240181 � �4 a��1 ORIGINAL Td CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�,. .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU LUTION- N RAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE Ob@ t O ,,TF WB$RBAS, In the �atter of CoOptroller's Coatract L-7029 for Reaurfaeing MINNEHAHA AVBNOB fros Snelling Ananue to Ha�sliae Avenne, ]�eder�on Brothers Cemeat Contractore, Inc., Contractor, the apecified date of coapletion ia Angust 31, 1968, aad W�REAS, The Contractor t►as prosecated the work diligently bat dne to de-1�y beceuse of the necesaitq for renewal of wat�r services bq the Water Depart�ent it wna not possible to complete the contract bq said date of com- pletion; therefore be, it� RBSULVBD, That the proper City Officials be and they are her�by authorized and directed to eaecnte an aaendaent to said contrnct eatnnding the tine o£ coapletion to October 1, 1968, provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect nnle�s the sureties on the Con- trector's bond coasent thereto and f ile anch consent ia writing �ith the City Coaptroller, and be it�r FDRTABR RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Faul herebq waives all claim for liquidnted damages and that no engineering and iaspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such ext�nded period. .�_� _ ' . SE�' 12196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays S�� � � 19�� Carlson Dalglish pprove 19—__ Holland � Favor . Meredith , Peterson v Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne �����$�{�� $E� �4 1�� �O . �`�'� !_�1 DUlLICATE TO rRINT6R CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ��� FILE NO.� "` �� ► OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MMISS�IONER �obert F. �etersan ' ` DATF . �, � i �1�i3, In the mett�r o£ C3o�ptroZlar's Contr�ct L-7029 !or E��urtacia� AlIMI�$FTAHA AVEM� fro�a �neliing Avezrue to Hp�in� Av►snu�, Pedmrson Hmthors CeRent �ontractors� Inc.� Contractor, the epacified dake o£ completion is Auguet 31, 196a, and G�RBA�, The Qon�ractor has pros�cuted t'h� �rk diligently but due to ds�y b�cw�o ot th� �ec�ssity for renewal ot Wat�r s�rvicea b�► tho Water Dep�rta�nt it Wag Aot possibls to cc�pl�te the contr�tGt by said date crf Cam• - pletion, th�retor� b� it, RESOLV�LD, Tbae the pmper City Of£`fciale be and tha� are hereby authori:ed and dir�cted ta eYacuts an aaend�nt to said contract eat�nding tha ti� of caepletior+ to Octabes 1� 1968, pro�idsd t�o�ener, t�at tbia resolution shall ha�� rto �orce or eff�ct anlass ths snrstis� on tt� Qct�- tractor's bond cons�nt thereto �d fii• �nch eons�n� 3n tariting with the City► Co�ptmller, and be it, F0�'H�R. RESOLi�ED. Ttiat the City of Sei.nt Paul hereby Waives �11 claia� for liqnidat�d das�ge� end tha� no eagineerin� �nd i»ep��ction coets on thie project er311 be �barg�d to �he Contractor for auch �xtsnded pexiod. �,�p 12196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �+��' � 2 1968 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—._ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne �O