240035 a i � ORIGIN+.i TO CITY CLERK �4 Q p35 .= CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ` NCIL RESO TI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �( ,� � Q �� � COMMIS510 ATF Fl J J � � WEiEREAS, pu s.0 t to Council File No. 208370•, approved July 31, 1962, the Commissioner of Public Utilities was authorized and directed to execute Lease No. GS-06B-7332, dated June 29, 1962, and Lease No. GS-06B-7332 - Agreement No. 1, dated July 19, 1962, by and between the City of Saint Paul and the United States of America for the leasing of space and the supplying of services by said City to the United States of America, in said City�s Utilities Building at 100 East Tenth Street, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the initial term of threa years commencing July l, 1962, and containing optional renewal provisions and specifyi.ng an inital term and renewal term rate of �1,120.00 per month to cover � use of lease space and subject services to be furnished by said City to the Un3ted .States of America, thereunder and on such account to become payable to said City, by the United States of America; and � WHEREAS, the General Services Admi.nistration, by let.ter.dated Augu$t •27,� 1968, addressed to the City of Sai.nt Paul, to the attention of the Comm3ssioner of Public Utilities, Robert F. Sprafka, which letter was signed by� Jt�nius A. Ansley, Chief, Acquisition Branch, Space Management ' Division, Qublic Buildings Service, a copy of which letter is attached hereto and �lncorporated herei.n by reference, gives notice in conformity with tTie Government�s option of renewal cantained in said lease, that the Government elects. to extend the period of occupancy from September 30, . 1967,, through March 31, I96g; now, therefore, be it � • ,.- �. _ . �-- - ° o - RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized � and dixected to exe�ute the rider to agreement designated Lease No. � o GS'-06B-�7332 - Agreement No. 4, a copy of �ehich is �hereto attached and o �R incorporated liere�n by refereace; be it n. a . Q � FUR'�HER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to cause a copy of this resolution,to be prepaxed and delivered to the General ` '� N Services Administration, Public Building Service, together with a rider .� .O ¢ to agreement executed by the appropriate City officials, with all convenient speed. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the coun��� �'�� 3 � 196� 19— Yeas Nays �a� �� 3 0 1968 Dalglish Approved 19— � / Tn Favor �a- - � � � h �?� ' ��g��� Mayor Sprafkw ,b " Tedesco A gainst ����i��:::o:::a::'� PUBLISHE� SEP 7 �96� � 1�. Mt. Vic� Preeideat (I°oturdoa) � - �� � . • . � � . :-� '� • ' � . � . �r� .� - r '. °� GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION � ���� � « � � . ' Region 6 � ' °� Kansas City, Missouri 64131 , � - a August 27, 1968 � «�...,,...K�� . . a��� . , a ,� a � IN REPLY REFER TO: �Pilt! • � e . � City of St. Paul . • � . Attention: Co�issioner oP Public Utilities � - Room 216 � City Hall and Courthouse _ • St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � ' � We refer to Lease GS-06B-7332 which covers rental o� space in the � Uti7.ities