239737 �.;.� O�el to City Clerk � � ��� � ORDINANCE ����� COUNCIL FILE NO ��� PRESENTED BY �� ORDINANCE NO � An Ordinance granting permission. to Theo. Ha.mm Brewing Co. to reconstruct a public sewer and replace the existing sewer in vacated Bush Av.enue from Greenbrier Street �� extended t:o ��?W����g�� Street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ' Section 1. That permission and authority are h:���by granted , to Theo, Hamm Brewing Co. , 720 Payn.e Avenue, St. Paul, Mi�n.n.esota, to reconstruct a public sewer and replace the existing sewer in vacated Bush Avenue from Greenbrier Street egtended to W�.�h Street and, further, to construct a catch basin at Bush Avenue �4,. and WQI�'h.� Street. . . „�, . . �� Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby=� authorized to issue a p_ermit to Theo Hamm Brewing Co. for the re— "�` const "ruction and replacement of s�ch public sewer upon and subject to the following terms and conditions: , (1) That said permittee shall reconstruct and replace said sewer and construct said catch basin entirely at its own. . egpense, un.der the supervision and to the satisfaction of • the Commissioner of ;Public Works, and in accordance with _.. F . � the plans `and specifications prepared by him. � (2) That said permittee � shall' pay the cost of engineering and inspection of said work and for the �5ublication of this ordinance. , ,� � . _ ., . _..��»»..,-a �--_ ..�.. w _...,.�..._..__ - --_�.,,� . �(3) ' That sa�:d permittee shall properly protect the egcava� "'� tions made in the streets,, both day and night, so as to avoid all damage or injur.y to persons or property; shall ° properly fill and tamp said streets to avoid settling and shall restore said streets to their original condition. (4) That sai d permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner on or before January 1, i969. (5) That said permittee egpressly agrees and under�b.akes to fully indemn.ify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, ita agents, officers , and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits, or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the performance of the work contemplated _ by this permission and authority. , � ' . .�,�' Yeas Councilmen Nays , Passed by the Council Carlson • , . Dalglish Tn Favor ' Meredith - Peterson A gainst Sprafka Tedesco . Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk yo �O ' Form approved Corporation Counsel By ��, Od��l to City Clerk � ���� r r . � ORDINANCE � �- � 23� ��'� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� 2. � (6) That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of �10,000 conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and� save harmless said City from all liability, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges, and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of same. (7) That said permittee shall not proceed to reconstruct said sewer and con.struct said catch basin un.less and until said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regard- . ing insurance and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction dated April 1, i959, Section � . numbered 1.44 of said Specifications, as amended, applicable - � to contractors. For the purposes of this ordinance, the aforesaid section of said Specifications numbered 1.44, as �. amended, shall be read as though the word "permittee" were ,• substituted for the word "contractor" wherever the same .�;:. - , appears in the aforesaid Section 1.44, as amended. Said Section 1.44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in• the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as compTetely as if set., forth--herein verbatim..w,_P.�o_af..�of compliance with the provisions of the aforesaid Section, as amended, shaTl � be in such form as the Corporation Coun.sel of the City of Saint Paul may direct, and the documents required by the ' , aforesaid Section 1.44, as amended, shall, after approval by the Corporation C oun.sel, be filed in, the offic;e of the • -- -.-. Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. - (8) That said permittee shall submit said bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works. The Office Engineer shall request approval of said documents by the Corporation Counsel and upon approval shall file said documents with the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. (g) That the said permittee shall within thirty days after ' the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. , ��-�,S__ection 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force � ��`�"30�_ �days��"after its passage, approval and publication. � AUG 2 2 196� Yeas Councilmen. Nays Passed by the Council Dal� �� Tn Favor Meredith � .