240131 R-- -'�1_' . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERIC� 240131 , CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NCIL Nd OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson DATF COMMISSIONER WNEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $1 ,984.40`, now therefore be it� , RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000, the amount of $1 ,g84.40, a portiaA of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1967 Sidewalk Contract 67-M-396, Levy No. 3, District No. 2, L-6923, in the amount of $1 ,984.40, said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Local Improvement Aid: Fund, Og20-701 (1968). ��� SEP 10�196� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��P � 019�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith ,� Favor Peterson ' Sprafka '� Mayor Tedesco A gainst F Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHf� SEP �� i��� �� r- � � OR161NAL TO CITY CLERF� 24�131 , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL TION- E L FORM PRESENTED BY Robert Peterson COMMISSIONE F WHEREAS, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, H. F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 1g2216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul , may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction � when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner, WHERF/3S, It has been determined that the following described parcels of property be relieved of the following amount: Description - -� Amount � Lot 11 , Blk. 4, Mattock Park $170.26 �, Lot 12, Blk. 4, Mattock Park $170.33 E 75' of Lots l , 2 � 3 Blk. 2, State Park Plat #4 $162.83 ' Lot 5, Mulliken Add. $�$�,63 Lot 8, Blk. 5, Homecroft, an Add. to the City of St. Paul .•,� $147.�5 Lot 11 , Blk. g, Mattock Park $172.3$ Lot 12, Blk. 9, �Mattock� Park – - ` __ � " - ,. -$164.48 �= - - _ �- . - - " Sub. to Ave., Lots 1 � 2, Gebhariit's Restoration $184.82 ' S2 of Lot 25 � all of Lot 24, Rearr. of the , Elms $142.66 Lot 85, Rearr. of the Elms $143.68 Lot 1 , Blk. l , Ryan Place $169.04 ' Lot 26, Blk. 1 , Ryan Place $16g.04 �/�' ��% COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson , Dalglish • Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor - Pe�erson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne " • �O � ` DUrLICAT[TO lRINTER - 2401_3�. � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY Rabnrt Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF WH�REAS, Dy authority of tha L,�ws ofi Mfnnssota� for ths ytar lgg9� Cluiptsr 300, N. F. 217 ar�d ratilied by C.F. No. i9�i6, approved l�ixy �, 1959, �h� C1ty o� �aint. Paul � a�y pay � portton of ths m��ss�bl� toats of Sidswalk �ons�ruction �n auch coats �xcsmd �E�e ban�f i ts to th� prop�rty c�vnsr, f�IHffRE�SS, it h�s besn det�nain�d �h�t ttH fol iowing describrd paresls of propsrty he nl iev�d of th� fvllowtng a�aounts �Q,a�scr i�t ion Amount . ._..�..�_ !ot il � Bik. 4, Hattock P�rrk ;170.26 Lot 12, Bik. 4, lla�ttock �ark �170•33 � 75� of Lot� 1 . 2 �. 3 Blk. Z� StaCs • P�rk l�lat �t �162.83 l;ot S. Muilik�n Add. �187.63 �.ot 8, 81 k. S, Ho�croft, an Add. to �hs C 1 ty of �x, Paul g147.25 Lot il , �lk. �, !lattock Perk �17�.35 Lct 12, �lk. 9r Nattock Park $164.4$ $u6. to Avm., �,ofis 1 � 3, 6�bh�rd��s R�storation �184.8� S� of I,ot �5 t all oi� Lot 34, Re�rr. of ths Elrns � �i43.66 Lot �5. Rserr. o� ths �lms • �143:68 kot 1 , Blk. 1` Ryan plac� • $16g.(� Lot 26+ Bik. 1. Ryan �l�u �169.04 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � CarLson . Dalglish Approved 19� Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst 1VIr.Preaident, Byrne �O r- �-r DUPLICAT6 TO PAINTlR . 24013� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Pete�rsbn COMMISSIONER DATF � ` , ' • , MiEREAS, The tot#1 aw�o�nt of a�sssssab�le costs the Sity w�y pay is $1 ,9$4.�4Q now tberefore be lt, • . � � . IRESOl.Y��;, That the Coaa�iasioner of �pubi ic Works be and hs ia hsreby. �uthorizad to p�y fran tt►�. Perwan�nt Improve�nt �evolvi�g Fund. Cods 6000� th� aaount of �1 :984.40, a portton of thQ asses�bls costs of S�d�walk Construcfiion undsr tl� 1967 Sidavalk Contr�ct 67�M�39b, Lsvy Mo. 3�, Dtstri.ct Ho. 2� L-6q23, in tha amount of $1*g84.�0, s�id Psrs�anent I�prov�ssnt Revolving Fund to bs rsi�aburs�d fro� tlas City'� Shar� of ,Local t�prov�ent 111�:� .Fund, O�J20�701 (1968). � S.EP 1019G� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays S�P 10 19�� Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco � �gainst Mr. President, Byrne ��