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O�Pinal to Clty Clerk • ` � � � � �ORDINANCE 239909 , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � .— An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled; "An. ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the tra.rious classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, '� approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved Februa.ry 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for "Civi.l Defense Information Officer"; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following title, and speci.fications for Civil Defense Education Officer ,� - , -1- Yeas . Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � Carlson Dalgliah , -- Tn Favor Meredith � Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: . Attest: ' � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B / ,,. . �/�j6 � . i dAYlnal to Cify Clerk • � '� � ORDINANCE 23�909 ' ' COUNCIL FILE NO , PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ' Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days a.fter its pas sage, approval, and publication. � , � .� "� ., ' i� , _3_ � . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ��P � �5�� � Carlson Dalgliah � Meredith n Favor Peterson Sprafka . � � Against Tedesco r. President (B e ��P � 1g6� App ed: Atte t: _ City erk Mayor �� orm approved Corporation Counsel Bq ����� ����I��� S�� 7 i��� .�nD1��s��Printer � • � � ORDINANCE �3g��g COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- �-� �� " An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: ".An ordinanc� fixing the dutiea and responeibilities and the minimum qualificationa for the va.rious clasaes of po�itione in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7b07, approved Februa.ry 13, 1935, ae amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by strilci.ng out the title aad specifications for "Civil Defenee Information Officer"; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following title, and specifications for Civil Defense Education Officer -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays • Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish T� Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By —.. rDapllcate to Pdnter • l � � ORDINANCE 23��+�9 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- �� ,/1�� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3- ��P 41968 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalgliah Meredith n Favor Peteraon C, Against Sprafka �� Tedesco ��� � ���� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �� f 'yT.:+k _. . ' _ ' _ , , ' .. _. - " _ ..� �_ _� -r . _ , - - - _ _ _ : �.... - ._ - �; J - i , . ;. - �. ' ' •. _ - ' ' 4f ' ` ' `1 _ -, . . - '^ T , .i ' ' .. ± . ... ,r * - ' _. 1 _" - ' -' -' • ' - ... � • - - . ' � `. - . . • , 4 . � - _ r ' _' ' • . .� + .. ` ' i� S '_- � . � ` �" _,' . 1 - k.= . ' . . -' _ - . t i . _ • �. .4� � __ ' � . _ __ 1. . ' - :. • , � ; � ` � - . P . . � , , _ _ AUgL1et 21, 1968 - ; , � _ � _ • � . " �. , ._ =,. � _ y=. . " - ._ - . . . . . - :,_ . . . . . _ � •^' '. ` ..• .., ' ,, - ' r . ^ . , 'r — ' • " . • , , ' . � -• 4 - - • -_ ; . . _ '' i •' • ~ : • - T + ' � ,� _ . -� - Mr. John Haider� - . , � '. - - . . . � - � ..: , � � - - � " ' ` . - Ch3:ef, Ea�aminer Eo �Directo� of Personr�el � ` ' ; . . Civil Servi�e Bureau . _• _ - � - . , � , � " _ . , ..,� , - Dear $ir: -� .. . , -- ,_ • - ` _ �- .. • - - ; _ a . - . . ,_.._ . ,. . . . - � = " . � ' � � � ' • .. ,_ ` x. ° . - - - At the CQU,ncil:meeting bf August� Vthe f cwing ordinances " , ' ' were given Firet Regfl3ng e,nd wi - come�up Third Reading and - _ . . , . .� } _' - Approv�l�,of Forni �on August- 28�ht,-, - _ _ " _. ' . - � , � , : `- � . -� . � � C.F.2$J�905 - Oxd;�.amepdi.