239831 i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 23�$�1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL N�,. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , N IL R SOLU GENERAL FORM �, PRESENTED BY r w COMMISSIONE DATF I Whereas, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as Sanitary Sewer Battle Creek �outh Interceptor S'ection 111, Comptrollex�s Contract L-7024, Peter Lametti Construction Company, Contractor, h�ve been provided f or in the Specifications, and � Whereas, The Water Department is planning to install a 16'" water main along Trunk Highway 61 from approximately 410 feet south of Highwood. Avenue - • to approximately 100 feet south of Olympia Street, and since the limi.ted � space available f or the water main requires that the main be placed in close proximi.ty to the sewer line being constructed under this contract, also a seperate operation of installing the water main would require the removal of rock and the close proximity of the sewer would preclude a blasting operation; it is theref ore advantageous to the city to install the water main when the sewer is being constructed and as an addition to this contract. � , ; Whereas, rt has been f ound necessary to make the f ollowing .�ddition: I �DDITIQN ' Install 16" water main in accordance with plans and specif ications j prepared by the Water Department � Lump Sum $11,652.20 �..- . -..:. � Whereas, The total addition is $11,652.20 and the Commissioner of � - •� Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $11,652.20 is the correct sum. to be added to said contract; theref ore be it + Resolved that the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the f oregoing addition ma.de in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $11,652.20, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptrollerls �ontract L-7024, and which additional amount is to be financed from funds provided by the Water Department. I � � � �} 1��8 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— �Yeas � NaYs �uG,i � 4 �� Carlson ' Approved 19__ Dalglish � �� —�n Favor � Meredith � u ����� Mayor ��$ � Against Tedesco ;�������3'�;�,`��ney�ci�i��i �U6�.ISW�EP AUG 17 1966 Niir. trf�o Eie�idc�t Y�aberson) �� DUPLICATL TO PRINTER /���y'�� - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL '-� 1' ► OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E Na. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY COMMISSIONER DATF Whereas, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as Sanitary Sewer Battle Creek South Interceptor Section 111, Comptrollers Contract L-7024, Peter Lametti Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and Whereas, The Water Department is planning to install a 16" water main along Trunk Highway 61 from approximately 410 feet south of Highwood Avenue to approximately 100 feet south of Olqmpia Street, and since the limited space available f or the water main requires that the main be placed in close praximity to the sewer line being constructed under thie contract, also a seperate operation o£ installing the water main would require the remo�val of rock and the close proacimity of the sewer would preclude a blasting operation; it is theref ore advantageous to the citq to install the water main when the sewer is being constructed and as an additian to this contract. Whereas, It has been £ound necessary to make the £ollowing Addition: ADDITION Install I6" water main in accordance with plans and specif ications prepared by the Water Department Lump Sum $I1,652.20 Whereas, The total addition is $11�652.20 and the Commissioner of Pablic Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $11,652.20 is the correct sum to be added to said contract� theref ore be it Resolved that the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the f oregoing addition made in accordance with the Specificationa in the sum of $11�652.20, said amount to be added �o the lump sum consideration named in the contract, knawn as Comptroller•s Contract L-?024, and which additional amount is to be f inanced from funds provided by the Water Department. � �l� i �} 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ,�I(� �, !� 1��8 Dalglish Approved 19_._ ��' n Favor Meredith Pa*o,.a,,,, a Mayor Tedeaco A gainst ���'e" ... ���::��►�i: ' Mx. Vieo Pre+ide�t (rc�tersun� �