239891 ORIGINALfTO CITY CLERK 2398�1 ; CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. '' � OFFICE OF THE�CITY CLERK i � • COUNCIL RES N—GE FORM � PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson r COMMISSIONE � WHEREAS, Paragraph 1.63 of Section �1 of the General Specifications applicable to all 'local improvements awarded by this Council , unless expressly waived provides for the purposes of enforcing'the provisions of all guarantees inc�nbant upon the contractor, the retention of a Reserve amount for the period of one year from the date of the Final Estima�e, and WHEREAS, The entire physical work on the following contract was canpleted well over one-year ago, although the one year period, from the date of the final estimate has, as yet not expired and no amourat has been expended by the City for any Maintenance repair thereto, 1 RESOLVED, That the Reserve amount withheld on the following listed project be released at this time, Improvement No. Des.cription Amount Comp. L'-6907 St. Clair-St. Albans $300.00 May 23, 1967 � � Sewer Relocation � � � Cohtract "A" , FURTHER RESOLVED, That the contractor for the above listed project be " and he is fi.nally released from this contract. , ; • ; , i � . �l• �V(a 2 0 1968 � .. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��� Z 0 196� Dalglish � Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor ,�_�______ � � �� Mayor Sprafka. A ainst Tedesco g t`�'`����.�,��'$��e°€!��°� E,;;��:;< � �.R��.:�:�.:s:9�e�� PUBLISHES j��G 2 4 19G8 Mx.�V�e Prer6deit '(reteraoa) �� DUPLICA�TO PRINT[R 2 3 9 891 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL H�ENC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �O�rt 'F• �ter�On COMMISSIONER DATF iM�tEAS, Par�gr�rph i,63 of. faction 1 of the 6�nsr�1 Specif tutfons spplicabl� to all local improu�nts aM►arded by this Councii� unies� exprassly raiv�d provides for ths pur�ou�; o� enforcing the provi�ions Qf all qusrant�a3 .incurpbsnt upon the contrictor, t13s r�ten�ton o� a Rssenra �aunt for the period of ons year f�o�a tha d�ts of tha Final B�ti�sa�e, and MHERF.�1S, The .snti�e pilysicai work ori tihe �ollowing con�r#ct wa� co�plete� rral� ovmr ona ymar ago� �lthough tha ora year psriod, froca tt� d�tie of th� f f nal •st i�t� has, �s yst not sxp i re�d and r�o s�ou�t i�s be�n �xpandsd by tix�a Cifiy for any Mai.nt�mm�ce rspair tih�r�to, ��WED,, That tha Fteserve ar�aunt wiChheld on tt►� following 1lsted p%jsct be rele�sed st this ti�, 1 sip rove�an� No. scr i t ion Amoun �,Cg,� L�6907 St. Glair-St. 141b�ns $300.�0 tla�y 23. 1967 SsMar l�toc�tion Contr�ct nA" FUl�7H�R Il�S�11.VED, Thst tl� contractor for tl� �bova i lstsd pro,ject bm s4�d he is fT�aliy r�lma�sd from thi�s co�tract. ��i� 2 0 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � �--- �1�� 2 0196� �-���u� Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith `—/Tn Favor Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst ::�:�`���=�'�x�'.'.''.���5��.��! Mr. Vkce Yraide:t (r4t�eraoTl) ��