04-765Council File # 0 � + �� � Green Sheet # 3 Z' � � � � Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appoinhnent, made 2 by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the Family Housing Fund Board. 3 4 5 6 � s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Name Marilyn Porter A�pointment Term Expires February 28, 2006 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Dy- "l�os� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Departmentloffice%ouncil: Date Initiated: Mo -�aYOyso�� 28-JUL-04 Green Sheet NO: 3021177 CoMac[ Person 8 Phone: Deoartrnent Sent To Person Inkial/Date KUrt SChUIfZ • � 0 avor's ce 266-6590 /��9n 1 av P �ce D artmentDirector Must Be on Council l�genda by (Date): Num6er 2 � Attom For Routing 3 or•s Office Ma or/Assistant Order a onc�� 5 i Clerk Ci Clerk ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: � Approval of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Mazilyn Porter to serve on the Family Housing Fund Boazd of D'uectors. Her term eacpires Febrnary 28, 2006. Recommendatioos: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain al7 yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approvetl: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of CostlRevenue Budgeted: Transaction: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial Infnrmafion: (F�cplain) N0.167 V'�' ��J Appiication for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City liali 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:65I-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 Thc Miaaczata Govcrnmtn[ Data Prsctices Acc (Miuncsota $ta[u�cs Chnptec ]3) govccus chc City's usc of tM1c informstiou coatained in chis application. Som<of tho informntion so¢ght in this applioati0n iz priv3u dsta undcr the Aec. Thc rcquesud ioformation will be uxd by t6e appoiating aut6otiry [o enrry ou[ che C�ty's ofGoial appointmcat respoasibilioies. You are not requircd to provide sny iaformacioa. However, fsiiurc to answev che appiicat�on qucs:ions may eause the appointing autho*�ty to rejec[ yout applicatio�. Tho mxjority of itemz conta�ned in this applicatioa ace public, including name, addreas, employmcat, skills, t[aining and experience, snd are thn'eFore avsilabl< to anyoae reques�ing it. The remainiag items on the appti<atian iorm are classi�ed ss pri�ase. The private dst� is avsilsblc only io you snd to other persons in ehe City wbo, beeause ofwock �ssigameats, reaionably require aocess to [he in£ormation. Name Iiome address 'Ielephones (0 S PI<ase luelude Area Goao E-mail address � Planning District Council Preferred mailing address Occupation �� � place of employment _ Employment address _ Commitcee(s) applied £or 6 City Council C •�D - 2y�'- 5�� 'i ��:�Z� � ��/G�I`l � , = � . page I of Z What skilis/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) foz which you seek appointment? b(/Lb/Gnbq i5:32 Si rHUL PHR � 96512668513 N0.167 D003 D�� �-eY\�Q/1�1.G� �1��/ � Y\(� W�Y� Gl. �t�' (�-�o ltc.. �A�t�'le 5''� - rs �� � °� �'��.lt��- S t�•w.��� �.� .�a� �e�y�-� �lear; Ye. � oY Y l � � �C �s Ca.��.tss� � .�� �.�.��,� a.�cl. Me,-�Yo o � � r �� � � o �, ��� �� r�.e.��5. D r � �,6 � d� �n I�v��V �jYct t� �a �� Q ��C �� �� 6►�S�"r u.c,�"t d''�- a� Yc�.(,-��- c,� S � r��l� 5 a .k.�L ` t - T` -�k,�, ��Wer S ��� ���lS Gb 1�5�. 1�,. t �,y�p��e �,� y`,� �Yd '�'��" • ru � ak.�l5 Co.��L�e� � ,,�-�� ����t���d �6 � L o � sa. � a Y l�/t,cL�� 'l �, wa u-t�(. c o n-S� �`k �" Q � 07i26�2004 15:32 ST PRUL PHR � 96512668513 N0.167 D004 O� �GS Personal References bIame 0 'e, T Address Tclephones�� Plcasefw<Inde Arca Codcs Name� [ Address 5� Telephones rteae� Name Addre Telcp Please inefudc Area Codcs �� Y Ol� t5��ec( h�c�b�r/�Sl ork o[h A. v� �C� c�'�"I �� YZ U4' t� A f, Dl� �J� �R Reasons for your interest in this par[iculax committee � Yf h"1 � G� p!� I����.t �` Q��6Y � .� i .1 �- i � i 1 n „ G� f7 ► t �i. t v �v.� L- r vtw v �i �` v� .. v�. i•r f � a �< ,� c?.v� '� a C_ 0 i tl �... �! n-{ {Q b 2. HaI e y had p evi �s c t�with the committee for which you are making app ication? �n��1Jc If so, when, and under what circumstances? f�l.� 1 n a �Y � • i Tn an attempi to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please chock the box applicable to you. This information is strietly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanie �Black (African-American) � Asiaa or Pacific Tslander � American Indian or Alaskan Bskimo � Male Female� Date of birth S� �-� Disabled: � Yes No� If special accommodations are needed, please specify How did you hear ubout this opening? r� page 2 of 2 r � 6omc work other Os/ 7GS CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke1[y, Mayor To: 390 Citv Hall I S West Kellogg Boutevard Saint Pau[. MN 55102 Saint Paul Cit�Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Pat Harris Councilmember Lee Helgen Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember Debbie Montgomery Councilmember Dave Thune From: Kurt Schultz Date: July 28, 2004 RE: Family Housing Fund Board of Directors Tel ephorte: 65I -266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Marilyn Porter to the Family Housing Fund. Her term shall expire on February 28, 2006. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating this individual along with her application for appointment. Please remember that certain information on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any question reguding this appoinhnent. Attachments cc. Tom Fulton �