240215 � �� � � � �
Council FIIe No. 240215--By James J.
Resolved, That upon the petition of
the St.Paul Young Men's Christian As-
sociation, that section of public alley
- s _ herelnafter described be and tfie sarae
hereby is vacated and discontinued as
a public alley: -
The north 2 feet of that parG of the
alley abutting Lots 1_through 4,
inclusive, E. M. Mackubin's Sub-
division of Block 1, Arlington Iiills
- � ' Isubject expressly bo the following con-
ditions and reservations:
, 1. That th� vacation be subiect to all
the terms and conditions of Section
` 228 �of the Legislative Code, as
2. That a specific easement be retained
to protect the interests of the North-
- ern States Power Company and the
Northwestern Bell Telephone Com-
PgnY; '
3. That the petitioner pay to the City
the sum o4 $265 as,compensation for
the vacation and provide the City
with a bond in the amount of$1,000.
Adopted by the Council ,September
Approved September 17, 1968.
(September 21, 1968)