239979 Od=inal to CIty Clerk , � �� ORDINANCE ����`�� � . COUNCIL FILE NO ' � PRESENTED BY �� ORDINANCE NO � � ' AI+� ORD ANCE I�T SE'�'�LING THE CT.ATM OF MORR�S D. � SCHNE�DER AND. BELLA SCfIIdE�'DER, ZNDTVTDUAT,LY` AND AS HUSBAND AND W��FE, AGAINST Ti-� CITY OF SAZNT �AUL i � 1HE COUNCTL OF 1HE CITY' OF SAINT PAEIL DOES ORDAIN: i Section l. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized � to pay out� of the �or� Liability� I?t�nd 0035�-421, to•Morris D. Schne�der I �� i and Bella Schne3dex; �ndividually and as husband and wife, the simm of ' I $143:27.,� in, fu�l s,ettlement of the3.r claim for damages sustained on � . . � � � July 1, 1968, �s a re�ult of an accident involving a City vehicle i driven by Chaa�es' J. Lee, at or near the intersection of Hartford " I Street and Cleveland Avanue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. '; Section Z: That said sum shall be pa3d to the said claimants , f_. upon their execution and.- delivery of� a� release 3n full to the City, in ' � i a form to be approvod by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages , � � E .� �tained in the manner aforesaid. � � � ; a Section' 3. That th3s ordinance shall take effect and be in , t force thirty* days after its passage, appro�al and publication. ! � � I � , � � ! � i � . i r , , � � � i Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council SEP 1 1 196� ; Carlson ' � ; Dalglish ,( 17n Favor � Meredith /� ; Peterson CJ Sprafka Against I 1vlr. Pes d (B e SEP 1 1 196� '' Appr d: ttest: C' Clerk ayor ; � �O • , Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' PUBLISHEP �EP 14 �ssa ' � � a t Daplicate to PrInter . � � ORDINANCE ������-� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO-��g ��r AN ORDINANCE SETTLING TFIE CLAIM OF MORRIS D. S(�JNEIDER AND BELLA SC"rIIJ�IDER, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS IiUSBAND AND tiVIFE, AGAINST THE CITY OI' SAINT PAUL TFIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIJL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1. That the proper City offic�rs are hereby authorized. to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Morris D. Schneider � and Bella Schneider, inclividually and as husband and wife, the sum of $143.27, in full settlement of their claim for damages sustained on July 1, 1965, as a result of an accident involviag a City vehicle driven by Char3es J. Lee, at or near the intersection of Hartford Street and Cleveland Avenue, Saint Paul, blinnesota. Section 2. That sa3.d swn shall be paid to the said claimants upon their execut3.on and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approve3 by the Corporation Counsel, £or all damsges snstained in the �anner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in . force thirty days aftar its passage, appro�al and publ�.cation. � ��P 1 1 1968► Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council , Carlson Dalgliah � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � Against SprTe�escoa-� Z lg��. Mr. President (Byrne) ~�p 2 Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor °�� Form approved Corporation Counsel By 1 , I st ,� � 2nd � � Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopte � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �Garlson arlson ��alglish alglish Meredith ����tr�eredith � Peterson terson ` Sprafka �/ �Sprafka I , U \ � Tedesco �edessa Mr. President Byrne r. President Byrne �O