239720 , � �"' s�' ������ . ORI6INAL 7'�{CITY CL6RK ' � ��. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCI RESO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF In the matter of a hazardous building being that two�story frame dwelling known an.d described as 450 East Minnehaha Avenue in the City of Saint Paul��,and situated upon those premises legally • described as West 1�2 of Lot 2, Block 8, Warren & Winslow' s Addition t�o. the City of Saint Paul, according to the plat' on file -and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for _ the Coun.ty of Ramsey, Minnesota. �` ' � W�REAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. 239338, approved July 5, 1968, a public hearing was duly held on Tuesday, July 16, 1g68, before the Council of the City of �.int Paul, said hearing pertaining to the condition of the structure located at 450 East Minnehaha Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, Upon the facts presented at the said hearing, con-- sisting of photographs, inspection reports and the recommendation of the City Architect, it is found and determined by the City - Council that .according to the records and files in the office of the Register of Deeds , the last record owner of the above-described property is 13yman� S. Sigal; that Minneapolis Federal Savings and Loan Association is a mortgagee; and that there are no other lien.� holders of record; that i.t ,is• further_ _de_termined that the above- ____ � described building constitutes a hazard•ous building within the "° definition of Minnesota Statutes, Section 463.15, for the follow- ing reasons: � a. The�°1� ng is standing vacant and is subject to entry by una�rized persons; b. The egterior of the building is inLdilapidated condition, the chimney bricks are loose, the roof is in need of repair, portions of the aiding are missing, the window casings and sills are rotted, some of the roof � sheeting is rotted, cornice trim borders and front porch supporting posts are rotted, the limestone foundation is deteriorated and one section of the limestone foundation COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays CarLson ' Dalglish _ Approved 19—_ ' Meredith Tn Favor Peterson - �_ Sprafka ,, .;« Mayor Tedesco A gainst , Mr. President, Byrne �� R VE •��u � - � �. ��tp � �,-�,�:ns�+ �O �� �� 1 . 4 y ` �`� t� . �1` �� �+� , � E � • } �d • � � �` 2. on the soui;h side of the building is beginning to collapsc; . e. Tlie interior of tlle building is in a dilapiclatecl condition, iii tliat the floors sag, plaster board is loose, the flooi in the batliroom has a large 17o1e in it, plaster is begi�ling to fall i'rom the s�*alls , there are holes in the walls , the ceiling tiles are loose and in danger of � fall'`ing, and taater has entered the interior of the house . through holes in the roof tahich water is causing tlie ceiling plasi:er to deteriorate and fall; ' � • d. The eleci;rical system is in poor condition with fixtures torn from the ceiling and the plumbing system has . been e�-� ensively damaged by vandals ; e. � The building in its present condition is unfit for human habitation ancl must be correctecl so as to comply witlz • • the St. Paul Building and Housing Codes ; , f. The building in the above conclition is beyond reason- able repair; g. The building constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public peace, health, safety. ancl wel�are because of its physical damage, dilapidation, abandorvueilt and inadequate maiilt en�.nc e; _ _ _ not�*, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tliat�in accordance �,Tith DZinnesota Statutes , Sec- ti.on 463. 15 thr,�.�,gh �63. 26, and based upon the foregoing �indings of tlze City Council , the Council o:f the City of Saint Paul does hereby uiake the follos�ing order: ORDEI� 1. The oivner of the�. above-clescribed building shall make the same safe and not detrimental to the public health, safety aucl z��elfare by haviilg the said builcliilg razed and the materials there�rom iemoved from the premises �aithin thir.ty (30) days from the date of the service of this Oicier. • ' � ' 2. U�a.less � suc?