239867 . � � ������ OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL N�,. � FICE O H CITY CLERK �^�;ti ; COUN U N�G �J` ERAL RM f PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE • � � ' WHEREAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-6962 fox Grading and Surf�acing HAZELWOOD STREET from Maryland Avenue to Ivy Avenue; ,also ,Construc- tion of the HAZELWOOD-MARYLAND SEWER SYSTfiM, W. J. Ebertz Company,_ Contractor, the specified date of completion is October 15, 1967, and � � WAEREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the wurk diligently but due to the necessity of waiting for the [�ater Department to complete its work first� it was not possible to complete the contract by said date of completion; therefore be it� � R�SOLVED, That the proper Citq Officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time of comp:letion to Augnst 15, 1968 provided however, that this resolution shall , havef no foxce or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor�s bond consent theieto and f ile snch consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it�r � FURTHER RFSOLV�D, That the City of Saint P�aul hereby waives all c`lai� for �liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractar for such estended period. I . . � .. . - - - ��,,� . • . � �,�� � 5 196i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays G��� 1 5 196� Carlson ��„ �, pprov 19`_ o an � Tn Favor Meredith �, � �$�.� Mayor I A gainst Tede '��i:i��t 63?2l3�1lE �:�.��:��� pu�tis�, At1G ]� `� ��6� Mr. Vice President �� �r . DUPLICATR TO PRINT[R �����j� , � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL N�. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �O�TC �• �Rt�MQY1 COMMISSIONER DATF '�BREIlS. In th� s�tt�r of Coaptroll�r�� Coatract L-6962 for Gradin� aad 8urfaciA� ��I�100� ST� gso� Haryl�nd Ave�ts� to Iv�r A�eAUSj al�o Conetruc- tion of ttu H,�LWiOAD-MAftYI�A1fD g$W�t SXg�gH. Y�.,J. �rC� Foapxny, Contr�ctos. tlu spaci�ied �lata of �co�pleCion is �ctober 15, 1967, snd W�SAS,, The •Coatr�ctor :tu� ,pro�ecutad tb� �+urk dilig�ntly but du� to tha nac�asity of t�aiting for the Water D�pa�rt�rsat to +�oaplat� it� �rk ,first it Was �ot possiblv to c�oapl�te� tlu contra�t by �a3d dats of -co�pl�tion, thar�for�a bA it� R�!'it1LVSD. Tl�at th� pzo,per Citq Off iciais be .and tUe�r are h�rabq authorised a�nd d�.r�ct�d to �ziRqst� .an a�s�cia�nt to aaid �ontrnct e�ctanding the tiw� of coapiet�on to bugu�t 1�� 196� provided hoa�ve�, ths� this r�solution shall �h�ve no torce or sfP�ct unle�s �tt�e .aur�ties ar� ths Contrxetor�s bond cons�nt th�reto �nd fil� a�ch con��nt ia �oriting �ci�h � G�ty Co�ptroller, �and be itr FIT�� 1�S90vV,�, That xhh� Git� of S�int i�nl ha��b� Waivss �1i alxia for liquidated da�age� a�d th�� t�o �ngins4r.ing �nd inspection �o�ts on this pro je�t� Mill bs charg�@ to the Co�ntrector i'or 8ach e�ct�nd�d per�ad, . AUG r � 1��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �u� � r� ���� Carlson a g is Approved 19—_ STn Favor Meredith Mayor �� �' '`�v � A gainst Tede '•.°.�`:����:��:�:.:::'1 �a .2.°�••.;. Mr. Vice Presiden� ��