239791 � � r , � ' 2����� `t RIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ;` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. r ; �. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , �-� � -� � � � �� �-i'-' ��� � � COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Y . . � . COMM SS�IONE ' Victor J. Tedesco ,, . E August 9, 1968 , � RFSOLVED, that the.Specifications submitted herewith for � f , Wrecking of Frame Dwellings and Garages and Miscellaneous Site Work and Cleanup located at Various Addresses in Saint Paul, Minnesota, said specifications prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the , , '• Commissioner of Parks and Recreation`and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Comm�ssioner , ,r,,., of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, ;�b�}and the Purchasing Agent is � hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in I and by the Charter. � , � " t . � ti . , .� ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� AUG 9 196� �9—. Yeas Nays . Carlson - , i '� q ���$ Dalg�ish pproved 19� �-- ' Meredith Favor ' Peterson (� / Mayor Tedesco - i ASainst Mr. President, Byrne • pU�LISH€, AU G 17 1968 ' , • �22 DUr CATE TO rRINTER ���y�l�� , . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. � ' � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER v?C�O?' T_ TPdesco DATF Au�'118t 9r 1968 __ RFSQLYED. t�at the Specificatione submitted herewith for WreGk�ng of Frame Dwellings and. Gs�r�gee �nd Miecellaneoug Site Work anc�. Gle�.nup �ocated at yarious Add�e��ea in S�►int P�ul; MYrine�ot�., �said , , � � • � . . , . . • \ epe�ificatioas prepared by the •City Ar�hiteat unde� the direction of the Comxnismion�r of. Parke �.nd Recreation and Public Bti�tldi�ga, be .and the sarxie are hereUy approved, the e2�me being; sati�factory to the Commissioner of Parks and Rec�eation �.nd �ublic Buildinge�, ��� and the Purchs�ing Agent ie hereby authorized to adv�rtiee �or bida �hereon in the manner p�bvided in �nd by the Ch�.rter, . ,� �� � � ���� � � � ' .t = AvG g ig�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ;a " A 19— Yeas Nays �� � ���� Carlson � Dalglish Approved_ " 19_ �d-� � Favor Meredith Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A E��st Mr. President, Byrne �22