239755 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLfiRK ��� /�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �J' 7 C.��✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � � COUNCIL U ION—GE L FORM .. PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson '�v� COMMISSIONE G-1864 In the matter of Grading and Surfacing with Bituminous Material IVY AVENUE from Park Street to Sylvan Street. Also construct storm water drainage facilities, sewer service connections, and water service connections in ivy Avenue under P. 0. 238056 approved April 11 , 1968 and F.O. 239274 approved ,luly 6, 1968 Resolved, that the plans and specifications as submitted for the above improve- ment be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Further Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to obtain bids �for the improvement,s as per plans and specifications, the bids to show separately a bid for grading and surfacing and a bid for sewer service connections. Further Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the improvements. . , � � • i � 8 I968 ���Vv COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � Car�son ��� B 1968 Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka U Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne j' � PUBLISi�F� �i 1 � �96� � �O DUPLICAT[TO rRINTtR ' • ��L3��� r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO '4 `�' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER ��rt F• ��r�OA n�,TF ����Y fn tha m�tfier of Crading and Surf�rcing with Bituminous Mst�rial {VY AV�tiUfi fro� Park 3trNt to �yivan $trs�t. Also consCruct storm w���r dr�tn�gs fiactilties� sewsr s��*vfcs eonn�cttons� and w�tsr ssrvic4 co��eGtfons in ivy Awnw undsr P. 0. 238056 approvad April il . 1968 and F.O. 239274 appmved .It�ly 6� 1�68 R�soived, that tl» plans �nd :p�alfica�ions is suba�ittad �or �h* abow improvs- msnt b� and th� s�rns �rs her�by �ppt�ovadf and bs ;t Furth�r �asolvad. Th�t ths Purcha�ing Agent b� and is h�rsby dir�ct�d to qbt�tn bids for tt�a ta+provemsnts aa per pians �nd :p�ci�Testions, th� bids to �hoN �sparately � bfd for grading and �urf�cing a�nd � btd �or sawer ssrvlca conn�cttons. Rurth�r Rssotwd, That ths Pu�chas�ng 1►ganx b� �nd ts harsby dir�ct�d fio adwrtise for bid� for the improv�asnts, i , . � "U , �` ��G g 1968 COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays carlaon ��JG a 1968 � Dalglish � Approver� 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson '1 Sprafka CJ Mayor Tedeaco A gainat Mr. President, Byrne �O