239972 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �����pd CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NQ. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C MMISS�IONE WILLIAM E S ATF Au�ttst 23, 196� WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3250 authorizes and provi.des for payment for overtime work, and I WHEREAS, the Comm�sssi.one.r of Public Safety has authorized overtime work in his department (Bureau of Health) during the period form August 10, 1968 to August 23, 1968: therefore, be it I . � RESOLVED, that the proper citp officers are hereby authorized to pay the ; employees who performed such overtime work in accordance with the provi�ions of I Ordinance No. 6446 and No. 3250. , i �� . i . � I�UG 2 7 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays (,_�,�� � � 1�6$ =--G�sa�— Dalglish Approved 19—_ ''1 ��' ' `� Tn Favor Meredith � 4 Mayor n..�rs+?rr- J��i6//�g' Tedesc A gainst ��e° '�' � °�fi�°ii:;;i � .t N7r. Vice Pre�ideat (Peterson) pUBLISHE� AU G 3 � ���� �o