240073 � �Or1rinal to Clty Clerk � ' � F' � � ORDINANCE 2����'�� . - COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY � � ORDINANCE NO J ` An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities ( and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES" ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for the title "Sa.nitation Inspector", and by inserting in lieu thereof the following sta.tement: . "(This title is abolished except as to present incumbents. )" Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following titles, and specifications for ' Sanitation Inspector I Sa.nitation Inspector II _ _ I -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Carlson � � Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith � Peterson Against Sprafka , Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) A rove : ^ Attest: , City Clerk or / �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By_ '� ���� �Ozltinal to Cit�Clerk � � ORDINANCE �4�0`��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / Section 3. This ordi.nance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -4- gEp 19 196� Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Council Carlson � �'��°�'��' Tn Favor � Meredith pe��w��� Sprafka A gainst Tedeaco ��P 1 � �96� �t�e::::•�'���.�;�3�� ..�� � Ap oved:: � A eat: •�Vice Pr , � � � C' Clerk i�sg r / �� " � - Form approved Corporation Counsel By � ' � " '. � ��� �1�LISHE9 $�P 21 1968 , . � a ���• Title of class: SA.iV.[T1�.TT�N INSP�:CTOR I Du�ties and respoilsibilities: Under supervision, to be traiiaed in and to perform _routine � inspections of. st;reets, alleys, p�.:�•kways, bou].cv�rds, �ewers - ancl other public plucES; to check complainL-s re�arding mai:ters - involsing public prop��•ty and i:o gcrforin 1�ro�•k iizcidental i:o tLc , enforcer�eiit of ordinancea withiiz tlze jtl�isdici;ion of thc D�- partn�ent of PuUlic �PTorks; aiid to l��rform 1•e?.�1:ed zvori� as a.ssi�ized. Example� of t�orlc perForn�ed: To a�.�is� ii� i:he inspcci;ion of ���L-rce�l:s, alleys, parkways, bouievai ds, sev��cr�, and otlzcr publi.c places to see that they a�e ir� a clean and saiiitary condition. , 7'o a.ssist i.n �thc inspection of public and pri�Tate propezi;y for w�eda c1i1C�. �:O inform ;�rivai:e ps•ope-rty ov�ners when correctivc action ' is requi.rec�. To as�is'� iii crzec?:ing the t�.se of street• permits and to sea that nece��argr prol:�c�Cive aneasures 1re used dtuing const�uction, 1nr1 t�.;�an c�ar,�lc:�ion, to sec that thorou�hfares are restored to l�roper condifion, To ch�cic con3�laints i�volving pri.va��e propcx�y, To clzeck rubl�ish IiaLilers io� proPe:� license. To insnect ��,�ti;;S (�k1TL1I11I1� oiz publ.ic prope;rt�r �o make sure they , have a Pein�it atii�d that �hc �n�.teria,l being; dumped is withiiz tile li�z�ii:s of the pernzit, To ins�ect foz �iarbora�e of z�ti:s on public property and to h�.it rat holc:s, To irifoa.•r�z �az��.es i�volv�C�I. 11� COFI�r31a.l.l�,�s or violatioizs of �he pertinent ox�dinance �nd thc -requiled correctivc �,ctiono To i�sue sumi�.ionses foz viol�.�tioizs o:f Public V��Iorks ordinaiices, Minimum qual.ificatiions: High school �raduation> Appliclnts ir,us'� bc 21 years of �.geo � =Zm Ti�le of class: ' SAI�TT�I.TIOIV INSPECTOR II Dui:ies and responsibilities: Undei supc:rvision, to inspect stre��ts, alle�s, parkways, boulev�rr�s, se�vers and othel• public pl�ces; to check comPlaiizts re�aidin� ma1:�:ez•s iizvolving public pxopert•y; and to periorm �.vork incidentnl �:o the enfoxcement �f ordi.nanees within fhe jui isdiction of the Depa ltmen�t of Public 1nNOrks; and to p�rforan related �voi•k as �,ssigneda Examnles of �or�t performed.: To inspect s�treets, a.11eys, p�.rkwayso boulev�.rds, setitiers, and otller puUlic places to see t�at 1:hey are iiz a clean and sanxtary co�.�iition. To check use of s�trect permits and to see tha.t necessa.ry . pz o�ectitrc m.easur�s arc used duxing construction, and � tlpon completi.o�1, to :ee i;hat tixoroughfar�s a.re restorec� to proper caxiditiono To checic coir�plainCs i�volving public property. To cl.�ck rubbisl� haulers for proper lic4nse. ,,,,� To inspect par�ics dumpin� on pLl�lic proFerty to malce sur� they havc a pe1 inii: aiad tlzat �he material being du.mped is witliin the Iinzii:s of the permit, To insPect for harbora�e of rats on pttblic �roperty and to bait r�.t holes< , � 'Co inform parties involved in comgl�.ints or violations of t3ze pe1L•inent ordinance ancl the requ.ired corrective action, To insgect for weeds on �ublic and �1�ivat� Prop�rty and to inforzn p�ivate properi:y owners when corrective ac�ion i� rcquirecle To act as the city ��vec3 inspector. 7o issue summonses £ox violations of Public Works ordinanc�s. To mai.nt�in recorrls and write reportso Miizimum qualifications: ' High school �rlduation and one year'� c�cperience as a S�nita'C�oxi inspector I or equiva.lent. � • w3_ . . � 9 Ist '� 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app q �_Adopte � �eas Nays Ye�s � Nays �carlson Carlson �Dalglish Dalglish �vleredith Meredith terson �����3 Peterson �sprafka `� Sprafka �Tedesco Tedesco ` Mr. President Byrne e:��:;1?;���;��e��se•• :� � �Mr. Vice President � �'�i�:e� .