240032 � � • . � .. 2�ao�z . co�au�e xo............. � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ! � . and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. , ' ' , Theundereignedhereby propoeeethem�ingof thefollowingpublioimpmvement by the City oi 8aint Psul,vis.: _.........�aas�i-.�x...a_.Ruut�.l.3.c...S.�S].C�oi...l'.�1.1.E�..S.�IPr__in ASH�AN_D__.�EN1.1.�..�Qm..fuQt.�Q...��x��t............. ' to Dale Street�,,,in„GROTTOSTREET from Holl,�,_Avenue to Laurel Avenue• in ..........._._..........._� .............. .....................�......._.... 5�,,�,�LB,,.A,�VS S___,�T �E_E�f,�qn H�l,�,y,,,�y,enue to' Hague Avenue; to be known as the ST. ALBANS-ASHLAND RELIEF SEWER. S-1004 Datedthie.,..�.�....�.....daq of.....�....�......................................... ... ..�...., 19 . . .................... ... .._ _..���� � • , Counailmsn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the maldng of the following improvement, vis.: ,,,��Construct_a�publ_i c,storm _rel,i ef„sewer�i n ASHLAND_,AVENUE.from Grotto_Street�.�__ ..... . . ... ...... .............. .............. ' „_,�____�o„Da,�,g„S,�r�g�,;,__i,�,GROT,[;0„STi�EET,frqr�, Flol,l_y„Avgnue to Laurel _Avenu�._ i n_ ____� . . . .. .... .. ...... ._ ST�ALBANS�STREET.f rom..Ho I 1 y_Avenue to Ha�ue.Avenuew,to.be.known_as. the� ST. .� • .........A�.BANS�AS1-ILAND...B�1.1F,�E.��WFIi_.�__......��.I.S�4�k.......................................................................... hsving been presented to the Counoil of the City of 8aint Paul..........._..........................................._......................_.... therefore, be it ' . R,F80LVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid impmvement. 2. To inveatigate the_neture,_extent and estimated coet of eaid impmvement, and the total ooet thereof. _ 3. To fu=nieh s plan, pmSle or eketuh of eaid improvement. - 4. To et,�te whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked for on 4,he petition of three or more ownere. b. To report npon all of the foregoing mattere to the �mmiseioner of Finanoe. ;�,�1G �3 0 196E Adopted by the Q:ouno�7..............._...............r..................._..................... Y�ss Councilman � ..��-- � � a ���g " Da 1 g 1 ish . Approved............... .........:.............................-•-- .���22a� Ho�d ' U ��� �/ • Tedesco . ---------.--.�.--� - � '..�k.���:���:�°'xid��tt�E!`;� ,.` ' �C#�60g Meqor. � ��y, yico Preeideat YFeterson) � -� ' � PUBLISHED �EP 7 �96$