240223 �. `4�� • • N . • !"V iio/'O/'9� ,
_ Resolution Apgroving Assessment By—
� and Figing Time of Hearing Thereon �1a�T�------------------------
- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for construction or
. �--
reconstruction of sidewalks and work incidental thereto. Contract 67-M-397,
Levy No. 1, District No. 3 __
ASS$S&ABLB--�,�.`_� �- ,._._— — - ,—�—- . --- —
F.O. #232383 - Magnolia Ave.. , north side from Barl St. weet to weat 'liae of Lot 24,
- Elk. 13, Saatwille Heighta -
, F.O. �232395r��=�.�$. I�agnolia Ave. , south aide froa Cypresa St. weat to the +we�t lot � � �
linn of Lot 3, Blk. 1, Forest-Dale Addition � . • ;
F.O. #232097 - Forest St., both aidea fro� Lawaon Ave. to Jea1�s Ave. �
F.O. #232240 - Earl St. , both aides, from York Ave. -to Sima Ave.
F.O. #232241 - Earl St.', both aidea fro� Magaolia Ave. to Cook Ave. �
h F.O. #�232397 - Cook Ave., both sidea frou Frank St. to Duluth St.
F.O. #232394 - Jenka Ane. , both eidee from Cqpress St. to Earl St.
` F.O. #232230 - Duluth St., east side fron Msryland Ave. to Jeaaamiae Ave.
F 0 �232375 Cook �vp:.=,,,�l�.o_th,s,idea_.fr.om..C.y,press St.}�to��Foreat�S�:w�.���..�µ���-_-- ,�r
, GY��it�YT�t�r��xt'�'i��t�.�� ,.. �,. j,a.,...;..__..___. _ : ;
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' NON-ASSBSSABLE �_.._�_...�....,._....»_���y�e�_�-__�_�-_-�=rM�����-�-.,�-��-=.-_--
� Fi:O�".#Z322/+Ov='�Eai1�S"f':;`bofti s3das`from York Ave. to Sims �=A . �. � ~ ' _ �, ,
� F.0 #232241 - Earl St `both sides,�ro�avMa 'al��a Ane�to._�ook..A_v_a:�.-,�.M�, ��.-�r-�-�
I � s.f�T,r..Y��+. �e.L.a.« vrnl:. .r _-...���f:Ler3,.-,__ .�� , __. ;.. ._�. _'
E F:O. 1#23239�'-'2le�ks��Ave:;"botti eides;;f=om,'C.ypieas .St:.to Sarl St.
; F.O:►��232230 - Duluth;.St,��,}�eas�t��, idn,��from�,-Ma�ryland Ave.Mto JeseamiaerAve.wonxte�tion�j}l� •
� 3T3 fc,.gs'c35]T1ei1�fi'�.—.--._... . �_..r._�_ _ _
the above improvement having been submi�ted to the Council;and the Co�zn-ci'riravi�i�--�o����-:�::�^
a.nd found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it '
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
RESOLVE�D FURTHER, That a public heaxing be had an sa,id assessment on the 16th
I day of October, 1968 , at th� hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Fina.nce
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time a.nd place of
hearing, the nature of-the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular ,
owner to whom the notice is directed. ;
COUNCILMEN � �Ep 17 196g
Yeas Nays � �
Cat'ISOn Adopted by the Counci� �
Dalglish �y� �� �95�
Peterson Ap vea
Byrne 7r, Favor
, � ayor
Against PUBI:ISNE� SEP 2 �. 19�� �
Form R-2 2M 10-68 8