Building at 100 East Tenth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. _ � . We enclose the original and one copy o� •Agreement No. 4, effecting extension of the lease term to and through March 31, 1969. Please have an suthorized o�ficial sign both copies in the presence of a • witness to include aff"ixing of the corporate seal. All copies , should then be returned to us �or execution on behalf of the Govern- . , ment. A Pully signed copy will be returned to you. Coarpletion and return at an early date �rill be appreciated. _, � - � � ��t,� � - dUNID�A.�SLE � - - Chief, Acquisition Bra{�,�h . - Space Management Division - � Public Buildings Service • - - . ' Enclosure � , � . " .a ' � ' - - Keep Freedom in Your Future With U.S. Sarrings Bonds , .. . —.-.r.:��.�-�.,, -�,,- - _ -.--r--� . - . .-'_ _ , , _r..., �.�..1,-,.�-�_._.-.�_-�-----_----__,____:_-_�___- .- "�"� ' ". ., . �`�� - .. . , � � ,,. - _ .. ��. _ ; . . . ,`_ . �_. T• - ' ; , .r - �; � ' � � �- � - - � , . . �� � ' - � � �- - '�- � - � - � - . ' ' - _ -, .� . ' ' • -(` . . ' - T • t - , - ' r � ' � . . `• 11�+ ,� •' ' Z ' ` ' ' • - - .� - , '_.. _ - . . , ' _ . . ' • Y . . . .y _ • _ . _ ' , ^ ' ? , '_ - ' , ` , - ' _ ' . _ ' "_ . k`- ` . , ' ' ' � . . ` _' � t ' . . .s '- � - -� � ^.i . ' ' `� .�..- ' "' ' .lt. ' u . �. ' • � r - , ` - - , ' ' _ ' -` • • '--+ ~ '�. . •_�4 •�� • `, ,, _ � � ' � , ' f•,� - � - . .: . , ` _: . � r, . ' __- --, . , � � . August 30, .1968 . . . .. " • ' �. - > , , - . _; . -_ - ,{ _ -�. _ c ' , `� ; - � . - ; - ^'- _ � _: � - ,-� ' .� - : ' . � � ." . . . � FJ _ - - _ - - � , � z� . , . :_ . ,_ . . . , .. _ - : . � �. .. • "- � � � . � - � � R '_ �� _ . - - - � � � � _ ; - • ` � • - - _ . � � Mr,. .J�i.nius-A: Ai�sley_ ,. : . . ._ � . . - - _, . „ - � : Chief; Acqui:sition�Br"anch � - 4 '' . � .� -� : - . - � ' . Space Management Divieion���, � . � , � � � � . . ' - . { - ` � .- - ,_ , . � Public Buiidings Service -'�. • . - �_ , ' - .. � ' _ '' , �_ . � � Kansas City,-Missouri - � - . , : � .� _ � � � � � � • - � - • ' • • - r • - . ' � �; - , • � • - .' _- , ` " � . . _ � _ - - � Dear'Sir: ` . . ; ' +' . - - - .. ; �_ , �_ - . . � � Enclosed is a 'copy ,of�the resoluti �of` St. $aul City Council; . ' � , - ' ;adopted today, aut�orizing the execu ' -of a Rider to an Agreement : , - , � - pert�,ining-to the leasin� rty the Utilitfes Building at . - � " '` � 4 � � 100 E._Tenth S£:,-St . Pa�, Minn ta,_ ther .y�ith the copies of . . . - � �� - , - - the Rider to this Agre � �nt execut by,�t , appropriate City of`fi-. '. - � - , _ � � cials. - -� _ � - , " . _ - - - i . : . - � . - - , ' . � ' _ � '1 � ` ,- . , • . ' a • . � . � . 'As�referred to in�your, tter, pl e return a fully�signed- copy - _ ; - . , -. , to the �City o _ a Pau , - o , . . � _- _ _ - -� , . s. ' � , , � • - - � . - � . •- _ Very truly�yours, , �_ . , � ;• � '- -. • , . . . • x _ � . . � - . .. - ` . . ; , . . . - 'r - ' _ , �_ ' - " � . a �' _ ' - .. .. � ' � '- ' , � ' , �.' ' - ° r,_� • �. - � - - • � ; . � - - • _ . � ' . � _ : City Clerk . . : . _ ' ' - AO�ng . , . - � ,_ -� � , _ . � ' � ' � :_ ' • .' _ 4 ` _ . . - � - � - - - ° _ � - �.zj . . � � - _ . � • - -.. � �: . . _ �� ; ... : : ' - , . •. ' • ' . -. _ _ • . ,- �- _ _ �. - :" "_ �- ': . :- . ._,. . . ' - -. ,,` • ' _ ' , . : _ . t �� i - • • _ - ' , , � . . , a ' - _ �' . ' ; • - � '4 . � , a. • . ' _ - ' .. `_ f _4 ` ' . � � _�• ' • - . �_ � ` ' � - M1_ + . e " a • � � _ _ _' _• � ' .. _i_ ' - � ,. . , _ + ," • - -. i`� _ _ . ' � _' . ' - . - » _ ' _ � '! ' � F • . . �, ' ` • � : • _ '' _ � - ' . . - - ` '� � T ' — � , .f,- " - 4 2 t . -. . - - _ y,t� k . , - � , ' _ 1. , :. � , ' ' • ' "� Y t � ' f _ r . • , * . J" • - , ' ` _ �• ,. ' ' , � � ' y' ' � '�• ' 7 ` � ._�e ' ��� ' • � _ _ � • • , . 3 _ . . _ _ = - ` .' . � n . � � ' i r+�', �y ,� �' . ``���J � ,4� • . , �' '• ' ' � � • � GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION �PPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT DATE �' � PUBLIC BUILDINGS SERVICE NO. �} Atl 8t �� 19� � . SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE AGREEMENT TO LEASE N0. - : . G� 068- 2 , � �' ADDRESS OF PREMISES , Utilities Building, 100 East lOth Street� St. Paul, . . � Hamsey County, Minnesota , � , - THTS AGREEMENT, made�d entered into this date b� �d between ; '� �! The City of St. Paul, acting by and through the Commiasioner o� Public Utilities • �� whose address is Room 216� City Hall � - � -� = � St. Paul, Minnesota 55Z02 • . � . . , �� hereinafter called the Lessor, �d the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, hereinditer �].led the Govemment: WHEREAS the arties hereto desire to amend the above Lease. - - � • , P • . r . , � � °- NOW THEREFORE, these parties for the �nsidemtions hereinafter mentioned oovenant�d agree that the said � Lease is �nended, effective as of the date shOwn �bove , as follows: __, . � � The term o� the said lease which has by mutual agreement been extended to and � expires September 30, 1968, is hereby flxrther extended to and through March 31, � ig69, at the same monthly rental rate as provided for therein. � � , .� � � - � . 4��' ., Y . :*' , . � . . � ` ' � . I ,� � a - . . , - �� All other tetms and conditions of the lease shall remain in force and effect. - - - - . • ' ' • IN WITNESS WHEREOF; the parties subscribed their names as of the above date. � L E 55 0 R_._ , Y OF_ST. P�UL, MINNESOTA � � � - � � � - . � �� �'� ��. �.� � �, • � � G'��... .z�.�- �' °� ' S`ignature '� ' / ` ' itre ' ' IN PRESENCE OF �, ( J � �,�. `��w���. _��.-/ G ��i C��-?� f� - Signature AddressJ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , .Genera e ces dminis ration, Public Buildinga Service, - l�ace Management Division , . _ , - j a,, _ . _ �� (Signature) � (Ojficial Tit2e) . ,� ss� oc ea-1,�6 . - . GSA �u�e� 276 .� : �.�.-.:-.�-,�-._,_,_,�_ _ ,.�_.,,_,:: . --�, _ -�.._?-= -- - . . . ..^--�--,-_---�-•----�--._....___�._...�: ' �_ '.• ' � � , : , .� .._ ..� � • �A• • • � • . _ - • ` • =, � • . •� _ .. . � . . -.' _ `�. � . ' -' • - . . c � „ o� � . . � ,. , , � � . . �, y• r�� - - . _ _ . e� ' • � � ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' t � "�` � • ����� + �LICAT[TO DCrARTM[NT �t�' CITY OF ST. �AUL F�ENC�� NO. � ►Y' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED !Y COMMISSIONER DATF -- � • .