� � Peterson , Sprafka � A gainat Tedesco �UG 2 2 196� Mr President yrne) roved: e t: J ,, , Ci ,.Clerk ' Mayor �O !� ° Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' � PUBLIS 1 AUG 2 4 19� a - Saint Paul, Minnesota. August 26, 1968 . . To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 239'j37, being Ordinance No. 13958, adopted by the Council on August 22, 1g68. TI�O. IiAMM BRE4JING C0. BY _ ��1�� � Dnpllcate to Printer " �� � A � ORDINANCE �3���'7 1 COUNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � J � An Ordinanoe granting permission to Theo� Hamm Brewing Co. to reoonstruot a publio aewer and replaoe the egiating sewer in . vaQated Bush Avenue �rOm Greenbrier Street eztended to Welah Street. THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES ORDAINs Seotion 1. That permissipn and authority are h�re�y granted to Theo. Hamm Brewing Co, , ?20 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, Mfnnesota, to reQOnstrucst a publio sewer an.d replace the egieting sewer in vacated Huah Avenue from Greenbrier Street egtended to Wel�h Street and, further, to oonstruat a eatah basin at Bush pvenue and Walsh Street. Seotion 2. That the Commissioner of Publi.Q worke is hereby� authorized to iesue a permit to Theo Hamm Brewing Co. for the re— oonstruotion and replaoement of euch publia eewer upom and sub�eot to the followin.g terms and Qonditiones (i) That said permittee ehall reaonetruot and replaoe gaid sewer and oonetruot sa3d oatah basin entirely at its own. egpense, under the auperv3sion and �o the satie�aotion oY the Commissioner of Publio Worke, and in a000rdance with the plans and speoi�ioations prepared by him. (2) That eaid permittee shall pay the oost o� engineering and inapeotion o� said work and for the pub].ioation of this ordinance. (3) That �atd permittee shall properly protect the ezQava— tions made in the streeta, both day and night, so aa to avoid a11 damage or in3ury to peraons or property; shall properly �ill an.d tamp eaid etreeta to avoid settling and shall reatore said Streete to their original Qond3.tion. (4) That said permittee, a�ter the inaeption of eaid work, shall proseoute the same oontinuously with diligenQe, and fuZly Qomplete said work to the satigfaation a.nd approval ' o� said Commiee3oner on or be�ore January i, 1969. (5) That said permittee egpresaly agrees and un.der�8kes to fully indemni�y and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, ita agents, offiQers, and employee� �rom an.y and all damages, alaime, loBeea, �udgmente, suite, or egpenses ari�ing out o� or oaoasioned by the performan.oe o� the work oontemplated by this permisaion and authoritp. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) � Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor_, �O Form approved Corporation Counael By Dai'icate to Printer � ; � � � ORDINANCE 2��r��`� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � 2. (6) That said per�ittee �hall �urnish a bond to the City oY Saint Paul in the sum o� �10,000 oonditioned to comply with all the term$ of this ordinanve and to indemnify and save harmleea eaid City from all liability, loes, �udgments, suits, Qoeta, oharges, and ezp�nse that may aaQrue to persons or property oa�aeioned by the making o� the improvement or arising out o� eame. (7) That said permittee shall not proQeed to reoonetruot said sewer and Qonstruot eafd oatoh basin unless and until said permittee shall have fully Qomplied with the provisions regard– ing insuranee and indemnification contained in the City o� Saint Paul Department o� Publio Works SpeQifications for Street and Sewer Construotion dated April 1, �959, Section numbered 1.44 of said SpeQi�ioations, aa amended, applicable to oontraotors. For the purposes of thie ordinanoe, the a�oresaid seotion of said Speoifioations numbered 1.44, as amended, ahall be read ae though the word "permittee" were eubetituted �or the word ��oontraotor" wherever the same appeara in the aforesaid Seation 1,44� as amended. Said SeQtion 1.44, as amended, o� the Speoiffoatione for Street and Sewer Construotion in the City o� Saint Paul is hereby inQOrporated herein by referenQe as fully and aa completely ae i� set �orth herein verbatim. ProoY o� oomplianae with the proviaions of the a�oresaid Section, as amended, shall be in euch �orm as the Corporation Counael o� the City o� Saint Paul may direot, and the doauments required by the aforeeaid Seution 1.44, as amended, ahall, a�ter approval by the Corporation C ounael, be filed in the o��ioe of the Comptroller o� the City of Saint Paul. (8) That said permittee shall submit aaid Uond and insuranoe documente to the O��ioe Engineer of the Department o� PubliQ Works. The Offiae Engineer shall request approval o� said doouments by the CQrporation Counsel and upon approval ehall file eaid doauments �nrith the o�fioe ot the Camptroller of the C3ty o� Saint Paul. (g) That the said permittee ahall within thirty daya after the paseage of this ordinanoe, file a written soceptanoe thereof with the City Clerk. Seotion 3. Thie ordinanQe shall take eff�ot and be in forQe �3.