04-799Council File # D� 799 Green Sheet # 3D � I �a� .'�T Presented Referred To RESOLUTION NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee Date 1 WI�REAS, in January 1954, Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church was established at 2149 Edgcumbe Road in Saint Paul, Minnesota, in 2 the Highland Pazk neighborhood; and WHEREAS, for the past 50 yeazs, Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church has served as a model for the neighborhood and community, with an active mission of serving those in need; and WHEREAS, Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church has flourished under the leadership of several pastors, including: Reverend Charles Thome (1953-1954); Reverend Dr. William Paden (1954 —1969); Reverend Ralph Meredith (1969-1977); Reverend Richazd Vogeley (1977 — 1985); Reverend Peter Scheidemantle (1985-1994); and Reverend Cynthia Ray (1994-present); and 9 WHEREAS, Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church has long been a shining example of community involvement, including a Youth Mission 10 trip to Corum, Montana, participarion in the Meals on Wheels program, and organization of the first CROP Walk for Hunger, which 11 continues to be hosted by Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church; and 12 WIIEREAS, Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church also has given to the community through participation in programs such as Habitat for 13 HumaniTy -- with five projects completed -- community discussions on affordable housing through the Gateway Interfaith Table for 14 Affordable Housing, and AIDS relief for Africa programs; and 15 WHEREAS, Saint Paul has been truly blessed with the service and partnerships brought to our community by the Edgcumbe 16 Presbyterian Church; now ffierefore be it 17 RESOLVED, that in honor of the 50`"Anniversary of the establishment of Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church, that Sunday, August 29, 18 2004 is hereby declared 19 Edgcum6e Presbyterian Church and Congregation Day 20 in the great City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Requested by Department oE Benanav Bostrom Harris Helgen Lantry Montgomery Thune ✓ J � J Form Approved by City Attomey � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council By: Approved b yor: Date _ B �//�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � O� 749� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Departrnent/office/councii: Date Initiated: co ���il 18-AUG-04 Green Sheet NO: 3021825 Conqct Person 8 Phone: Depar6nent Sent To Person InitiaUDate Councilmember Pat Harris 0 o n it 266-8630 Assign 1 ouucil De artmentDireMOr Must Be on Council /\qenda by (Date): Number Z � Attorne For 3 a or's O�ce Ma odASSistant Routing Ofder 4 ouncil 5 i Clerk GS Clerk Topl # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Action Requested: Honoring Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church on the event of the's SOth Anniversary Jubilee Celebration, and declaring Sunday, August 29, 2004 as Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church and Congregauon Day. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracks Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission t. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No , Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No � - 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain alI yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWpes If Approved: DisadvantapeslfApproved: DisadvantaAes If Not Approved: Total Amount of Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Transaction: Fundinq Source: AcdviN Number: Fi nancial Information: (Explain)