240172�� t . ��o���
Counoil File No.....
Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemsl¢ingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the Citq oi 8aint Paul�v�s.:
In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the .
slopes, cuts, and fills includin��ht_of removal of lateral��ort from sub�ect�
land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes
in the grading and surfacing with bituminous materialwlVY AVENUE from Galtier .St. ~
toMati lda St. G-1�7�+............�...._._.......�......�.._ _. .w......_......w__....�......
Datedthie..�.................dnq oi�......................................_.. ........._, 19 . ,
.................���'�.�,,��..��+........-,._..... ......
WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the mal�ing of the following improvemeat, vis.: ,
. I n.the matter .of condemn i ng and_taki n� an easement. i n the. land .necessary for the ��»
slo es cuts and fills in d
p , , clu in ri ht of removal of lateral suM ort fram sub'ect
land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes
in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material IVY AVENUE from Galtier St.
���to Ma t i 1 da�St. ��G-1$7�+.....................-----..__..............---..........................�.................................._.........
hsving beea preaented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul............................................................ ... _....
therefore, be it
• RE$OLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publia Worke be and is hereby ordered and directed:
� 1. To investigate the neoeesity for� or deairability of,,the maldng of eaid improvement.
2. To inveetigete the nature, extent and eatimated coet of said improvement� and the total aoet thereof.
3. To furnieh a plsn� proSle or eketch of eaid improvement. •
4. To etete whether or no�eaid improvement ie saked gor on�he petitiom of three �r more owners.
b. To report upon all of 4,he foregoing mettere to the � ioner of Finenae.
�Ep 11 196� �
Adopted by the ConnoiL......._...............�........................._---..................
Yn�►d ��P 1 1 ��
Councilman ,Carlson.
De1 g 1 ish APPtoved....................................................................
�/�y��� �d .
Me red i th M.���..l .....
. � 'F-�-te'r�6n—
�• �.• T,�es�ccs— A��lf$� Msyor.
��4�@?� .�r��',.�.`.."cr'��.r.t�:i:il , .
� T�Ir. Vice Yresideat (Petereon) .
�—� Pu��is��' S�P 1� 1��