�R;-:a�ys'. after ita pasaage, approval and publioation. At� 2 2196� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the,,Counci� ��soir—� / Dalglish U Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � A gainst Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: �UG 2 2 19s� Attest: City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By �` ' . J t�«' ' �- Ya . .. ' ` � . _ - •• , Y yi• . _ � . , ` _a ; f. ' _ . . T . � . . . , . , . ' , • � a...�t• ' � .' _ - � � y � j •� i - - ' • ., • • ' • _ , ` � Y. • -- . - � . , � � ' -� _ ` `A ' ' y . ' ' - S - . ` _ _ . , _ � ..~ ' �, i �//1r v� - - _ • • . - , : :' , � . , , � , - �/ � , • _ .- ' - � ' '0 � � • _ ` • �- Y '1 • ; ' , ' J � -• � � ' . � . , w_ ` .= , � . � � , ~ . .• `• • _ - ` " - � - _ ' � = . � . . � :Jaugust 26; i�68 . � � _ � ' . . � . - , . : : _ _ �� - . - , _ : , . . . - - � . - � _ _ _ - _ _ - - . _ � . . � - - � . . � � - � � ' _ - . � " � . _ , � , ., . - , . _ � . ' : - - _ , .- � ; _ ,� - � , . ' -_ T � � � . �" : _� ' -.. , - - ,- �-� - , __ � • � = ` " 4 � i � . ._� � - Y. Theo. Hamin Brewing Go. , _ _ � � , , - _ - � .` r. � _ ' , � 724 �Payne Ave. �: - ' -� �, . . . � . ' St.: Paul, Minn. _ _ . , . t.�. - _ � ' - - - - , • ' � ,. - - . _. - - - - . - - - : _ - . , � • -- - Gentlemen: ' " . . � - . . _� � . - - • , • . , . . _ • _ , , y . _. . _ , - . -- . . . � - . � We eaclbse a copy of� Ordinance�N . 3958, ting you permission to _ . � - ` � ` , recopstruct a�putili.0 sewer a.nd re e th sting sewer in_vacated-- - � ' � • _ - Bush Ave: from Greenbriex St: -exten alsh St.;• a1sQ bill�in the � . - � . : _ - sum� of $26.55 to Gover'� t,he of pu ation of this ordinance. � � ' - We call our s ecial at e�ition t� a a 6 d of ori 2 �� . - � - `� , y p_ gr an 9 Secti _ , _ �. - which �equir_e the fil�r����f a bond the amount �peci�ied_and .the- , • , - `� . filing of an acceptanc_ of the_ term of this �ordfnance. The acceptance - . - - ti _ must be filed in this ' ice; Room 6; .City=Hal1, within 30 d'ays.' I� = _ � , = _ - , not �o filed, th �rdina be�o void. � _ , � � ' ' _ - . . - ' r ` � . _ , .. -_ - �� , - - � . - � - . . � - , -_ s ; ; . ' - -� , : : , '� ' . ' .T, - . . - - Very truly yours, _ - . _ � . . _ -�_ � � _, ,, . _ _ _ - . • � , . - " �. ' - .4 =-' .. � . •.- - _. _ , �• ' . . - � ' .� - - • . � - , . _ YCity Clerk _ ' - , - - , _ _ w . , - ' _ . _ng- � _.- . . ' V ;; " � • . - .. � � � � :� �_ - , ._` - ' , . , ' '_ � - . - • . • _ . , . ., _ , . , , . _ : . - , . _ - - - . _ � = ' .' _ � � . •, ' , - - - . �. � 'f • � � � . � ; '- '� - _ ; - _ . _ . _ _ .` � _ " _ . � ` . _' ,�- : . . -- -; ' � -, _ - ' : ' � , _ - _ - _ _ _ n� � _ _ _ , . : - _ .. • - : - � _= - - - � - _ • _. - - � , � ' • � _ aai _ + , �_` - '+ ' . ' • , T _ 2 . " , r`, ` ` - - �• ` .. - � ' _' " _ - 4 -- ,. _ ,.• � - ' - T - . � . - . " _ - �,. - .. ' � • . . - _. ' . _ �., : ; • , _ .. y , � ' ` ' � . • ' ` _ _ '� ' -"4 _ - - � . . _ ., � v `. - . '-r . J � ~ ' ` , • � .• � ; ' . Hamm's Theo.Hamm Brewing Co.720 Payne Avenue St.Paul Minn.55101 From the land ojsky blue waters September 4, 1968 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul Bureau of Records Room 386, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: In accordance with your request of August 26, 1968, we are enclosing the signed acceptance dated August 29, 1968. Very truly yours, C-'��� � . E. A. Baumbach Treasurer EML Encl c. PLANTS IN ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA,8AN FRA3�ICISCO AND LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA,AND HOUSTON,TE%A$ AOEH780F 7H�CORPOBATION MC91'ACI'FITffiN TH69COPE0➢Tffie ACIHOAITY,IP�CB�WMITEDTO T9&BAI.60POCR►dODOCI'AND TH600LLIX,TION OP Dm7S ALL 1PRIT1'IN COYTRACIB AND 0T6ER TRANBACf10N8 REpL'I86 OFFlCIAL BA77i1CA770N.dLL ESEe AHD E6V66A0�BOLD ON OHD6B•TO-ORDER 6ABIA NO COH78ACIa,AOENCIF9 OR PBANC918�AFAlD60. , � � / Ist � � 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app�—Adopte � v Y Yeas Nays Yeas Nays `Carlson �aRn„� � _ �palglish �— �tvleredith �vleredith � .-PetB�Sf����q��� Peterson �sprafka v ��Sprafka \ � \ Tedesco � Tedesco "?I�Cs�e��.��E���:��?�'�'� �r. President Byrne r ,Mr. Vice President �� ORI6INAL . c�TM oP ewtrn�P�uL � TO PAYOR OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER . RECEI PT N° _ . 2625 � � � ,91od RECEIVED OF $ 1O° FO • �, — uJ�1-� �lc�a..DL. �-�f', vrt`�'ur.� Le.i� � � ��.1� �.�r. ,...���.r� � �� ��-1 CITY COMPTROLLER �� ev �, �Yf�cm'