� -re, `. Deputy;Cl�rk"Ee Chief Depu�ja; , ' - - . _ ' � � " �Clerk-=Mu ai , in des �g and `6?. resp�ctive],y. -, � , � �� e C.F. 239906- Ord,�ame ng #3250 Audi isual Equipment Repai,rmsn. -_, - - � � _ ' �.F.23�g�7 - Ord, ame ng �607 r � u�dio-Visual Equipment Repairm&n. *" � - G.F.239g08 - Ord.�'ame d ng;�32�0 x Civf�Y Defense Information Of'ficer � _ � . r- ' - - - _. � � and Civil fense Ed . tfon Officer. . .. _ ' � - � � ' � - � . _ - � C,F.�-2399�- : - end ,Civil DePense InPorination,OPfice�* ; � _ - ;ti'� _ � � _ - =, uil De d�tcation pfficer. ' • : ' �� °� , . -� �., �_ . . _ . •� � , • _ - � . ,- , - - _ � _ - - � - . _. � , _, . . _- t. - . . - -. ' - • . . _ Very �ru1y yotzrs, _. _ - . , _ ,-, r ,. - . ' '- - , , `. • _ • " - . . ` . . - ' • r ,. _ . , � �_ , . ' � _ " :_ , . . ' _ _ } - � - - T . , , . - City C1erk � �_ �, - - .' -nB . � -, `° : . ^ =- � ` • : • . _� _ � , - _ . ' � - . .:5 : _, - � • � ` � - � _ - � - ., • ' ' - _ _ , , -., , . • , . _ ; - _ , . '`. • ,. _ �jY"• . ' _• .� . , ~ + . . ` _'` , }, ` ' ' • • ` -' ' ; " .,. ' - ` ' i _ � • - " ' � - , ` . . �.. I ' - , ` ' - _ - .. -�,-. . , r " F � ` ., n . �_ . ._ . - . � � ` � - _ • • � ' • . . ` � r t, - . �� ` ' - - ' -`ti'� ' .. - . . . � - . .. . . ' ` ' . . . : �. ' . ' '- . .� • ' y . r . . ` � • _ • . Y ' ry .. . , - ' t • _ - ' ' �` , - + ~ ` ' . � , ' � ` + .' ' - ' ' " " �' ' s - ' 4' ^ ` + , _� ' • .. , _ ' . _ � ' . _' _ ' ` ` ` .. ' 't . ` � ,- _ � , _' " ' ` - - - . " " . � _ � '�1 r + . ' .. - . . • • , . - • _ .'. ' _- .� -, ' � . � • 1 � .� . . � � _. ' ' - , . _ ' `'. . . " %' . - . � � �3�9�9 Title of claas: � • CIVIL DEFE:iVS� EDUCATION OF`L�"ICER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to be responsible for the informatiion and education program of the Civil Defense Bureau; and to perform related work as as�igned. , �xampl.es af worlc performed: To organi�e and conduct educational mestings and conferences with comanunil:y groups and organizationse T� select, prepare and distribute educa�ional materialse To prepare xnass rrxedia iniormational materials such as �ews • releasesz radio and television copy and art worke To prepare edu�ca�tional and volunteer r�cruitment materials such as painphletsf bro�hur�sf e:chibits� pos�ers� BZiC�P_8 and other auc�.io�visual arts. Tr� assis� otiher Bureau personnel in carrying out their educational • da�Cies. To prepare and edit Bureau newalei.ters and r�por.ts for public distributiono To make reports and recommendaLioriso Minimum qua.li.fications:. � Colleg� gr�.duati.on �vith nzajor courae woxk in �n��ish, education� journaliar� ar related fie}.dse (Nc aLibatitu�ion fbr ed�.cationo � `. . i -2- C^ � , � e . 23�4Q� Title of class: f�IVIL DEFENSE EDUCATiON OFr'IGER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to be .resgonsible for the infoxmation and education program o.f the Givil Defense Bureau; and to perform related woik 3s assigred. Ex�mples of work performed: �To or�anize and conduct educational me�tings and canfexences with comrnunity groups and organiza'kions e To sel.ect, prep�.re and diatribute ecluca•�ional materialse To prepare mass media informa�ional materi.ale �such as news releas�r�, radio and television copy and art work. To preparE educational ai�d vol.unteer recruitment materiala such as painplalets= brochurNS, exhibita� posters, rlides and other audia-visLral arts. To assis't other Bv.reau personnel in carrying out theii �duca�ional duties. To prepare and edit Bureau aewelettera and r�po.rts for public distributi.on. • To make reports and recommenda�ions. Minimum quali.fications: College graduati.on with major couxse wo�k in En�;lish, educationo journalisrn or xelated fieldsa �No substitution for educatian. ) _2_ � I st � • 2nd � Z Laid over to 3rd and app u —�4dopted `rr � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays ' .—�Gerlsofr' Carlson r alglish �`�'���� alglish ��_ eredith eredith .� -Pefersvrr� /1 � terson C.J � prafka prafka �i'edesco �edesco ... �s;x;: � ::�,. ����;;�;�; Mr. President Byrne �Mr. Vice Presideat �atersos�0