239963 �' � ' 23���3 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , •� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. • - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK =-��'iscaJS� cor�Tr� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /�/� 1^ (� � �.1.g11S'Fi 27� 1968 COMMISSIONER ��Y���- ��� 4 ��,=x a � DATF Tn�REA'S: Proper notice has been received as to change of officers and stockholders in J. B., Inc. holders of Qn Sale Liquor License No. 721�6� e�qoiring January 31� 1969, and �i.nday-On-Sale-Ziquor License No. 455, expiring _ ,` December 29, 19d8, botli issued to them at 77 East Ninth Street, therefore, be it RE�L`TID; That a11 faur current officers, J. B. rlattson, President; K. J� Bonneville, Vice-president; Gertrude �a'ttson, Secretary and F. R, La,plante, Treasurer; v resi�ning their respective offices and be replaced as follows Eri�i: J. ; . . Mattson, President; �lalter C. Longen� �ice-president; K.J. Bonneville� ��Secretary; and J. B. Mattson� Treas�rer and in pl ace of the four original . officers being stockholders the only two stockholders are J.Bi. Mat�son arxi " and Eric J. I�iattson� be/the same is hereby'approved. � Sale Liquor Establishment ; (Ghan;e officers and Stocicholders) Informally approved by Council kugust 2?� 19b6 '-�, Qrig. Ap�n, K-812 ��G 2 7 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— _ Yeas Nays ,��G 2 7 196� � Dalglish � / Approve�l 19— Meredith .� Tn Favor �� Sprafku J ���� Mayor Tedesco - Against ':'�����i�i�?�`�����E�: �Mr. V}ce Preaideat (l�eterson) PUBLISHE� AUG 31 1968 °�� • � T�� �) � � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL • Capital of Minnesota �� : 3� ��'..� �e a�ti�ec�t o c��`ic �a et . p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, DeDaty Commiealoner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lleenee Inepeetor August 22� 19� Honorable I�layor and C�ty Council � �ai.nt Paul, Minnesota _ � Gentlemen: Currently J.B.,Inc. hold;Qn Sale Liquor License No. 72l�6, expiring January 31, 1969, and SundaJ-�n-Sale-�iquor License No. l�55, expirin� �ecember 29, 1968, at 77 East Ninth Street. They have so been licensedat this location since February 1960. The present officers are J. B. Mattson, President; K.J. Bonneville, Vice-president; Certrude Mattson, Secretary and F.R.LaPlant, Treasurer. The four officers, likewise, are stockholders. Illl four officers resi�n their respective of�ices, with J. B. I�attson and K.J. Bonneville taking new offices and Ge�trude Mattson and F.R.LaPlante relinquishin� their offices entirely. The new officers are Eric J. P�Iattson, President; Walter �. Longen, Vice-president; K.J.Bonneville, Secretary, and J.B.Mattson� Treasurer. , K.J.Bonneville, Gertrude Mattson, and F.R.LaPlante relinquish their stock and J.B.Mattson and Eric J. Mattson become the only two stockholders. Very truly yours� � j y�c :�� . ��� License Inspector � ^ � �' ' �� . __ 10 � , � � . + ��� , �� :� � � ' . • �.-.��� -��, ��' � . t '�d ���„-r,�-h �-t � i. �f�� t � `�.�- ��r �,,� "'''' 1 ��..���—�'`��-��� t.�.�� � [iestt��rant and Cockt¢it Lounge � CR�']P �'O��ERS T��lE� � 77 E. �Ninth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55IOI 'i 227•�230 or 227•8239 I , ; ; August 1�, 1968 � ; � Ci�.y Cotm.cil � Ci�y`of S�o Paul • , c/o Mr, McLau;hlvz • ' S�, Paul, Mi.T�.rl. � ; Gentlemer_: ` Permission is hereby -reques�ed ior �he changes as outl�n.ed belaw by J, Bo Inco , a corporation holding a liquor license a'c 77 E. 9�h S�o , St, Pau�. 1. Change ir_ �he office of preszdenL of �he cc�;ora�ion from Jo Bo Ma�.�san ico �ric Jo • P�.a��sor_a D4r. 3, Ba Ma��son �o Treasurer, ' Z, G�.ange in 'che oifice of �Tice-Presid�r_t , fr�m Ke J. Bonneville to �Vali,e-r Co Longen. N,ro :�o Jo Bon�zev�lle to Secrei,aryo � Nro F. R. LaPla,.