D001314CTTY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MA.YOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: � � � � Date: � _� l� �s n: 32278 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with me authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 04 the City Charter and based on the requesi of the Director of the Department of Public Works to amend the 79 9'7 budget of the General Fund fund, the Director of the Departrnent of Fnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. Curtent Amended �� C Budget 1 001 - 02155 - 011l Full Time Pexmanent �569,810.00 ($20,000.00) $549,810.00 2 001 - 02251 - 0279 Other-Aepair & Maintenance $381,204.00 �20,000.00 $401,204.00 Totals $951,014.00 $0.00 $951,014.00 To transter unneeded salazy dollazs from liveable sneets budget to general fund traffic for striping of overlayed streets to provide For use ot durnble pavement markings. • av� sy:maro, �— � �' � g - �-(- � �-- Oate �nht�tll DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INI7IATED U�� ��✓ � I r�bi��wor� (p(�}�,�s� ��i�i9� GREEN SHEET No.322 INITIAVDATE INITIAI/DATE , CANTACTPERSON&PNONE ODFPARTMENTDIRECTOR � CfIYCOUNGL Allen J. Shetka 266-6176 ^��" CITYATfORNEY crrvc�aK NUMBERF�R ❑ � MUS7BEONCOUNCILAGENDABV(DA"fE) ROI7i1NG �p BUDGETOFFICE O FlNANCE-ACCWNTING O �� � MAYORIOR ASSVSiANi) Q q� g� �� AL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES � ((,MJV pLL LpCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) ���� �_❑2 DEPWiTMEN7 ACCO � AC110N AEQUESifD Approval of attached Adminisuaave Order amending the spending plans for activities 02155 & �22$1. RECAMnnENDATiONS:/pprove (a) or Hejea (R) pFRSONAL SEBVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CMLSERVICECOMMISSION 7. HasthispersoMirtneverworketluntleracontractfor[hisdepartment? q6 CAMMITTEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Has ihis person/firtn ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ olsialc7 couNCiL _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a sldll not rrortnally posses5ed by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOB.{ECTIVE? YES NO budget Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PFiOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): As part of the liveable streets effort, money was to be put aside to pay for striping and signage on St Paul streets. In the 1997 Budget process dollars for this work was put in salary budget zather than materia] budget. This AdminisRative Order transfers these monies to the proper expenditure code. ADVANTA6ESIFAPPROVED� tll meet our objective of providing better street mazking yeaz round for pedestrian and vehicle safety. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None. RECEIVEQ AUG 2 5 1997 C1TY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: We will not meet our objective of providing more yeaz round pavement markings for pedestrian and vehicle safety 9 �.(!.c/ T MOUNTO�TRANSACTION $ Nat $� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � FUNDINGSOURCE Liveable Streets ACnVfrvNUMBER 0 01-02155-011l & 001-02281-0279 FINANCIAL INFORMAiION (EXPLAIN) � �