239929 � � �- . � 3_�- 9� � � � - -_ . , - ' Council File No. 239929—By Robert F. Peterson— � Resolved, That upon the petition of F3amline University, those parts of Simpson Street ,and Hubbard Avenue hereinafter described be and the same hereby are va6ated and discontinued as public streets: , ' SIMPSON STItEET:That portion oE Slmpson Stregt lying between the north line of West Englewood Ave- nue extended; and the south line of Hewitt Avenue'extended; and also ing between the north�line of Hewitt Avenue extended and the south line of Taylor Avenue extended. HUBBARD AVENUE: That=portion . ,of Hubbard Avenue ly�ing between � . the east line o£Simpsbn Street ex- tended and.the west 11ne oY North ' Pascal Stx�eet; extended. � subject expressly to the following cbn- ditions and reservations: 1. That the vacatlon be subject to all the terms and conditions of Section 228 of the Legislative Code, as amended. 2. That specific easements be re- tained to protect the in-place sewer faciHties, as Sollows: � SIMPSON STREET; A 30-foot-wide easement cent�red on the Qxisting ' sewer from the nork�line of Engle- wood to the south line.of,Taylor. IiUBBARD AVENUE: A 20-foot- wide easement centered on the • existing sewer from the east line • oP Simpson to the west line of North Pascal. _ , , 3. That speclfic easefnents be retain- ed to protect the interests of the City of Saint Paul Water Department,to provide that�the pre�ent strGet grade ' be maintained; that no permanent structures be allowed within fifteen feet of either side• of the existing • mains, includifig,, hydrant branches; and that no concrete surfacing be constructecj'within the easement area, said easements to be required on the following street areas: / t , SIMPSON STBEET: A 30-foot;wide easement centered on the existing main and all hydrant branches be- tween Eng1Gwood and Hewitt and ' between Hetqitt and Taylor. � HUBBARD AVENUE: A 30-foot- � wide easement centered on the existing main, and_ all hydrant brazlches between ,Simpson ,and P�scal. , , 4. That speciRc easements be re- tained to protect the interests of the Northwestern Bell'Telephone Company and the Northeru States Power Com- pany. 5. That the petitioner agree to pro- vide immedlate and 'ultimate:emerg- ency vehicle access to the college grounds equivalent �to that shown, on drawings labeled "Exhibit A" and"Ex- hibit B" a'ttached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. _ 6. That the petitioner either barri- cade or place appropriate signs to ad- vlse the public that the vacated �tvays have been returned tb private use, said barricades and/or signs to be approved by the Department of Publlc 4Vorks. 7. That the petitioner submit a drainage plan to the Department of Public Works, indicating whieh catch basins located within the vacated areas are to remain subsequent to the vaca- tion; also .that the petiUoner agree to � construct at their'cost and expense, pursuaht to specification9 approved by • City ordinance, new catch basins ad3a- cent to the streets being vacated here- in, as"may be deemed necessary by the Depaztment of Public Works. 8. That petitioner pay to the City of , Saint Paul the amount of.Thirty-six 1`housand Seven fiundred Eighty-eight and No/100 Dollars ($36,788.00) as com- pensation for the vacation and provide the City with a bond in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000). Adopted by the Council August 22, �PUBLISHE� qU� 2 4 1�68 1988. Approved August 22, 1988. (August 24, 1988)