240075 . � � 2�4C�'�5 . � co�an�e xo..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunderaignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpublia{mprnvement by the City of 8aint Peu1;4v�s:; To construct a public storm sewer in JUNO AVE. from (�atsworth St. extending East about 300 feet, In CHATSWORTH ST. from Juno Ave. to the alley south of Watson Ave. extending about 250 � feet East in said alley, In WATSON AVE. from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. In MILTON ST. from Juno Ave. to Watson Ane., In the alley South of Juno from Chatsworth St. extending about 250 feet East, and in ARMSTRONG AVE. from Milton St. extending West about 250 feet. All to be known as the MILTON-WATSON RELIEF SYSTEM - 5-1316. . _- �. �� ; Dated th�e..................�....dsq of.............................�................ .... _, 19 ... . ' .............. .�.�..._..._.�.�..�����'— ..._ .... ! co�o��. PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the malcing of the following improvement, vis.: To construct a public storm sewer in JIINO AVE. from Chatsworth St. extending East about 300 _ feet, In CAATSWDRTH �ST. from Juno Ave. to the alley �outh of Watson Ave. extending about 250 feet East in said alleq, In WATSON AVE. from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. In MILTON ST. from Juno Ave. to Watson Ave. , In the alley South of Juno from Chatsworth St. extending about 250 feet East, and in ARMSTRONG AVE. from Milton St. extending West about 250 feet. All to be known as the MILTON-WATSON RELIEF SYSTEM - 5-1316. ' hdving been preaented to the Counoil of the City of$aint Paul.........._....._.................................................. ...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the neceeeity for, or deairability of,.the maldng of eaid impmvement. 2. To investigate the nature� extent and estimated coet of said improvement� and the total uoet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketah of eaid improvement. " " - ' 4. To etate whether or no8 eaid improvement ie seked for oa�he petition of three or inore owners. b. To report upon all of 4he foregoing msttere to the �mmieeioner of l�nsnae. � Adopted by the �ounaii............................... ....��.P. ..� .196� Y�ss � . Councilman ,Carlson. �Ep 4 196g � D a 1 g 1 i s h �PProved.................................................................. /�%�a��.1� �iaa.a_a.ad Meredith • • Peterson Tedesco • - - -••-••- Mr. President. B.�r�rre ' Mdqo"r. �000 �-aa � ! � PUBLISHE� ��p 7 1968