239930 ��� � �3���0
' •• . �.
- . . ..
WI-�REAS, The City of St. Paul, Department of Public Works, has
initiated condemnation proceedings in connection with the following
proposed public improvement:
Open, widen, and extend Kellogg Boulevard from Main
' Street to Smith Avenue; and
WI-IEREAS, The Council finds that in connection with such proceedings
it is necessary and expedient to hire and employ qualified real
estate appraisers properly to appraise lands and structures which are
to be condemned under the process of eminent domain, so that the best
interests of the City may be protected to the end that a fair and not
. exorbitant value may be set�-on such lands and structures about to be
acquired under said condemnation proceedings and to call, if neces-
sary, said real estate appraisers as witnesses in any court of law or
before any duly appointed Board to give testimony and expert opinion
evidence as to values: therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That in accordance with Ordinance No. 13851, C.F. 237405,
approved March 20, 1968, Louis C. Siebert and William J. Dunn, real
' estate appraisers, are hereby retained for the purpose of appraising
� real property on Kellogg Boulevard between Main Street and Smith Avenue,
as described in the preli.minary order, C.F. 238929 approved June 5, 1968,
the appraisal fees in the total amount of $3,000.00 being $1,500.00 for
each of the two appraisers, and the terms and conditions of the apprai-
sal assignment being more fully set forth on a document designated
Appraisal Assignments Nos. 127-A and 127-B on file in the Office of
- the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul.
' `� a �� '�-��� ,
., . ' Asst. Corporation Co�Cir�el
� �uG z � �g�g
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
. AUG 2 2 196�
Dalglish • Approved 19—
Meredith � Tn Favor
Peterson � ° ,
Sprafku , Mayor ;
Tedesco A gainst
PUBLISH�� AUG. �4 ����
Mr. President, Byrne
. �O
. � .. - - . .
, . .
� . .
. ' • � � . • .
. . •,� .
' � • '�
• ' , . . .
. . ., + -
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, r'�w • . • . �
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CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �����o j
WHEt�EAS, Th� Cit� o�' St. ���.il, De�zc�rtmen� o�' Pub13c �Jor.�cs, has !
• initia�ed c4nr�emnation p�oceec�3n�s in eoniie��ion c,rifib �he following �
propos�d g�ub3.ic .improarzm�ri�;
Qpen, �ai.den, mnd ex�tend K�llo-�; �3oul�varc� f'rom Main
S�t�ce�t to Sr,�iith Av�nue; and
WHERE�t�S, �e Council £inds tha� in connec�ion with $uch proceedin�s
i� is �z�cessary a�nd expedier�t �to h;re mnd emp�.oy c�{ualifi�d real
�st�t� app��i�ers p�cp��rly �o agpraise lands �and s�ructur�s c,�hich are
_ � �o b� COTiLIE'3ri11�C� uncls�r �he pruces� of �ainent doanai�, sa t��at �he bes�
in�erc�sf� o€ tI» Ci�y may be p�at�c�ed �o the eiad tha� � f�ir �nd r�ot
�xari�itanfi v�lu� �ay be set� on tsuch Zanc3s anci structures aDout �o b�
aec�uirec� u�iiier said condemnat�or� proceecifng;s and t� �a�1, if neces-
�a�y, �aid real ���ate a��praises� as witne�ses �xe any caurt c�f l�w or �
before ariy du1y appoirated Bo�rd to giv� testirnony and �xp�rt opinion (
evidenc� as go value�: th�r��or�, be i�
RESOLVED,. That in acc�rdance wi�h Orcli�nance No. 1�€i51, C.�. 2374t75, E
' �PP�'ove�. March 20, 19G�, L�ui� C. Sie�ert and l�Jil3.iam J. Dunn, reel • I
es���e t�p�raisers, are ��ereby �r��air��ec� for tl�e pu�pose of apps�isa.n�
rea3. pro�er�jr on Ke31o�g �3oi�leuard b�tween M�3n ��reet an8 Smi�h Avenue,
as uescril:ed in t��� �a�a�I:I.Fna.nary order, C.3F. 23H929 appr�ved June 5, 19bS,
�he ap�raisal ie�s in -��e �otal r�moiui� �F $�,UOU.U� bein�; $Z,SU0.00 for
eaei� v� �i�e �wo apprais.ers, gnci thr� t�r�s �ncl eoncli�ians of filt� aPprai-
sal 8$`.ilbilfl3E.'Ill: L�ing more €u3.l.y �at �'or�2� nn a tloiura�n� d����nated !
Ap�z�aisnl ,��signm�i�s Nos. 127-A ai�d 127-8 c�� file in �h� Offite of i
the Cornptruller nf the Ci'ty flf Saiz3t Paul. I
D '
. � �
� � . �. ��_ �� L� i
. �i� 2 2 1968 .
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_
Yeas • Nays l ��,��, 2 2
' ��g� Approved �19_
Dalglish ^
. Meredith ` _In Favor
� Peterson '+
� A gainst
Tedesco i
Mr. President, Byrne .
� , .
, Ci1Y CF SAINT PAUL APF�'�IS�L ASiI�'r��`.'�N�' P�J. 127-A
VALUAT�0:1 BU:tF.F►U .
