04-796Council File # 0 T' � ��
Gxeen Sheet # 3021711
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments and
reappoinhnents, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Heritage
Preservation Commission.
Richard Nicholson
(Representing the Ramsey County Historical Society)
Peter Keely
Carol Carey
Susan Bartlett Foote
Gar Hargens
Lee Meyer
Shari Taylor Wilsey
Term Expires
December 31, 2006
December 31, 2006
December 31, 2005
Term Expires
December 31, 2005
December 31, 2005
December 31, 2006
December 31, 2005
December 31, 2006
o�t - �9�i
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmeM/office/council: Date initiated:
Mo - Mayo�s0ffice 10.AUG-04 Green Sheet NO: 3021711
ConWct Person & Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person InitiaUDate
Kurt Schultr ' � 0 r' �ce
266-6590 quj9n 1 a or's Office De artm nt Director
Must Be on Council qgenda by (Date): Number Z - A rn
ROUting 3 a or's Office Ma or/Assistant
Order 4 0 ��
5 i Clerk C5 Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of the appointments of Richard Nicholson, Peter Keely & Cazol Cazey and of the reappointments of Susan Barflett Foote,
Gaz Aazgens, Paul Larson, I,ee Meyer and Shari Taylor Wilsey to serve on the Heritage Preservarion Commission.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No -
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
� 3. Does this personlfirtn passess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
� Esplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
AdvanWgeslfApproved: _
DisadvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
A - ` ---- -'---- - - - - - .. ..-- --
Total Amount of Cost/Revenue Budgeted: ����'���' ¢� �
PundingSource: ActivibNumber: QuG 1 0�oo�
Fi nancial Information:
oy- �9b
Randy C. Kelly, Mayor
390 Ciry Ha[I
IS West KeUogg Boulevard
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers
Council President Dan Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Pat Harris
Councilmember Lee Helgen
Councilmember Kathy Lantry
Councilmember Debbie Montgomery
Councilmember Dave Thune
From: Kurt Schultz
August 11, 2004
I' �
Heritage Preservation Commission
Telephone: 651-266-8510
Facsimile.� 651-266-8513
��Lt�'.Ep �' �*_....s
a 1' `��;
Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Richard..Nicholson,
Peter Keely, and Carol Carey to the Heritage Preservation Commission.
Ms. Carey's term shall expire on December 31, 2005 and the terms of Mr.
Nicholson and Mr. Keely shall expire on December 31, 2006.
Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Susan Bartlett
Foote, Gar Hargens, Paul Larson, Lee Meyer and Shari Taylor Wilsey to the
Heritage Preservation Commission. The terms of Ms. Foote, Mr. Hargens,
and Mr. Meyer shall expire on December 31, 2005. The terms of Mr.
Larson and Ms. Wilsey shall expire on December 31, 2006.
Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals along with
the applications for the new appointments. Please remember that certain
information on the applications is classified as private and should not be
released to the public.
Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any questions regarding
these appointments and reappointments.
cc. Amy Spong
o7i24i2or 15:51 Fe1% 651 290 0719 PAN Inc & DraYtco
o�- 7910
Application for Committee, Board, or Commission
Please return to Mazk Engebretson
Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Haii
15 West Keilogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102
Pbone:651-26b-8533 Fax:651-266-8513
Tha Mio¢e5oca Governmcnt Detu Procticcs Ac[ (Minneso[a Sta�atea Chaptcz t3) governa thc City'n uzc of thc
infoimation contain<d in chis appliee�ion. Some of the informuion sough� in this apvlicacion Is private da�a under ehc
Act. Thc rcquesmd inFormotion witl be ueed by [de aypointiag au[6ority [o <arry oul the Cicy'S officinl appoiotmenc
respoos�bililiea. You arc not roquired lo p�oride any intormation. However, fnilutc to ensWCr the appliea[ion quesnons
may eauec the appoin�ing a�vhor��y co rejeee your appllea�ion. The majority of items eon[nined in rhSx eppiicarion are
publie, inctuding name, addrese, cmployment, sk�lle, tra�ning and ezpecience. end are therefore uvailebfe co anyone
rcques�ing it. The remxining icems on the appilee[ion Corm are elassified as privnee. The privaec data ix a.silabtc only �o
you and co other pereoo �n the City who, bscau9e , of work aeaignments, rca6onab)y require accces to ehe informaeion.
xame l`��L'�-1'/�(LD NtC�nP�(SOV�
Home address
2100 `
Telephones �S/-252 6s�-Z2�-�7Z8_ �si-�-�;o-o�IG
Plaue��eludeAree e� Gaa t omc wort fnz
E-mail address Y-Yiv� ��i/'Ci�"t Ga. vte�
Plann3ng District Council
Prefezred mailing address
Occupation ✓ �'
Place of employment _
Hmptoyment address _
Committee(s) applied foz
City Council Ward
page 1 0�2
What skills/training or experieace do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek
o7i24i2o03 15:11 FAb 651 290 0719 PdN Inc 8 DraYtco
oY` �9�
Personal Referertces
Namc ( �� �Jrd ��
Address � ��
Telcphones 2�Z��4�1�i ����
Plense Include Aro� CoGC9 home wOrk oaher
Telephones a-a� 99%5 a-96 - a���
Plcaec luclade Arca Codes home work o[bcr
Telephones �yya °�'°
Plesae ineluAe Area Codee homc work o[her
Reasons for your interest in this particular committee
�.'fit,GvtTC An 1�t - C�,c�P1> f! n. V�+A'f'a�"ZG
Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application?
If so, wLea, and under what circumstanees?
!n an attempt to ensure that commi2Yee representasion teflects the makeup of our community,
please cheek the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary.
� White (Caucasian) � I-Iispanic �Black (African-American)
� Asian or Pacific Islander � American lndian or Alaskan Eskimo
� Male Female � Date of bixth
Disabled: � Yes No�
If special accommodations are needed, please specify
How did you heat about this opening'?
. i
pagc 2 of 2
O6/16/2004 WED 23:22 FAX
� 002/003
Application for Committee, Board, or Commission
Please return to Mark Engebretson
Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN SS 1Q2
Phone:65T-2b6-8533 Fax:651-266-8513
The Miaaesota Goverament Dafa practices Act (Mianesota Statutes Chapter 13) goveras the City's nse of the
iaformation coataiaed in this applicatioa. Some of the information sought ia this application is private data uader the
Act. The requested information will be used by tfie appointing authoxity to carry out the City•s official appointmeat
responsibilities. You aze not zeqnired to provide aay infozmation. Howevet, failure to aaswer the applicatiaa questioas
may cause the appoiating authotity to reject your applicatioa. The majority of ifems coatained in this application are
public, iacludiag name, address, employmeat, skills, tzaining aad experieace, aad are therefore availabie to anyoae
requesting it. ?he remaiaing items oa the application form are classified as pzivate. The privaze dzta is available oaly to
you and to other pezsoas in the City who, because of work assigameats, reasonably iequire access to the infotmatioa.
NamePete Keel
Home address 493 Pelham Blvd.
St. Paul MN 55104
Telephones 651-647-0666 612-373-4681 612-339-5508
PlaaseincludeAreeCodes homc work fax
E-mail address pete.keely@esgarch.com
Planning Distric� Councii Merriam Park City Council Ward 4
Preferred mailing address 493 Pelham Blvd. St . Paul MN 55104
street city s[ate yjp
flccupation AZ'ChiteCt
Placeofemployment ElI1eS5 Swenson Graham Architects Inc.
Employmentaddress 500 Washington Ave So. MinrieapOlis, MI3 55415
Committee(s) applied for HeY'1t3g2 Preservation
What skills/training or experience do you possess for the commiYtee(s) for which you seek
I am a registered architect and have been in the profession for the
past 15 years. My professional specialty is design on infill sites,
and design and planning of mixed-use developments and especially
redevelopments. My educational background as an architect (Bachelor of Arch.
U of M, and Master of Architecture U.C. Berkeley? included over eight
semesters of architectural, landscape, and urban design history.
I have been involved with all aspects of community involvement, including a
wide range of work within communities to help understand the vision of the
community and the process of development.
page 1 of 2
O6/16/2004 WED 23:23 F�X
Personai References
Name EI.Ien Waters
Address401 North Robert Street # 150 St. Paul MN 55101
Telephones 651- 265 -2796
Please include Area Codes home work other
Name Tanya Bell
� 003/003
a� �9�
Address 1625 Energy Park Drive St. Paul MN 55108
Telephones 651-999-55I.1
Please include Area Codes home work otber
Name Maria Ambrose
Address /�$2 /�g �.��r.�/f21L ���0�
Telephones G��'37
Please i¢clude Area Codes home work other
Reasons for your interest in this particular committee
I am interested in enhancing our communities
past history, while providing for infill development opportunities
and redevelopment potential.
Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application?
If so, when, and under what circumstances?
In an attempY to �ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community,
please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary.
Q White {Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black {African-American)
� Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo
� Male Female � Date of birth 2/8/65
Disabled: � Yes No D
If special accommodation"s are needed, please specify NOR2
How did you hear about this opening? St . Paul Chamber of Commerce
page 2 of 2
FROM : CRREY _ FRX N0. � 6517740218 Rug. 10 2004 12:59PM P1
� b�f-79�
Application for Committee, Board, or Commission
Please return to Mark Engebretson
Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall
i S Wcst Kcllogg Blvd_, Saint Paul, MN 551 Q2
Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-3513
Th< M�aneanta Govemmeat Da[s Prac[iccs Ac[ (Mi¢nezo[a $tatutes Chap�tt 1 i) go�'erns tLc Ciiy's use of !hc
iafotmacion conisined iu lhis applicstioa. Somc ofthc informanoa sought in lhis anplicss�oo is privatc dsia nndcrtbc
Acc. The iequested informstion will be used by the appoi¢tiag anchoricy to carry out the City's official appoiatmeni
respousibiliticx. Yea are aot required so nrovid� aoy infozmaLion. However, failute to a¢swer ihc anplicacion qnu[ioas
may eanse [he nppoia2ing au[hority to reject youc xppli<asion. The majority oF itemz roaxa:ncd:n tb;s appli<seioa ane
public, inelud�ny nsme, nddress, employman[, skills, asiaiag zad esperieace, 3nd ate theiefore availsble to seyoae
re�uessing it. The rema�nxeg attms oa t6e applccakon torm nre classifwC as Dtivate.'ICe D��vau Csta i5 avadnble oaly to
you nad to other persons in che City wfio, 6eeause ofwork assi5nmeats, reasoaably rcyuire access te t6c intefmseion-
I-Xome address 635 Bates Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55106
SQCCC 4[Y St9ft bp
Telephones 651-77a-0218 651-222-3049 651-222-7783
P4aae:.elvJeAtt�(.oa<s me aW �
$-mailaddress cmcarey@earthlink.net hspC�mtn.org
Planniag District Council 4 City Council Ward 7
Preferred mailing address 635 Bdtes Avenue Saint Paul, MN SSIO6
suea dty mre zip
Qccupation non-profit community development
Piaceofempioyment Bistorie Saint Paul Cozporation
Employment address 318 La.ndmark Center 75 w. Sch Street, Saint Paul, FAi 55102
Committee(s) applied forHer1tage P;esezvation commission
What skills/trainiag or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek
I.havc been involved in greservation-I�zsed co�unity reviaralizaGio= wotk Eoz the past 16 years.
=n 1992 I received a LeaH��ship in Neighbozhood(LTN) �anc fzom che Ssinc aaul C� o
explore and promote [he use of historic preservatica zs a cocmn.mity developmp,nt t0o1 ia
ocoaomieally dietressed neighSo2hoode. Siace chat time I I�ave wozked vi
ch non-profit o:qaniucions
on initiacives enas include affordable sipgle and mulci-Eamily housira3 n:ojec[s in hlezoriealiy
dcoigoacea ecruccuzes. Iead_basazd raductiee e�cacsen, ma > variecy oi zevzyl:aa:ion effnr:s chat
cultural and historic *esonrces. T cuzrenely work £or a cit
y-wide presecvacion
orgenixation that, among otkier activi[ies, provides 2ectv�ical zssiscauce and p;n�r�y, y
to Zow income prope�y owners in Saint Paul's eore commuaicies,
page 1 of2
Personal References
Name �y Mino
Address MN Lan dmarks 75 w
Yl<a�e iacluda Area Codef hon<
Name StEVe BuOtOw
FR S( N0. : 651?7
5th Street
Address 1288 E C o m o B S aint P M N
Telepi�ones 612-379-3037
Pleasc incladc Atea CoEes hoaa p.etk
Name Debbie Mi11er
Aug. 10 2004 12:59PM P2
�7 �/�P
Address MN HistoricaZ Society
Telephones 651-297-4464
Ple�ce inelude Aren Codes home mOrl• oihu
Reasons for your interest in tbis particular commCttee
I have a personal and professional interest in preserving aad promoting
Saint Paul�s historic and culturai resources, and committed to working with
a range of property ovners and other partners to achieve those goals_
Have you had previous contact with the committee foY which qou arz making application?
If so, when, and under what circumscances?
I>eerved on Che L'PC £roa 1993-1996, have been before the commieaian for pexmic review,
and have wokred aiCS staE£ and commissioa membeza on a range of nresexvation activ7.tjr5.
In an attempc to ensure thai committee representation reflecss the makcup of our commuaity,
please check the box applicable to you. 2his iaformation is stzictly voluntary.
Q Whitc (Caucasian) Q✓ Hispaaic �BIack (African-American)
� Asian oz Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo
❑y Malc Female � Date ofbirth 22/23/59
Disabled: � Yes Pio �
lf special accommodations are needed, please specify
How did you hear abouc this op�ning?
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