240001 a � Z ; - � 240001 � co�a��ue xo.._._._.� � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' � . , f , and � ,� � PRELIMINARY ORDER. , , � Theundereignedherebyjprnpoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpublioimpmvement bq the City of Saint Psul.vis.: - —�—" i:�. _ . �''.� � -....,...�- — �'���--=�=�Condemt�i•r�g�-and••�ta�Cing�a;�permanernt-�easement-.bU•�t:�i:n�w-i-dtM�for-.-rhe..-purpose=,»=...».:.:- , `- of constructing and maintaining a public sewe.r on, under and across tliat part of - �- ,� , ' ect�'ion�9-;"`1`2$N=�it2'1'L7;lo"�s"'1'='3""`incl:"B°lock�''1'7'"and``B`lock"�'18`;'gro"v3fi and�'Jack`��fi'.s""""." . , Add;i'tton-:to;,We�-t-�,�St,,�R:a41•,,,and Ar�hur:Ave,.,;_vacated�,y,the centerline,�of sai'dw60- ' t ....,�,�,.--t ,.:............... feet'wide easament being described as fol'lows:=�-'�`� �°-`�:��`'�` � ----•��•Cam�encing�at�a���point•�•on�-the=•eastw�l•ine�of�-the»SW��of�•Section�,=g-;�TownsFrip-�28����.�.. Rang��2�,�_Ramsey County,,�d�i9tant�ig6.g6 feet south o�f the nort��easyt�corner thereof; thence SoufFi"`�5 de""rees 37''"Eas�°a'd i"s°tance�of�'775"'f't. , 'inore�or less to the shore of the Mississippi River and the,aetual�'�po-�nt�of.�beginning?�of;Wth,e l�i��e ,�,. , � �_ to be .described; thence N. 75 degrees 37' W. a distance of 775 ft. more or�atl,e's_s:,�. - ' to �the said east line of the SW� of Section 9; thence continutng N. 75 degrees � 37„!,W.�,a_d i�stance of 861,.�4�f�eet_,to a�,po i nt,on,,t�ie no_rth_1 i ne of sa i d_ SW�„d i stance „r $36.73 feet west of the northeast corner thereof; thence N. degrees 44' 10"W. • a dis"tance of 1�405.46 feet and�ther.e�terminatjing'��(F�o� purposes of this `description tFie north l��ne of the S��of Section 9, Township 28, Range 22 is , � asstttned�to'?b^ear_�N,.tt88�de�g,r,ee:'s�'c50!�tW:�)'�r���ft�af�:ia��i�.�trf�xt���,s�3�t��.: __ . �. �-_-- � Also ,condemning and taking a :permanent easement on a strip of land 30' in '��� widfih�=fol�,rthe;purpo's�e�:of�constr•'u"ct�ing=`a"rid�"mai�ntaining a�'ipub�l ic"��'sew�e'r {on°;-�under f fi�af �and��a�cross`4ttiat'� p'ar�t7''of�"1"t� 3; 56-1k�.t�17;;1'ots���1-4"'�incl:;=61k;�'�2-g=, °'and' BYk:� 30, Brown ;���a+ arid.�,J�ckson�!s'`Add�i�t:ion,��°lot�s?E'-1':6�incl': �Blk;��63;�l�ot �l&, kBlk:� 64;� lot"s�`9-;14 incl :, � e r Et ♦, f � ; �'P�:#��B�l�k:�.65.;:vacat'e'dx a'1'ley, i=n� said-�B�l�k; �65-, �and��lo�s y7='9 �i=n"c�1=:'B�lk:-'6�'ta;Tli�.fine.t�'cslitest ' i_�*�'�'�`S_t::3iRau.la'.Rea=1::Estate�end�rlmproveirien`'t��Syrid i cate Add i t ion No. 6, Wi n i f red St. vacated, ; , . � ArtFiur�xAve:�vaceted?andrBlk:��A.��Paul#Mart�in'�s��lst�•Add; '�t`o'�he� Gi�ty'�"of�`St:�Paul , � ��¢�Fthe'centerl=i:ne�'of�`sa�id��3�0°�ft', w�de�!�easeinerit��being'�descr`-�i-be}d��as��foi'�lrows: i ; ther���; Commerncing4tat �the��=termi`na�t�ion��point �'o`f�tithe{a6ove�d'esc ri:bed�60�ft.�?permanent � � Lhaeasement�, 1thericei�Si.`-`-57�.degrees� 1"6!�W;��a �di�st"a'nce"�of-568.88��ft:Z•tora� point�which is � to �1=ocated-'on'�aa 1°ine`=tiea"r.ing- N:"'66 Adegreess�28' t40"��W:�`and-d=i stan�� 65:'$3 Cft.��from the L_ t J� .} 1�.,,.• f' •• � n�w t rs "_� �.r.�y-� w � ��,�S.n,r � �- 1 � ? to rnorthwest=�corner�of�•satd� SW�.of="Sect_ion 9, thence�S°9��egrees���58�?4a��{E��a ' � ! J L jd�� lE 1: ���i •,t 1'r.x�.