04-770Council File # ��'� Green Sheet # a 0�P � � � RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refeaed To /3 Committee Date Second Resolukon renaming Concord Streetto Cesar Chavez Street 1 VJF�REAS, on May 7, 2003, the Saint Paul City Council authorized the creation of a legislative advisory committee to make 2 recommendarions to the Council regazding which street in Saint Paul should be named or renamed in honor of Cesaz Chavez (Council File 3 03-430);and 4 WIIEREAS, the committee has met eight times including two community meerings and a van tour of likely streets; and $ WHEREAS, the committee, through community meerings and other means of communication including e-mail and phone messages has 6 been made aware of the overwhelming support for Concord Street to be renamed for Cesaz Chavez; and 7 WIIEREAS, this street meets all the criteria laid out by the Council for street renaming including: 8 L Historic Significance of the existing street 9 2. Significance and prominence of the street 1� 3. Costs associated with the streePs naming or renaming; 11 4. Input from neighborhood residents and businesses affected by the street's naming or renaming; and 12 WHEREAS, the committee understands the higher costs associated with renaming all of Concord Street due to its proximity to state 13 highway 52; and 14 WFIEREAS, that the Saint Paul City Council approved the renaming of Concord Street to Cesar Chavez Street from Anita Street to 1$ Wabasha Street on November 26, 2003, C.F. # 03-1051; and directed the Cesaz Chavez Street Naming Legislative Advisory Committee 16 to continue to pursue cost options for renaming Concord in its entirety at a later date; and 17 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Woxks has found a way to rename the portion of Concord Street from Anita Sffeet to State Highway 18 52 to Cesaz Chavez Street, without incurring such higher costs; now, [herefore, be it 19 20 21 RESOLVED,-that the Saint Paul City Council approves the renaming of Concord Street to Cesar Chavez Street from Anita Street to State Highway 52, with the end result being that the entire portion of Concord Street from Wabasha Street to State Highway 52 is now renamed as Cesar Chavez Street. 0�1-� DEPARTMEM/OFFICF/COUNCIL DA7EINI7IATED GREEN SHEET No. 206170 rubli� wor� �i2ii2ooa ��a �� COMACTPERSON&PFiONE 1 4 GTVCOUNqL John Maczko 266-613 7 DEPARiMEffr DIRECTO MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(OA'ft� ❑ ,,,IJy ❑CI7VCLERK ASS�GN 2 �LL qiYATTORNEV NUAIBER FOR - FiOVf1NG ❑ FlNANCIALSERVICESDIR ❑ FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG OHDER ❑ ❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED Pass the attached Resolution renaming Concord Street from TH 52 to Anita as Cesaz Chavez Street. FECOMMENDATIONS'Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERl1iEFOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION 1. HasthispersOnlfiRneverwo�ketlUntleraCOnt2Ctfofthistlepartment? CIBCOMMITfEE YES NO CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 2. Hasthisperson/firmeverbeenacityemployee? - YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciry employee? — YES NO 4. Is this persoMirm a targeted vendoR — YES NO INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH� Council d'uected Cesu Chavez Street naming Legisladve Advisory Committee to conunue to pursue wst opuons for renaming Concord Slreet in its entirey, (CF-03-105). Public Works, worldng with MnDOT, has found a method to cost effecuvely complete the renaming in the above referenced secfion. ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: � �� � � � � � Con6nues Council directed action Ju� 2 � zooy �i�"� ,�T�'ORNi�� DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED None �,� g��s±�rr.h ��?r�' DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ��p � � ���� � OTAI AMOUM OFTRANSACTION 5 COST/REVENUE BUDCaE7ED (CIRCIE ONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIi