �. . � , _ If a corporation, give its nams � J�p1 �Q„ �'�f G. Are you intereated in any way in any otYier 8etail Beer or Liquor busine sa? D ' As sole owner� °" Partner? '°°" S�ockholder? �° Otherwise� (Through loan of money, eto. E�plain) —'°"' , Address of such businesa and nature of interest in same --°� Signature o plicant State of �dinne sota� � � � s s . ti,, CoLmty of Ramse � /��/�� � �.°�''c� L-��J � ` � being first�-cluly sworn, depoaes and says upon oath that he lias �read the �f oregoing affic�avit�-bsar:�ng�his si�nature and l�.o�vs the contents thereof; that the� sairis�is true of his� o�i']�ovvledge, except as to thoae � matters therein stated�upon in.formation and �belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. * _ , _ i ture o plicant �l Subscr-ibe and sv,rorn. o before me � th i s�'�=-da y of� 19 '�(.-� , • . , Notary Public, Ramsey y� innesota �ARTIN J. LYDEN . My coamiission expires 19 Notary Public, Ramsey County� Minn, � lillx C�rritnlssion �xQire$,Pecemuec 28.�9�3 � , ' , ' # . },�-'� ' � . t . . .; . •� . � . � a STATE OF MINNESOTA � � ) SS COUNTY �OF RAIt�SEY ) . . L° � �'1'�' ��� being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit^in oonnection �vith applioation for "Q�Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license) in the Ci�y of _ . . . _ _. - - -- - - -- --- - - ' State of I�i.nne s ota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the a nd ha s re side d there in f or ��_yea rs, months, and ia _ . . _ . . .. - - State now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said � and that he now resides at N0._�/� 9/- 7�X/�li �. . �¢��, Minne s ota. � _ . � .. . - - -- -� . Subsoribed and sv7orn to bef�re me thial�-c� day of , � 19`� Notary Public, �sey C , esota ' ' MARTIN J. I.�YDEN _, '�fy commiseion expiree No�farq Publict Ramsey County.•Minn, - N1��-Scommisslorr-ExQlfes'pe�etr�ber,2s, 19�8 �� . ' 1- �.•.. .,s�n. � .r�: . . - �� ti:,. v .. . ::.:�.� _�� • -- , - r � t -� � . W J 1 + Y �L F��xYi��� '�F' �.,� �� l . . ' +.: . . �,,��:, • CITY �F�SAIIdT PAUL . Y.,`�,. _ DEPARTMENT ,CiF P[TBLTC SAFETY � �I�ICEPdSE DIPrSION � ' � Date � 19� 1• Applica�tion. for ' . t� ��Q vOf` License . ,�// , � �RES, 2. Name of applicant 1����c� �� .�7jG. =' /1��"�Py/� �p Pyc��c/D �,,, 3. �Businesa addreas ���$"�'�'��,j/�� Residence �}'/ 1'"�.+�lS s7'� ,� 4. Trade name, if ar�p /�/lC � ��° � �-fa'Q 'S ���' - - - - -- - -._�.. - .- -�-- _.. __ '. _ 5, Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp�rwill be usedo 6. {'� what floor located �� Number of rooms used� �`�� 7. Betw�aen �misat cross streets �'��r� �Q � V�hich side of atreet L°s`� -- - � - - , 8. Are premiaea now ocaupied P yPYiat businesaf�/J�S���' /�' �H�w long ���'/'-S 9. ��e premises now unoccupied �-- Haw long vacant ^°` Previous use °°" � 10. Are you a' new owner e�.$ ' Have you been in a aimilar busi.n.ess before //' � , � �fihere ��'"°' qPhen "°'�° 11. Are you going to operate this business personallq �Q If not, who �i�.l operate it �/�� Y� ��Y�!-�Q'd 12. Are you in any other busineas at the present time �Q 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of' this type of pl.ace • � VPhen .�.�, 1Nhere " °—"' 14, ` Bave �rou ever had ar�y license revoked -�" YPhat reason and date �"" 15. Are you a citizen of the United St�tes �S1Vative !� N�turalized • 16. V�here ware you born � �v� Date of birth �S`�-. ���� . 17. 'I am married. My (��,) (husband'a j'�mes=and addrass is ' � � /�/,� �• ���a� /2�9/ �r� 5'� � 18. (If married femala� my maiden name is � �G d ��E ' _ . - . . - - ,. 19. How Z.Dl1g Y1�4A you lived in St. Paul '���,/�,S � � � } 20+ Have you ever been arreated�_Violation of what criminal la�r or ordinance � 21. Ar�,e you a registered voter in the City of St. �ul �� Yea . No. ' � 1 . . - -- - - .- (Answer fully� and completel.y, These a�"lioations are horou hl checked and an � falaifiaation will be cause for denial,� . , .- l' •' - - ' Y, , ; AFFIDAV T BY APPLICANT � •� ' FDR° � RETAIL BF,ER ��LIQII�OR LICENSE . r . . . . _ . � `�, � Re: Q/r/ Sale �/ cJ c �Q Lioense Name of applicant � � . .Gr �- o'' c� , _ �°Y� J��,S' Busineas addreas �T�S�`. �/������jp� ' Are you the sole owner of this buainess?� . Tf not, is it a partnershipR c orporat ion?_ Q }�' b- , other� � " ., Others interested in usiness, include those by loan of money, property or otherw�i.se:. Name Addresa Haw , � ���/F ���g�A a /d �f ��� s'?: ..��'�����s. . . '/ , If a corpora_tion, give its name_ ���e� ► /�� r� � G . - Are you interested in any way in any other 8etail Bser or Liquor buainass? As sole ov�mer� <-� Partner? °' Stoe�older? "'�"' � Otherwise� (Through loan of money, eta. Explain) Addre a s of auch busine ss and nature of in.tere st in sama ---• � ---d S ture of applican State of PBinnesota� � � �ss Co of RQmsey r: _--_- ' _ ' -y - - � . - ' =r;t , • . . .. � � �'� ,a � beuig first��duly s,worn�, deposes and says upon oa h that he has �read e-foregoing affidavit��bear�rig his signature and l�ows the , contents thereof; that the' sam9 is true of his- ov�in l�o9vledge, except as to those ' ; mattera therein stated�upon informgtion and belief and as to thoae matters he be- 1 ieve s them t o be true. , G� -` � � , Si ture of a pplicant Subscribe and .sworn. to efore me � this7�day of 19 � � Notary Public, ey Co y, esota My csommission expires ' 19 . � f • - . . . , , � .- : � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ' . . ) SS ' . C(�UNTY 4F R�iMS'EY ) � • ' P���� �F'/'/71� being first duly s�rorn., doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in aonnection zvith application for "�Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of Sta te of Adinne s ota Sai.n.t Paul, Min.nesota; that your affiant is a resident of the a nd ha s re sided there in f or �7w`/ yea rs, months� and is . , r- .- - - - - - - State nouv and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide reaident of said � , , � and that he naw resides at N0. �� 7'/ �/�/�-�� .f . ' ��, B�inne s ota. d , Subsaribed and sworn to before me this�day of 19 � , _ , - ` - • - - - No�tary Publio, Ra %innesota �IIy aommission expirea ' _ � . . , � � � �MARTIN J. LYDEN - Notary Public, Ramsey County� Mtnn, `My Commission Expires December 28, 1973