� � +r'.4a. �-„ � +�. �:. c r.f,r{ '.,�. ..�;r�..���,� . .�� di:stance of 1$6.12 ft*:�•th�ence �S: �31:�-degree's f04' �4"Or'��E� a di°stance of �725, ft� and I , � � � �fi'� '7� �..... � �� � _ ��`�'�there3termiriating:� �h� r,pt^�;tr�st �ar►.�;r- �;�at��o�t ��T�FT40 �. #-� aLgr�..s �+• � � ���1!' �' �A�l�so�':condemning+arid��aking'•�a� temporary�easement= fo�r�co�st�uction'?purposes on � des<a��s:t��ip�of-=1and• 40 �ft:' in� wi`iltN' on 'each�=side of�the�•above �described '3.0 ft. 1 � �„ .., ,.�• , �s$+pe"rmanent=�easement,��except the."�W/ly side of said 30 ft. wide easement bearing S. . - 31.�'degrees��U4!=�4a�}�Ei a='d'i��:tanc�-of��725�ft:$��"=n� 4n � ;tri� c�' �an� ��' �re ' t 1-' �. � i�1a. 1 r' F�':4.�}...1,.,,.. � t�v2 !n �,+' nr -�. ���r��� � �''1���;`f��A l�so�'condemri i ng� and3-tekr ng �a��tempo�rary F easemen"t �o�r� const='ru�tt i'}� pu�poses on , � ���aa�s`,t'r=i�p of��land�'�lying�=betweenf�the� north�•and��south��l�ine's�of'<Robi'e St. and a 1 ine 55 ; 13rr�;ft;��norfihsand��ourth'�o`f�<the rfol`lowing��d`es�c�ibed;; line����q�&� �inc�,�'� ���f,� �it � � `���� ���Cortmenc-i ngt�at�Gttie-�temm'i ria.t ion po'i nt�of��th�e�abo�ve��descr i•bed�60�ft��pe�manent"� ��t��'ea�semen~t�,-"the�ce��S� '�57'��degree`"s �16't'W:�abd�istance�of�.568�88��ft��to the• po'jnt•of � �t• fieg�inningr•bf`�tFie'�;l�ine"Fto be'�described,�thenice �N:�'`66��cl�grees"17�' W: a�distancre�of ��•23"0:28 `feet��an'd=�the�e: `teririinating�'�, �+tc::; e�s�-;�nt b�oitzg oes��ri��d aS �d}�C�J�i , �� ' avi,.•."�.��{*yn ^.t_��! i�,.r��r.—.*^'...4 wiw�F ..� `t, t. .�1. � r,L .� !.n t ---- , : '� � ' C��T�CIx[�Tv..� u-v .v vw�v-v_v�c�rvcN VV-7T• fTi1�lgllt— , easement, thence�S. 57 degrees. .16' W. a d i stance ofs►5b8:88' ft� to a,�po;int wh-i_chri s � � ����"`�'66'�d grees 28' 40" W.�and�distant.�-65�83�ft..;fr.om�fthe j '� 1 ocated on _a 1 i ne bea r i,n, N;__ 9.,.� . ......�.. ,,. � ... � �.-,,..�....�:-:... :�......,.... I northwest• ,cor.ner ofKs,a i dvSW�'of Sect ion 9, thence S��9 degrees 58' 40" E.-a,,d i s.tance � �. . `�lri �Kr'_. t �]l - ..%Suyv... ' � of 186.12.ft.:-thence.S.{•:3i��eg'rees 04' 40" E. a distance of 725 ft. and �tFiere ' '"r'3 s.**; �rlr..� ;'rt.��C�i :rerzrau;�� f termi�riating. Also condemning and� taking a temporary easement for construction-�pur,poses.,on �� � ���� a strip of land 40 ft. in width on each side of fhe above described 30 ft. permanenteeasement, except the SW/ly stde of said 30 ft. wide easement bearing S. 31 degrees 04' 40" E. a distahce of 725 ft. ' ' Also condemning anci taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on ��a,_st_r_i-p�o.f l.and�.l-y-i-n,g.�between�.the,.north.�,and_south.�l_i_nes.�of,.�Rob3.e.�S.t..�and�a,1_i.ne, 55 �ft. ,north and�.south of tFie fol lowing describ�d 1 ine: _ : . ' � - • - � - - '" • Cortmencing at the termination point of the above �described 60 ft.� "permanent, � - ._ �easement, thence��S. 57 degrees 16' W. a distance of 568.8$ ft. to�the poi�t of,, . : � beg i nn i ng of -the- 1�ine to be desc r i bed; thence ;N," 66 .degrees -17' W. _a d i stance of - • - 230.28 feet and there te rm i nat i ng..,- • � . �- -- ' - - � �"� - -.- ; ' � ' ' . y � + _ �Y .. . .•_ � r i • ' . , e , . • . ` _ • "