239865 . ` � . �!'.:� � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL N�,. OFFI OF TH CITY CLERK � . COUNCIL � SOLU N �C FO M PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE 1 � � � WFIEREAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-6972 for Surfacing, Grading'and Sewer Construction on HILLSDALE AVENUE from Winthrop Street to McKnigh`t Road and KIP�LING STREET from 500 feet south of Aillsdale Avenue to Hillsdale Avenue, W. J. Ebertz Company, Contractor, the epecified date of . compleiion is October 30, 1967, and WHEREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently but due to the neceasity of waiting for the Water Department to complete its work f irstt • it wasinot possible to complete the contract by seid date of completion; therefore be itj� I RESOLVED, That the proper City Off icials be and they are here suthor- ized arid directed to execute an emendment to said contract extending the time of campletion to August 15, 1968 provided however, that this resolu- tion sliall have no force or ef£ect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the �ity Comp- troller';, and be it� . 1 • FURTHFR RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Faul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and tihat no engineering�and inspection costs on this _ project:will�be•charged to�..the ,Contractor for sueh�`extended period. _ , � � +- ,.,. �,� ' -. >. �� ., . ��, , . ,� . -, £ , r �: .�r,�„ , :�,,:—-�--.�..,... � . ' • :.,. `s- : - - • - - � . � , ,.,� .�,ti� � . . . , i , _ -. , � � . ; 'k. I . • �:. y. ��'`� � � ��G 15196� � COUNCILM�EN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas � Nays �� � � 19�� Carlson � �,�,_,__,�_u Approve � 19�_ b / �1 5 Tn Favor Meredith � t� � �G�ll�,� Mayor A gainst T co � ��i:�'�:'�z�'..,�,.,5�.���r,s:,,,�',;��E:'v::'sei6 •`Mr. Vice President� • PUBLISHfB AUG 17 19�� �O ♦ ^ ^ DUTLICATC TO PRINT[R /�-�i��1.d�!'7� V . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER l�obsrt F. ��t�rlAA DATF W�AS, In the aatter of Coaptroll�r's Contr�ct L-6972 for 8nrfacir��� Gr�din� �tnd S�t�r Constructioa oa �ILLSD�LB AV�E fro� Wiptbmp Stra�t to !lclCni�ht Road and XI�LIl�G 8TR�iSt fro� S00 fsex south of �ill�dal� Av�au� to �illsds�� Aw��, W. J. Bb�rts do�panq� Contra�tor, th� ap�cifiad dat� of co�pletion i� Ottob�r 30, 1967. aad S�ER�AS, Th� Coatr4ctor tua pms�cvt�d th� Work dili��nCiy but du• to the n�c�ssity of waitin� foa fih� iT�t�r D�gartMnt to c:oapl�t� its �rork first it Mas oot posaiblo to �o�pl�te tt�s coaCraot by aaid dat� oi� caapletion, tture�or� bs 3tl �SSOLVffiD, That th� prop�r City Official� b� aad th�y are h�re author- ised s�d direct�d to �x�cut� aa a�sncbwnt to �aid cantract e:t*ndin� ths ti� o� e�pl�tion to �nguat 15, 1968 pro�ided ho��r. that tbis r�solu- iioa sha�l tuva ao force or •ffsct unl�as th� aur�ti�a oa tlu Contractor'� bo�d coas�nt ther�to and fil� such cona�nt ia writiti� vith th� City C�p- troll�r. u�d b� it� ��tT'�SR It�LVdD, Th�t tt�t Citq of $aiat Panl hereby waives �11 clais for liqnidaC�d diw�es �nd thaC no �a�in�erin� sAd iru�pection costs on this �roj�ct Will be chargad to tik CoAtr�ctor !or sueh ext�nde�d period. � � 1 � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �u� � � 1��� Carlson Approved 19—_ �— n Favor Meredith � Mayor A gainst T sc ; y� �,,.,.;...,,..>;,.- r::•,.::t ;E9�!?�'r"s���i4���r:�1�a3:�'s' Mx. Vice Pzesidenk ��