��e resi�neso G�r'crude A�a�-�soi� resigr_es. � ' 3o Transfer of apnrox9na�ely o�e-�nird of the cani�al stocic �ron J. B, Mac�son co Eric J,. b::�.�tson= 7ne remai.r_ing ti�ro--thi-�ds to be re�cazned by Mra Jo B. N.�ttson, ' �Tery truly yours, - �, B, INC. � �} -^'�t<t-��- �, , . Jo� B. I�lattson • President }3M:id ' A DIV. OF MYC2CEY5 f7:I`'EP� iNC.� GE;�'L"•FZAL OPPiCESt 369 �4ABA$FiA STREET� SAYN: PAUL� T�SNNESOTA SSI07� '� : . , CITY OF SQINT PAUL , ' DEPARTM�NT {jF' FUBLTC SAFETY LIQENSE DIP�SIC7N � Date Aug. 14 19�_ 1. Application. for On Sale Liquor ' ' Licsense 2. Name of applicant J. B. Inc. (Eric Mattson) ��Ls. 3. -Busineas addreas 77 E. 9th St. , Residence 2102 Timmy, St. Paul, Minn. 4. ,Trade name, 3.f any ���-�� Firehouse Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge 5o Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail 'Liquor Federal Tax Stamp X � will be uaedo 6. (hi what floor located one Number of ro�a used� Four 7. Betvsresn what cross atrsets Cedar & Minn. 11Phich side of street North 8. Are premiaes now occupiedYes 'VPYiat businese Rest-Bar Ho� long 8 Yrs. 9. A�'e premises notv unoacupiec�To. How long vacant Previous use - 10. Are you a naw oa�mer - n Have you been in a si�ni].ar buain.esa before n _ �There When 11. Are you going to operate this business personally Yes If not, who will oparste it Eric J Mattson 12. Are you in any other busin.esa at the present time No 13. Have there been any comp7.aints a�ainst your opsration of this type of p].ace No, VPhen lf�he re � 14. Eave you ever had any license revok�d No �Phat reason ansi date 15. Are you a citizen of the IInited States Nativ� X Naturalized �� � ` . _.. _ __. . ,. - . . � - 16. �ifhere ware you born St. Paul , Minn. Date of birth Jan. 9, 1�43-\"~ � �- s� ( ' ) (����t) ��' " - - - .. 17. �I am married. M tivife s name and addresa is _ � _ , ,�, - Jiilia Mattson 2102 Timmy, St. Paul Minn. �Mendota Hcthts. ) `' ''�_ � . --� :' . .r •�. " . , �, . ��. 18. (If married female) �y maiden name is � � s ' 19. Haw long have you lived in St. Paul 25 Vrs. _ 20, Hav�e you ev�ar been arreated No Violation of what criminal la�r or ordi.nance 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City of St. I�zul Y Yea � No• • ' � ' - � � � � �" - enYc�ofa Hghts) (Answer full,y and aompletel.y, Thase a �lioations are thorou hl chec�ed and an faleifioation will be cause for denialo " - AFFIDAUIT BY �4PPLIGANT � � FDR , RETAIL BEER �R LIQIIOR LICENSE - Re: On Sa1e Liquor L3oense Name of applicant Eric J. Mattson • Business address 7'7 R_ 9+h �t_ Are you the sole awner of this business? rJp . T�f not, is it a partnership? a orporat ion? X , other� Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or othex�o�rise: Name J. B. Mattson Address 1608 Bohland g� Stock _ �f'�QG�q S Walter Longen ' 1783 Onacrest Curve Vice Pres K. J. Bonneville 2755 N. Griggs Sec. " - - - If a corporation, give ita name .T. B. Inc. Are you intereated in any �vay in any other 8etail Beer or Liquor buainesa? No ' As sole owner� Partner? Stoekholder? Otherwise? (Through loan of man.ey, eta. E�plain� Address of auch busi.n.ess and nature of interest ' mo �_ S' nature applican State of �dinnesota� � � )ss C ounty of Ramsey ) 'Eric J. Mattson ' - �-" - -" � " "being �f�i.i��st duly sworn, depoaea and says upon oath that he kias �read the foregoirig afficiavit��bearing�his signature and lmows the contents thereof; that the' sams�is true of his- o�rn. o�vledge, except as to those matters therein stated�upon information and bel' an as to t se matters he be- lieves them to be true. � ,= ' ignature of pplica �.