� corrective action is taken to comply saith this Order or aiz ans�ver served upon the City of Saint Paul ancl � filed in the office of the Clerk of the Distric�; Court of Ramse3r Coui�.l;y, Tiinnesota, within tsventy (20) days from tlie date of tlle service of this Oi der, a �iotion for Sum�uary En�orcemeizt of this Order to raze and remove the saicl builcling «ill be macle to the Ramsey County District Court. � 3. In the event tha�L tlie builcling is to be razed by the City of Saint Paul l�ursuant to judgmeizt of �Llie District Court , all persoilal pi oper�;y or fi.x�tures which may uizreasonably inter�ere �� t -. y� � OHIGINAL Y4CITY CL6RK ���' q�� � � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. " ` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I S51 ON ER pqTp i 3. with the razin and removal of this building shall be removed within ten (10� days from the entry of judgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such personal property and figtures as provided by law. ' 4. If the Gity of Saint Paul is compelled to take any cor:�' • rective action herein, all necessary costs egpended by the City will be assessed again.st the above-described real estate and collected as other taxes ; - and be it FUR,THER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record , own.er of the above-described property in the manner provided by law and also upon other interested parties in the man.n.er provided by �aw. ; � '-�'°' �,�'.k..--. '` ;„ ��G 6 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson P1UG 6 �9�� . Dalgliah Approved 19—_ Meredith �In Favor �e�ersoa— Sprafka u Mayor A gainst �� Tedesco �::.....;: �:;��... ���ie��01 �terson)Y � PUBLISHE� AUG 1 � 1y68 �,O • . "� � „ 'Ha�ry E. Mara6all ctrp o, AlberF B. Olsoo � Qity CT.erk and R°$ �. Council Recorder Commiasioner of Registration o � . ` _ y'o caB ' M1C ������s� �:. OPFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��'�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OP RECORDS 888 Cit�Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 6610� July 16, 1968 Mr. Joseph P. Summers Corporation Counsel Bia,ilding Dear Sir: • The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution providing f or taking the necessary steps in connection with the condemnation of the hazardous duplex of frame construction at �+50 E. Minnehaha Ave., there having been a heaxing on this matter at today's Council �leeting. Very truly yours,� � � City Cler ��!y�/✓ ng ' % RE � E � VE � � JUL 1 61968 � �� CORPO�`T�ON COUNSEL` � / � t� �� � . l � �� �� DUr:?L�ATE„TO rRINTER ' ����3g ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . - � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK * . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Vict�r J Tedeeco DATF �1'{���2,y 'I��R - WFTEREAS, th� City,,Architect has requeeted the City.Council to hold,a public hearing.to. conside� the advieabili�y and.neceeai�y of tl�e correction tir vc►rec�kirig and, .r.erxioval of t,kie duplex dwelling at 450 E� Min,nehaha Street,"mox�e particularly des�ribe'd se �eet'1/2 �of I,.ot 2, � , Block �`, Warren & W.ins�,ow!a ,,P}ddition, iiecauee said building,;�s .reported to conetitute a h�zardous stx�ucture�� arid ' � ' WHERE�AS. it �ppeare tl�at �he'la�t lcnown r�ecord owuer is Hyman S. Sigal; therefore. be it ' � ' RESOLV�D, ths�t a p�lilic.hea.riii� be,heid by �nd before the Council of the City�°of Sa�int �aul, in�the Coun'cfl Ghamber of the Court ' Houee in aaid city at 10 a.m. on Tueeday, Ju1y 16, 1968 to coneider the advisabilfty and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking �.nd removal of the etructure on the above deecribed property because said etructure ie : •�.. � reported to conetitute a hazardoua buildfng and a ha.zard to public health, eafety a,nd welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLYED� that the City Archftect, on behalf of the City Council. notify by msil the record owner of the property in question at the laet known address. se wel� ae other interested peraonB of record, of the date and time of the hearing. � / ' I l � ' . . �\ � , , . � • . , . - ' � ,' • , . . , , , , , . . • ��L 5 1� r COUNGILMEN . Adopted' by the Council � 19— � Yeas Nays . , ,' ' ' . ��� 5 ��(�� Carlson � ' . • ' ' Dalglish Approved 19..— , ✓�' , � . , . �u,;:.._� • , . , . ,ti , � . , ��_ Tn Favor , , � ." , ' , � , ' , ., . Mayor Tedesco, AB��st • . � . � Mr. President, Byrne , • ' , , � � . �22 '-�� .�- ' ' . _ -�� • ' ', _ . ' c5 ' � .. . ' T - r.. _ ' : ' . r t a�!s - - * . � _ . , . .T-. .. i , � " - . y, • , .. .. , -�- 5'" ,. �, ', ` •. , _, _ ' :__ � ' ... . / • � * . '4[ . " __ �. � • _ ` " _ `. � . - ' � . Y .c � - • � � _ , ` �t . ' . . ' , •_ _ " •` '. � . 1 .. . , �� � , _ i '�� j � . • .. � ' • � � _ � ,. . '� ' ' . � , � ' r•' � L , ' ' ' ' .. _ � � f _ . ' ` • . . • ' _ . _ _ t , ` , . _i. . � , _ � ' . - . , • , ` �.1 - - . � . ' - ' - - - .� - _ . . 1 '4Y ` ' , - ^ 'i � ' � � i _ ._' ' ` , r _' " _ �� ' � -.. - ' ` , � °, • I ^ • ' ,_ • ' ` '- ' ' L ,� ' y ` . � � ///�1 ` / � .— ' ' ' � � . - . - . � : -r ' �_ � � - = F � . - - . x �� Ii� " _ _� - _ . 1 - . - s - . - - - - .Ju�,y i6, i968 � - ' - � - � , � � - � - � �. i , - X ' ♦ _ _ . .` . J � , ti. ' � �j , � . '_- - _, �_ ' ' • ' - � � . ` _ . . _ _ ' " " ' . ` _� `_ - ' 1 "-«. - � .. .,- - i . .' _ 'S� ' . jt_ . ' - '. + - . ^� _`c_ ' ,�� • - _ . - . . �� ' .., i` . > • _ - - , .. ti . � _ 1 �'• _ , L � ',-f�, (- ' ` �_ � - -•. - . � -'' ' ? ` • - 4 . ' . . ' - _ . - ' . '? _ • -, ' ' - ' � • '. , " . - _ _ �, _ '_ • - - - { ' . -� � - - , , r �� •. - � . _ , • _ • " , - , � . Mr. Joseph P.- Suuvnere , ' . - ' "� - . _ - . ` , , ' . � , . Corporatiott'.Counsel`� ._ . - • L,• � - � ' - - - � - ° • • • - � . � � Building - ' __ ' �- . . ` ' ..� - - . � � ' . • � , --^-r-..-... - . . . . _, �-�__ ; . - � �-` • .. , - � . • ' `" ' . _ ' ,Dear Sir i . . _ . � _ - - � - _,_ -? . � � , � � -- ' � " , ' ° , " - _ a � _ ' � .: . • . _ : , . � _ - - The City' Council reque�ted ttiat y � repar esolution-providin� - � - ' ';' �� �_ f or taking the necessary'ateps in c ct o with the condemns�tio�i of ° � ' � _ the haz&rdous duplex;of frame constru o =at 450 E. Minnehaha Ave., } - ; , there,.having_been��;hearin fl _ mat at today!s Council �eeting.j ;; � , ' ' - • . _ � , -_ _- ._ '� , � - _ - � _ - . _ � � _' - _ _ _� -- � � . ��: . � .Very trul,y .y,our$� � . _ , � ` ... � t , � , N , ,' _ . _ _ _ - _ - . ` _ _ - _ : �� . _ � ` �� • � , - ' , ' City Clerk ;.. , � - . ' - .. � • - �8- � - . - , e � - _- . _ , . � - - � : . - �t 'Y � " - • � � . _ '. , ' : , .� . � . • _ - � ' - _ , F;1. • '. _ _ , c _ t _i . � _�'• � - _ ' _ - " ' . - - - _, . i . . f - ` -- �; • _ " ` . : . • . . � , ' . � f.` ' , . . - _ . _ _ ,. a . - � , , r ,�'� . , - - t - - '_- y ,- ` ' . - e. _ ' `, ' � . - , .. . -` - ^ ' - ,; t` . ` ' � - • ., } � 4 i - - -�_ , +, , . -- - � , - `. . . �. i, � . , . _ ' ;y " � _� _ ^ . . � -� � - • � .` - ` ' � ,�_ _ . . ' - , - ' - . ' � - _- ' ' ' , � . t,., ,r . . ` '� . ` . �- , - .`; � -� - , ' , - ,- . � ; _ . : .. ,1�-. - - - , - ` - Y - _ � �, - . .� - _ " `: _ , ' _ - � a � } - . - . , - . .. - - _ � . . • -r ' -• � ' - ' . - • � ' ' - �. ` . . . � . . . . . ' ,_ _ _ ' - - '. - . .,j h . , . . . - ' ' _' � . - _ - ' •. y � . - . _ � � , . . • _ � . .i _ . ' ' - . ' ' , - . , ' ' _ � ` ' ' � � � > - � � ` • ` � . _ .` _t • �s-, t _, . ' . . . _ ' .. �i� ' i � '' ' t- `�'_ `'_ .- -` , - . -. ` . . • v L -- � . � ' :_ ' ' : , I. . - ' ' ' ' - • ' �- - f ' . ` ' , - . _ -- _ A � . _ '' _ . +- • - ' ' _ i � ' "_"` ' - _1. - . " ^ s ' _ � . • , '� ' � � . � . M�a Cod�612 . `y�tTr o�,8 PAUL J. KELLY � �223-5121 R` y� THOMAS J.STEARNS a �+ JON R. DUCKSTAD � o � ':'�3 � ARTHUR M. NELSON �e+ ��' n° JEROME J.SEGAL THOMAS M. MOONEY ROBERT E.O'CONNELL � JAMES W. KENNEY Flrst Assistant CITy OF SAINT PAUL KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK GERALD H.SWANSON DANIEL A.KLAS PAUL F, McCLOSKEY,JR. Sp�eial�itstant LEGAL DEPARTMENT ' LOUIS E.TORINUS 316 City Hall, St. Paal. Minn�sota 5b102 JOSEPH P. SUMMERS ��,��.��� Corporation Couns�l � August 5, 1g68 Mr. Albert B. Olson Recorder of Coun.cil Proceedings 386 City Hall ' RE: 450 East Minnehaha Avenue Attached please find resolution pertaining to the above hazardous building, hearing having been held before the Coun.cil on July 16. Upon adoption, please forward to me 8 certified copies. Yours very truly, /�� . Jero J. Se al Assis ant Corporation Counsel JJS: sas Enclosures � , � � . \3 � � , . , � � Q��� .� � z r , _ - v �� f�.` . f �� f i��. .� - C T OF SAINT PAUL �3 � i � � 9�� f,s,r,..� �,. I � ' � � i Capital of Minnesota� � u'r+'- �,,r r "� , � '7 � ' �;... �_.�$� '-�-� i f \� .' � i�.� _�"£�Z�L�-� ��.-,T�Yz=' .. .� � . � �.