239759 ORIGINAL TO C17Y CLERK c� ! � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �+���'� LICENSE COMI�TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RES UTION—GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY �11b11S't 8� 1966 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVID2 That �pplication K-5845 for Restaurant, Tavern� Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses, applied for by Juneau Incorporated at 901-3 Pa�me Avenue, be and the same are hereby gralted. pn Sale Liquor Establishment NE`�T Informa7ly approved by �ouncil Ju1y 11, 1968 Old Location ; AUC 8 19�8 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� 8 196� CarLson Dalglish Approverl 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafku U Mayor A gainst Tedesco PUBLISH�� AUG 10 1968 Mr. President, Byrne � �� �