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Theunderaignedhereby proposesthemsl¢ingof thefollowingpubliaimprovemeat by the City of 8aint Peul,s►i:.: � �'
Grade and Surface with Bituminous Material �the al ley ic� Lawton and Meyer's Re.- af, � ,��
......................................................................... . .
Woodbury and Case's Add'. to St. Paul from Mt. Hope St. to Harvard St., also construct�-'�� ' i�
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asewe r�i n the.^a 1 1 ex:..................................................... ........................._......_....�.....�.........w...�.._... �
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Datedthie........................day og................................................... . .., 19 . .
................. .... ..._.. _ .� ....� .............. �
� �Counoilman.
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WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: �
Grade and Surface with Bituminous material the alley in Lawton and Meyer's Re. of
I Woodbury and.Case's_A�yd. _to_StM Paul from Mt. _Nope.St._to Harvard..St»., also. construct
� �, a sewer in the alley. �
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................_..__...-•-----•-------•--....................._......--- . ........---........._............._......_............................_.......__.......... �
having been preaented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..............._ . ......_._..........................._......_... � ...... i
. therefore, be it � •
RF30LVED, Z'hat the Commissioner of Publia Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: �
, 1. To inveetigate the neceseity for, or deairability of,,the making of eaid improvement. `i
� 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eatimated coet of eaid improvement� and the total oost thereof.
8. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. • ,
- 4. To state whether or no�eaid improvement ie aaked for on�he petition of three �r more ownere.
b. To report u�on all of the�foregoiag mattere to the �:ommiseioner of Iynanae.
RUG 2 2 1968 � . -
Adoptedby the �ounoiL._...............................................................�......
. a4U� 2 2 196�
Councilman .
Dalglish , Approved............................... ............._.............
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����� Meredith
• ' Peterson �
� Tedesco • - ---------- --- • �
Mr. President, B.�r�rre ' . � � ' Mayor.
Y � 7� �
• ° � �ua�►sHE� AUG 2 4 1968 - � .
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