239866 ORIGINAL TO�CITY CLERK ' ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�,. • OFFIC OF TH CITY CLERK �� �' COUNCIL OLU I N G E 6 OR PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE T 1 WHFREAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-6977 for Grading and . Surfacing "B!' STREET from "C" Street to "A" Street and "C" STREET from "B" Street to White Bear Avenue; also Storm Sewer in "C" STRELT and Sanitary Sewer in "B" STREET, W. J. Ebertz �Company�, Contractor, the specified date of comple- tion is June 1, 1968, and � � WHEREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently but due to the necessity of waiting for the Water Department to complete its work f irst, it was not possible to complete the contract by said date of completion; " therefore be it� � RESOL�IED, That the proper City Off icials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time of completion to ,August 15, 1968 provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it� 1 � FURTFIFR RFSOLVED, That the City of Saint Faul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. :: =� . , :::.. 1 p�� 15 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ' Yeas I Nays Carlson �� 1 �j ' Approve g�� 19 T 7 • • t`LC41gIIJii� � i, t T�xsviianii— � , i Tn Favor Meredith � � �Q Mayor I ��yC/. A gainst � �e I , ��`�_���e.'.�.��.�.''�.�`�'�::::::�e9 PUBLISHE� AUC 17 1�6� ;l'Ir. Vice President�. �� ,DUrLICATt TO PRINT[R 2����� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY �ob�re F• Pl��=�OA DATF COMMISSIONER t,�ER�AB, �► th� sattor of Co�ptrol�l�r'a Contsact L-6977 for Grading aad Surfacic►� '�10 �TRPlEr �ro� aCW Str�at to "A" Strset and "C" S'tR�ET fro� "�" Str�at to fihita �ear Av���; a�so Stos� S��r in "C" �TR� �nd Sanit�rp S�w�r iA "B" BTREaP. W, J. BbrrCs Co�p�uy, Contractos, tl�m sps�ifi,�d d�te o� cospl�- tion i� 3nne ],. 19�i8r �ad ill�EAB, Ths CoAtractor 1us grosecuted tl� �rork diliy�atl� bnt dus to the M�aasitJr of Waitiag gor tte� p�tar Dspartw�� to cawpl�t� ita woxk first it aaa not po�aibl� to ca�pla�e tbe co�r�c� by �aid dat� o� cosplatioA, tharm�or� be itr R$&3�.V8D� "Tha� thn }�rop�r Ciky Official� b� �fad thay er�t beraby aut6ari:md and direcCad Co �xs�ut� aa s�endMr{t to said contract �zCe�din� the ti�s� of � eo�ptetiioa to �guat 1'S, •196� provid�d l�o�ad�r, that this r�solntioa slull . hs���,�o fores� or sf��ct unle�s tlaa sur�ti�s on• the Contractor'a band �onssnt thereto a�d file �ucb rons�At� i�n vr�.ting With tha City -Co�ptroli�r, and b� it,� �11�4A RE80LV�D, ?hat tlw Citq of Sain� �u�l hereb�r vaiv�s all Clair � �or lYqu�d�ted da�ag�s �nd that no •n�inoaring �nd in�psctioa cost� oa tht� ' ' pro�ecr Will ?» eharged to the Co�atractor �or au�b eztended poriad� � �uC 1 � 1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naqs Carlson � 1 � 1��� _ Tolrc7iaL� Approved 19�_ �� Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Ted sc �gainst '��::�?;�����;��:;:s"�` Mr. Vice President ������� ��