239864 i , • ��•,i��d�� 1 • � • ' Couaoll Flle No.. � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT , � . and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. � ��� Theundereignedhereby pmpoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of 8aint Psul�vis.: �� � Comdemning and taking for playground purposes for the expansion of the Oxford Recreation Center, the�following descr,ibed Lots: Lot��l �through 8, Block 2, Curry's Subdivision of Lot 13 of Buel �and Mackubin's out lots in1,Toc�a?�9, Range 3 and all of said Lot 13 lying north of the north line of Iglehart Avenue aacl,�the south lin���aid Lots 1 through 8. � - .....�..:�.�.,,......�.r....,�.�.,,._...:..u�:...�.�...................a..............�.��... .............................__..��...... I Dstedthie....�..�...�..�.daq of...............................:� ........................_.....�........, 19 ....... .\. � ......:�`......................_�_.............�.�...�. Counoilmsn. �� PRELIMINARY ORDElZ. \ WHEREAB, A written pmpoeal for the maldng of the following imprnvement, vis.: � .__-�. ..... �---,--- ..Y................... ....... Condemning.land taking for playground purposes for the expansion of the Ogford Recreation Center, the following described Lots: Lot 1 through 8, Block 2, Curry's Subdivision of Lot 13 of Buel Iand Mackubin's out lots in �00��?9, Rang�e�23 and all of said �Lot 13 lqing north of the north line of Iglehart Avenue andnthe s,outh lineAsaid Lots 1 through 8. ......l�......._..--•............................................--- •--...............---......................._........................_........ .._. ...._ . •� - having tieen preaented to the Counoil of the City of$aint Paui..............._............._......................_......_.....». .... therefore, be it � RF80LVED, That the Commieeioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: , ,1��To inveatigate the neceeeity for, or deairability of,,the making of eaid improvement. 2. 1To investigete the nature, extent and eatimated ooet of esid improvement� and the total ooet thereof. 3. �To furnieh a plsn, proSle or eketoh of eaid improvement. , . • 4. �To etete whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked for on�he petition og three or more ownere. b. �To report npon all of the foregoing mettere to the �:ommieeioner of FYnanoe. Adopted by the �:ounaiL......................... �UG 1 5 1��� �� '- Y �6, ......._..................... . , � �UG 1 5 196E ~ Councilman .Carlson. r�.., ,� L APProved....... .�_��,,—. . .......................................................... ����,� I�e�d , Meredith • ' Fzze-ravrr� , - Tedesco • -----• , ��i3`,3��t��C�;Lt�S$��F'�;;3�� Y�tt�db90 Mayor. �000 7-6i 1VIr. Vice President� + � • . PUBLISHED qCl� 17 1968� . �