236 CITY HALL , DATE: August 6, 1968
ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102
Fin. Dept. File No. 17300
. , Project: Kellogg Blvd. Widenin�,
Louis C. Siebert . Main Street to Smith Avenue
. Cushing & Driscoll, Inc. C.F. 239930
, St. Paul, Minnesota Authority: a��rovPd A �g �� � 1g68
PIR Fund to be rei.mbursed from
�ear Sir: Fund: Rnn�] F�m 72nnr �T-4� �, i q�R_M�A Fund
You are hereby requested to make �ppraisals of certain garcels of real estate
in th� a�ove ref�rer,ced project locatzd
on the northerly side of Ke11og�B,Quleva d between �[,3,jn S'f'"1^PP'f"
and Smith Avenue
s3id parcels being designated as follows: parcels l, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Gn or before October l, � 19 68 , you will furnish the Valua-tion Bureau of
t?:e Ci t y of Sain�t Paul,'� co pies of your apprai�al report for each of the
a3ove li���d par�els. These appraisals are to bz made in accordance with the
Ci.ty of S��nt Pa�l. V�1ua�:ion Bureau appraisal specifications, a copy of which
is at_tacr23 nereto. �ai��e to provide docu.*nentati�n in acco��iance with
these specificai-ior.s wilZ r��aire resubmittal to th� appraiser for further
support at no additior.a3 cost to the City of Saint Pa•11..
' Oa recei�t of ;�cu.r itEmized invoic�s in duplicate and satisfactory completion
of tris z��i�r..-n�nt you wil.l be paid tha sum of
One Thousand �'�'.,..at:��hurad-�ed��_-_-..v.v.�-_ ($ �;�pn_ric� � �
or on the following basis:
L'�on your vmit-�an reruest after gersonal investigation of properties to be
appraisesi tre City wiZl consider zdjustment of f�es to be paid.
Tn the event t'�at befoxe completion of this assignment, the City determines
that sucr apprai�als a�e not required, payment will be made on a proportion-
ate rat�o of tl�e foregoing basis.
�:� t?�e ev�ni thafi a court proce�ding may develop involving any parcel of the
assi�:men�±-, it will be re�uired thut you ssggort your appraisal in such
x Legal descriptions Yours very truly,
x Rignt-of-Way or condemnation plan ' n��.4,
x Par�el sk�tches '^� .d� a�
x Land d�ta Commi� io � o�ance
x Euildin� sketch2s ,; a��- � � / ,% t,
x Luildin� uata By: �/. - ��• . - -1--� i� ��
x M�scellaneous data x��� ValuL�on Engineer
x Ownership transfer information � � �/ .� ,
APPROVED: Accepted: ;�': '.�� �' �%' r��: �' l-�/���
.loseph J. Mitche�l � � ~Appraiser Date
Comptroller AUG 22 1968
, R. A. Horrisber�er
� i , � •
I '
CI'i"�I OF SAIN� PAUL APP�AISAL AS�I�IE�r1m rao. 127-B
286 CITY HALL DATE: August 6, 1968 °
ST. PATJL, i�liZ'N. 55102
Fin. Dept. File No. 17300
Project- Kellogg Blvd. Widening,
Mr. William J. Dunn Main Street to Smith Avenue
St. Paul Building � C.F. 23g930
St. Paul, Minnesota Authority:_ approved August 22; 1968
PIR Fund to be reimbursed from
Dear Sir: Fund: _ Rnncl F»nd_ 7200, ST-46 S, 1 968 MSA '
' Funds
You are hereby requested to m�ke appraisals of certain parcels of real estate
in the abovz r�f2renced project locatcd
on the northerly s'ide of Kellogg Boulevard between Main Street and
Smith Avenue • ��
s3id parcels being designa±ed as follows: parcels l, 2, 3, 4, and 5. •
Gn cr befare Oct. 1 , 19 68 , you will fwrnish the Valuation Bureau of
t�e �ity of S�int Paul, � copies of your apprai:al report for each of the
a�o:�. list�d parcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance wit:� the
C.�ty of Sa�n�t L au1 Valu�icion Bureau appraisal specifications, a copy of which
is attacr�� 'r,eret�. xailur� to g�ovid� documentation in accordance with
tnese spe�ifica�tian� ;ail? rF�uire resubmittal to fihe appraiser for furth�r .
sup�ort a� r.o �dcli�ianal cost to the City of Sain� Pa�.Z� '
�a receipt of ,y�i:r ifi�miz�d invoi^es �.n duplicate and satisfactory completion
of tl-:i� a:si�..;►��± you �>>ill be paid th� sum of
Fifteen Hundred and no/100 Dollara (�1500e00) per William J. Dunn and _
����►��x�3�t� ($ �s�� ) e .
J. ��Tilliam Donovan agreement 8 15%b8.
or on the follo�ving basis:
Upon your curittzn rec�ize�t after p�rsonal investigation of properties to be
sppraise3 the City will consider adjustment of fees to be paid.
in the event that befere c�r�pletion of this a�signment, the Cifiy determines
that sucn appraisal� a�e not reauired, payment will be ma�e on a proportion-
ate ratio of the foregoin� basis.
iz the event t:�u� a co�.i.rt proceeding may develop involving any parcel of the
assi�,r-u�e:��t, i� will be rec�ui�ed t.;�.� you s•sgport ycur app-raisal in such
x Legal descriptions Yours very truly,
X �t��:�t-of-Way or condemnafiion plan n � ��
x Parcel s:cetches !�•,..N,J/_'..r��fF.f
x Land d�ta Commission�x o��Finance ;
X Luildi:�g sketch�s , �: � _ ' �
x Lsildin� data By: �� �� "�--�� ii �--
, x N,iscell�neous d�ta ��s�. Valu�tion Engineer �
x Ownership transi'er information
(.� -�_ ,' .�, . � 1 � . j'`f—t,.-�—�
APPROVED: Accepted: �-- "�.,__, _-i�.�u��--.�- �
Appraiser � Date '�''
.�os�ph J. Nlitr.hell l� "�'�
• r
Comptroller /�UG �? 1968 ' ���f��_.�._. � •� r'��-y�--�--�
R, A. Horrisber�er 7 