D001315Original—City Clerk C,' I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L Copy--Finance Department Copy—Department OFFICE OF T`I3E MAYOR No.: �Ol 315 • ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER Date: � �--! 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts, as mandated by Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Administrations (OSHAs), and for the protection of its employees, this policy statement addressing safery equipment and shut down of dangerous operarions; be it FTJRTHER ORDERED, that this policy statement supersede the policy statement adopted under EXECUTIVE ORDER E-7 dated December 10, 1974; be it FURTHER ORDERED, that department directors shall maintain funded accounts within their departments to continue to purchase all safety equipment necessary for safe departmental operations. Supervisors, managers, department safety officers, andlor the Safety/ADA Coordinator shall determine the necessary safety equipment required; be it FURTHER ORDERED, that departrnent directors shall ensure that their timekeepers submit a copy of all worker's compensation injury reports to the Risk Management Aivision for analys9s and recommendations for prevention of similar injuries; be it FURTHER ORDERED, that department directors, supervisars, managers, department safety o�cers, the �k Manager, and the Safery/ADA Coordinator are hereby granted the authority to shut down any City ogeration upon observing violations of State andlor Pederal OSHA regulations, and failure by supervisory staff and/or employees to make adjustments to correct the violations; and, be it FURTHER ORDERED, that all department directors be directed to notify employees of this policy. A copy of this policy shall be placed in each deparhnent safety plan. APPROVED AS TO FORM c _, Assis t ity Attorney = �— � V � Date �Et� Depactment D'uectoc !`` � — "'C Adminis�aUVe Assistarn to Mayor N° 51120 ,vrn � �, � OEPAp�MENLOFF�CEICOUNCIL DATE INITIqTED v�.... I�(� Technofogy & Mgmt Services/Risk Mgmt ���-� GREEN SHEET � INITIAVDATE INfTIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PMONE i�/� , F O pEPARTMENT OIREC70R O CfTV COUNQL ASSIGN CINATfQRNEY CITYCLEPK Roger Schwagmeyer 266-8891 / V NUNBEq iOR o � BE ON CqUNCiI AGENDA BY (OATE) qOUTING O BUDGET DIRECTOR .I P RPI�I O FIN 8 MGL SERVICES OIR. N�A ��EA O MAYOR (OR ASS�STANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION FiEQUESTEO' Appruval of Administrative Order. RECOMMENOATIONS: Approve (A) or Fejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHAC7S MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has tAis Oerson�rm eve� worketl under a contrect ior this department� _ G16 COMMITTEE _ �'ES NO ��� 2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry employea? — YES NO _. DISia1CTCOURi _ 3. Does this perwnRirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any cutrent city employee� SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNdI OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln ell yea answers on separate aheet end anach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPOFTUNITY (Wlro. Whet, When. Where. Why): Administretive Order E-7, dated December 10, 7 974, has ianguage which does not reflect current procedures. NTAGESIFAPPROVED� The Administrative Order includes up-to-date titles, and describes who is responsible for shut dow� of da�gerous operations. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVE� None RECEIVED AUG 2 51997 ��(���,� GTY CLERK � DISAOVANTpGES IF NOTAPPROVED' ��� l Dangerous operetions might not be shut down in a timely manner. ���� ,. t � �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S -O- COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE AGTIVITY NUMBER F � Np ��S��sPg ° a��}�5\wp�s�resoiadm\gmsht, wpd