�Su � ribed and sworn. to bef re me ' th � -_�14t.h,da f A st 19 68 _ _ :;; . __ ,' �- , � _ -_ - . - : otary P b1x� Ramsey County �i_nneaota __,^ - y_ _ , ' ;� ti � I �ING�� R�H��f��y public,��msiy Co..M� ° M C 9��mmis§ion Ex y , 1�71 � :1 • 1 STATE OF NfINNESOTA ) ) SS � CC�[JNTY bF RAMSEY ) Eric J. Mattson being first dul�r sworn, doth depose and say that he makea this affidavit in aonnection �vith application for " On Sale'� liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of . - - - - - - -. ._. . - _. - --- -�---- -- - St��e of �Si.nne s o�a Saint Paul, Minnesota; that qour affiant is a resident of the ancl has resided therein for 25 years, 6 months, and is � - - - - - - - - S�ate now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of s�id � and that he now reaides at N0. 2102 Timmy, Mendota Heights ��Y, Bdi_nne s ota. ' ' �. � Subso ibed and sworn to before me ;- ,,-� ' x , 14th day o ug ' t 19 68 � - , -t > �. - _ �. _ = �- - No ary P�n�r ic, msey Coun.ty, esota .' � `'" : �R6':;lG, DREHER,1r.,Nota �b�� - � .• �=� R— - ,, ry mseyCo..lW3na. - _ - �6,y COm�tt�ssioll �itp3�fre:ssion Ex ires r� = �.\�';'' - ..r _;� ` .�. _ �v`- c � ", . . , • CITY flF SQINT PAUL _ � DEPARTlJtENT {)F P[TBLIC SAFETY I�iCENSE DIPrSION Date August 14 19 68 f � 1. application for J. B. Inc, , (Walter C. Lonaen) � On �ale Licxuor Liaense ' 2; Name of applicant Walter C. _Lon eri _ 3. •Buainess address 77 E. 9th St. Residence � 17F3`� .rP�t C„rvP 4. Trade name, 3.f any Fixehouse Restaurant & Cockt ; 1 I,o��ngp 5. 8etail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax 5tamp }{ will be usedo 6. (�ri what floor located on� Number of rocmns used�,^Frn� 7. Betw�aen what cross atreets CedBr �c Minn. Whioh side of streat Nori-h _ . _ . . - • - -- -. ,.�..._r _.. - -- 8. Are premises now occupied yes What businesa �a�e How long 9. .H,�e premises now unoccupied�How long vacant Previous use 10. dre you a new awner �D " Have you been in. a aimilar business before . �O �fThere 9Phen 11. Are you going to operate this business personally yP� If not, who will operate it 12. Are you in any other busineas at the present time j�o 13. Have there been any comp].aints against your operation of this type of pl.ace T10 VPh.en �9h.ere � 14. Bava you ever had ar�y license revoked �o YPhat reason and date 15. Are you a citizen of the IIni.ted Statesyes IJativ� X Naturalized ,� t �� - -- .--.---- ,� . _. �;- ` � ' - 16. Yffhere �are you born �t� pgul ^ Date of liirth June 28_� _�'1� "194� . , . - --�- - } e -- � 17. -I am married. My (wife's) (�s�j�s) nam�s and addresa is_JoAnne:�.ioncten :. - � -- T� 1783 Onacrest Cuzve. St. Paul, n4inn. (Pda�lewood) � � _ - � , ;�� r = 18. (If married fe�le) u�y maiden name is � -` ` '� �` _ . . � ,. ,�� 19. How long have you lived in St. Paul 25 vr�. 20. Have you ev�er baen arrested P1o� Violation of what ariminal la�r or ordinance 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Paul Yes N o No, (Answer fully and completely. These a� �lieations are thorou hl checl�ed and an falaifiQation will be cauae for denial. � ' _ f. , � � w - . . . - � ' _ _ _ . � � - ' .. � t - , Y �, � -P_ A ' � 1 V _ _ �' ; . � " - � �� • . ' , • y �v ,� � � f i � , � �� _rrJ. _ - -' - . .. -� a , � � "�° ' • . -, " ' ' t I _ . � , ` ' . _ 4 �. . * . ' _ ` ,' � '' - � ' � - • V : yT . - ` - � 6 • � � �- . •^ - � , - � .. t-t � r , ' , . . . — ' - ` - � �. . - -' ' . + - • `' , ` "� i ` Y '_ , ' ` ',' � � ' _ . . .. - _ ,� � � ' -.•" - , �, t • ' _ - . , - < `_ h- , �` ,, % ; �t , , ' � - r - ' - - " ^ • � ' - � . i/ - + - ^. ` + X _ ^ . `' - _ � • �� ,'.. - -' Y � . - . � ' �, . , , 's - _s" - . , August`22, �1968 . , - _ .. -, -' . ' �� ' _ �- � � : , .• - - � � . - - .. ° � _ ' � ` " . '. - " - : , . • � � '_ _ _ . - - �. _. tr : ` s . , . . ; - _„ .. - � _ - - � _ _ - . , -- - , , . . " . - , . , - • , . - _ � . _ � . - - • _ , _ - � • _ -_ _ _ � . , - � _ . . . . . . , _ _ . _ , • , _ . - . -. . _- ,. • . . . , . - . - Hon. Wm. �E. Carlson • ' - - - - • ; _ • � Comsr. of Public Safety - , . • � - x , ' � -- ;- - � . Public Safety Bldg. � - . - ' ' _ -' � � ^ - � _ F r _ h ,. - . � - - � Deax Sir�: ` � ' _: , , ; . � Atte�t � n: . Dan MeLaughlin , - , - . . � " - _ . . ' � � . � - � - ' , . -.- The City Council today ,informal pproved e' change oP officers and atockholders : + _ --in�J.' B., Inc. , holders o� On �3a ic�uo cense No. 7246, expiring-.. � . Jan. 3Y,. 1969�, and Sunday Qn Sale . icense N�. 455, expiring� - Dec. 29, 1968, at 77 E. Ni,n� : : ` n= " _ � _ ,�;�--�-� - . � Will�you please prepax��he custo re ution covering thig . - ' � � ' : matter? - � � . . - , � - . : - - - ' _ ' .. - � Very truly yours, = � . -- �. � . . ' - � _ - - ._ • ".. City Clerk � _ • � r� ' � _ -. �_ . � ng - _ - , � • . � � . , 4 -� • � - . ' . . � - � , _ , � L : � . - - - ` .< - ' - _ . ' -.' ' ° � . . � � ' .- - � - , _. _ ' ,-. . _� � � � _. ' ~ - • . T '` • -, - , ' ' ~ • • _ - _ . . ` • •• - ' � ? ' •, • _ .- � • , � � _ f � �L ' • ' Y G . R ` _ ` , y , I 1 � ,. � � ^• _ l_ � _ - ' - � . ♦, , ' ' _' _ � 4� _' , � _�. _ � - �. .' ' � ! Z ' _ _ . .. , . ' - .. _ . z _ _ - ' ` y _ . •» . ' " c _ . • ,` `- . , � . ; j. ..-_ . ' " � . ; ti t . I 6 . � � ° .� � ; . AFFIDAVIT BY �PPLICANT n ^ � FOR � RETAIL BEER �R LIQIIOR LICENSE ' � Res On Sale Liquor Liaense Name of applicant �eJalter_ C. Loncten — ��,� � 5 • Business addreas 77 E.x9th St. Are you the sole rn�vn.er of this busin.eas? No . I"f not, is it a partnership? c orporat ion? }� , other� Others interested in. buainess, �nclude those by loan of money, property or othex-u�rise: Name�_ B. tJlattson Addresa 1608 Bohland How Stockholder Eric Mattson 2102 Timmy Pres. & Stock. �. J. Bonneville 2755 N. Griggs Sec. & Treas. If a corporation, give its name J. B. 3nc. Are you interested in any way i_n. any other Retail Beer or Liquor business? No. As sole owner? Partner? Stookholder? Otherarise� (Through loan of mon.ey, eta. E�plain.) Address of auch busineas and nature of interest in sama --C�2.�-°^ ignature of applicant State of �innesota) � �sa Cowzty of F�msey ------._ ;. . .- - - - �ial�ter C. -Lonaen � � being fi'rs£-duly sworn, deposea and says upon oath that he has�read the foregoing affiiiavit�-bear2ng his signature and l�ows the contents thereof; that the� sams is true of his- o�vn �.owledge, except as to those matters therein stated�upon information and belief and as to those matters he be- _ lieves them to be true. C�%�CiCs�-Y... Signature of a pplicant _Sub' ibed and sworn. to before me � `�'th.. `��,';'�� day of Au t 19 8 ` �� � . ` r., - t, , = �, C " ary Pu1i " c5 y ounty, � e ota - - �_- � � : . _ - -� . � ` f21�IN� 1;, �;P�bli�,Ramsey Co M� � � i n ir��°[Nay.�r—i�i 19 , ,}; ' � � , � . . , a - , � , STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) �Jalter C. Lo; ngen being firat duly sworn, doth depose - �-- --__. ..._ .. _ ,__ __ . .. . _ and say that he makea this affidavit in aonnection svith applioation for _ '� On Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of , _ . . _ . - . - -- - -- -- - -- -� - - - - - � State of �iinneao�fa Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the arxi has resided therein for 25 years, months, and ia - - � - - ^- -- --- � - State now and ha s been for the time ab ove menti oned a b ona f ide re side nt of sa id �g and that he now resides at N0. 17�3 0„acrest Curve, Maplewood �� Min.n.e s ota. _ Subsoribed and sworn to before me ;,�� - . � ,� �thi �` �14th ay of u u t 19 68 . � = - > . . _ _ . . - - f� � _ " ar;� � z , Ram.sey�Co , Minnesota " IRVINGpG.DREHER,1r.,NfrryAiM IwmseyCo.,Minn. " . $� COII1D1].g81jQPj17.(,'�p�j�pR�r �jmt M�v 4. 1971 � . r �i�'- - � ;... �'c ;��