� �� ;� F,. � .�I� IN �� '•�� 4'�G`ti` � 11�;�[�� �- � � " � ..i -- �� - - , � _� ��' — ._ i�, r � -. s;#1� �� •�y;,,,,"''��,.;� y,r;�--..��y�',•_,�� - ... .,,_ ;���„.... . _ l -- - 445 City Hall'.r� � ; . � , i � ` .Y,,.,,_ ,.,4 .�:� - - ' i - _��..�'b;'-`•�iq:L�f�:i��':-�:,�,;.7�� ��»;:, .'r�;n+r. _�;� _._ -� -o�'�,`� -- n_'� �4', �'s"� 1 �;� . �`�.ttir '�r' y s � �l�ti �`+ �l.P;_ ....�n:i� 'i.��,� .� n���' �c`4y+� .',� � i,'� ,,31`��:� '�. �"; ,� 'ia� � •t�� • ��,�� � 1 ��?� i""`7F',�,c � _ �7rA,�c.�, 'r �i�_�*. ,�`��� P�� cAtji:,, � j c�,+�.i�Gv�•`..��?,,, �!- .�,i ��iRa.. - '�+i -,14_._�f�, t,t:!3 s��''[J ~� ,. F?iitl'�': * ,r-r �. "':�� � 'h ,.�� hY�i. BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Architec+ 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 May 16, 196 8 Honorable Thomas R. B rne, Ma or �J% � � Y Y � � and Members of the City Council Re: 450 E. Minnehaha Ave. , _ Gentlemen: ,.� The property at 450 E. Minnehaha Ave. is classified as a duplex of frame construction, two stories in' height and contains a partial basement. The building is approximately 18 feet wide, 46 feet long and 26 feet high. There are no accessory buildings on the premises. EXTERIOR The chimney bricks are loose caused by the mortar being eroded away. The condition of the roof is very poor, portions of siding are missing, the window casing and sills are rotted and there are holes through the exterior wall. Some of the roof sheeting is rotting where the roofing is missing, the cornice trim boards are rotted, the front porch is in a poor condition with the supporting posts beginning to rot, the lime stone foundation is beginning to deteriorate caused by the mortar eroding from between the stones. The basement windows are badly rotted, the window areaways are mostly filled with dirt, one section of the lime stone foundation is beginning to collapse on the south side of the building. FIRST FLOOR The first floor contains four rooms and bath. The kitchen floor has begun��to sag. The plaster board is becoming loose from the walls. The bathroom has a large hole in the floor and the dining room floor is in poor condition and plaster is � beginning to fall from the walls. A large amount of plaster t��.+ f d . .�r ' r -2- May 16, 1968 has fallen from the bedroom walls. The plaster in the living room is in poor condition and is ready to fall. SECOND FLOOR The second floor contains four rooms and a bath. The kitchen floor is rotting, the plaster is falling from the walls, also the floor is sagging. The bathroom floor is rotting and there is a hole through one of the walls. The dining room window sash is smashed and the floor sags. The bedroom ceiling tiles are loose and in danger of falling caused by water leaking through the roof. There are also holes in the floor. The plaster is falling from the walls in the living room and the ceiling plaster is deteriorated and in danger of falling caused by the leaking roof. ATTIC The attic has holes in the roof, the window sash is missing. The plumbing system has been damaged by vandals with part of the plumbing torn from the walls. The electrical system is in poor condition with the fixtures being torn from the ceiling in the second floor. The electrical service in both the � bedxoom and bathroom has been disconnected at the exterior of the building. If it is the opinion of the owner of this property that it can be rehabilitated, it will be necessary that he submit the list of corrections which they propose regarding the structural condition of the building, as well as the electrical, plumbing and heating systems, with a schedule for the completion of the rehabilitation program, along with the application for permits. If the aforementioned schedule is not submitted by the owner� it is the conclusion of the Bureau of Public Buildings that by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, physical damage, unsanitary condition and abandonment, the above structure constitutes a hazard to public health, safety and, welfare. It is further the recommendation of the City Architect that the Council concur in this conclusion and refer the matter to the City Attorney' s office for submission of this condemna- tion to the District Court. o s t ul , Robert L. Ames CC: J. Segal City Architect J. Talbot William Timm