� tlli�MA� p�t to Cawssl wil• l�o. 30q7�, a�w� Jrly 31. 1�. t1M G�r�ss��r K Mblia �tilit��s ws artl�risa�l aNi �i�nst�d to �s�t� Lrsa� �N. li�•�if-7�i2� rat�d JrM �!� l�� su� I.MS� 110. Gs•0�f•7i� • A�t�t IN. �R ia�N Jelr 1!� 1f�2, bp ri Mt�sx th� Citr �!' �tit�t Pirrl a�M tla tln�t�d �tat�s r! Arti�t.fo: t1M I�asisR oi . spas� a�M tM s��� �t tMS�►ia�s br sai� Citr t� tlN 1aa�t�i stat�s . . � •t IM�l�., !. s.i� ciRr+s nliliti.s Mii+liu� at l�e �an T+..tr serNt, �. . ��� t ►�tl� �Ittw�ta, t�r:tA� i�itf�r� taw si eh�, �ats a�wnai�� ' �, . � - ,..1M��►'� )lii� a� sNtai�iq NeSMal swt�+wl �r'rwisls�• a�i �ilri� � - • 'as iiit�l.t� pi �Y t� sit� �# i1,32A.00 p� wtiA to toins � �s. .t i�as. � � w��a�s �.�nrls�s t. e� !1�l�sleid ►y s.i� �itr e� tM i��t�/ flat�s �! A�riss, thn'�tar u�i w siis# ae�wat� t� b�o�ss Pa�abl� t� s�lri City► 1gr tlw 1�tit�i lbt�s �f AN�qi � �� � 1N�l�Af, � Ow�nl �nris�s Ai��i�stsatiar� irtt�s �atN! �j'�?��S r • . �ssN t� ele� Cisr K 3�ls� �i. t� attqtiM o! t�s d��s�f�s +K T��ia dtlli�i�s, vAisL l�tt�r �ws s3�s«t bp �l�s A. l�s�.y, C1�i�l. AsqMisiti�r tisawst�, s�aw 1Nw���t • Oi��si�+ lrM�lis �ril��s E�ri�, s sap� �! rb[a?� 1�ttK is sttscl� Msritp as/ iM�e�ss�t�L INs�3� �► s�i�ct�a�, ��1►h Mtl�a !� swtio:sitp witl� tiM Qwq�tt�s �ptiM �t tr��a i eMtalN� i� sai� �MS�, tl�st th• �r�=�s •i�sts t� �t�i t1N,}�uiw of ��st�ay li�w l�s�b�t 30, , 1li�� t�swf� �!� • �'i �a+�, tlir�si�i w i4 3,,�►—c.9 �Oi,nO� sl�st tM *e�e Citr +tifwss +w Mar�lrr wt�arit�d u� �ityet«t a uNat� tl� si�.s t. a,fr.�..�e !��l�.�t�t i�.�r No. CS•�M•Tii= • ll�t�t !M. �� � ea�+�► ot ,�Ai�1, !� lwrsl� �lt�M�d a�d � i�eoar�ae�d b�i� b�► �l+r�as b� !t .. �f�R il�t.lf1�, t,]rt t1N City Glhrtt is �is�etri q sars� a a�r a� t1�#s �so���lar.t� b� pnpsr� a�l d�lirrrd to tti�t C�i 3s�nisa AMi�ist�tl,a� T�Iic �f irin� S�►i�s; t�ttl� vieb a ti+l�s ,� te �art�i '►�l► i� �ro�si�►t• Ci�r �fis3�is. �rltM ail t�►a�irot , , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Au� � �19— Yeas Nays '� 4 i96� Ga�o�— Dalgliah � Approred , 19— � Holland �n Favor � Meredith ` Peterson ' ' Mayor Tedeaco AS��t Mr. President, Byrne ' ` �22 . ' • � � . •J •� GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION � � � �o- Region 6 * � Kansas City, Missouri 64131 � A st 2 1g68 '�*�...,� � 7s �� � � � IN RE4LY REFER TO: vlill'� • City of' St. Paul Attention: Comanissioner oP Public Utilities Room 216 City Hall and Courthouse St. Paul, Minnesota 551.02 — We re�er to Lease GS-06B-7332 which aovers rental oP epace in the Utilities Building at 100 East Tenth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. We enclose the original and one copy o� Agreement Ro. 4, effecting extension of the lease term to and through March 31, 1969. Please have an suthorized official sign both copies in the presence of s witnesa to include efPixing of the corporate seal. All copies , should then be re�urned to us for execution on behalf of the Go�rern- ment. A ft�lly signed copy will be returned to you. Completion and return at an earl,y date will be appreciated. s , J(7NIU A. • Chief, Acquisition B h Space M�nagement Div3sion Public Buildings Service � Enclosure , - Kee�i Freedom in Your Future With U.S. Sarrings Bonds