239709 , - ; — , � ._ _ , - ',1 F _ . , s�,,, . . _ . � . ; _ ,� , . .. ,� ����9 - � - - , ,.�`COUNCIL FILE N0. � • . � - y�� INTERMEDIARY , ,ORDER _ -.� : _ . . - , ' - ' - = j . � ' • , . . . -BY . . - • _ • ' � , � - . � . 17188D . .: , _ . � - , -.- File No: ' ' It� the matter of parCially opening, widening and extending MARION STREET-'from. � , University Avenue to Como Avenue by condemning and taking for street purposes the._ - _ following described parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; That part of Block 29 of Dawson's Subdivision of Block 13 and the North 150 feet of Block 29, Lafond's Addition to Saint Paul; bounded by the follawing described line: Beginning at a point aai the west line of Marion Street at the south line of Lot 13, Block 29; thence west along said south line a distance of 50 feet; thence northeasterly on a straight line to a point on the west line of Marion - Street 140 feet dist ance north of the south line of said Lot 13; thence south �;,- • � along said west line of Marion Street to the point of beginning. �,,�:'-'� 4� Also�condemning and taking temporary construction easements in the ]'and neces's$r� • for slopes, cuts and fills, including the right of removal of lateral support from : subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construc[ion . of slopes in the grading and paving of said Marion Street as shown on Plan No. 1919 Drawer �No. �4 on file in the Department of Public Works. . . - .- , ' ,_ eRy-oraerea�-a�e`p�o�e e wi . , � �., . . 2. That the nature of the impr.ovement which the Council-recommends is , - ' ' - �.: • •_' - K.�.. to partially�open, widen and extend MARION STREET from University Avenue to Como Avenue by condemning,and taking for street ,purposes the following described parcels ,�r�� ' of land, all in tt►e. City of St. Paul, Minnesota: - . r�.� - .- That_:part of Block 29 of Dawson's Subdivision of Block 13 and the North 150 feet - of Block 29 Lafond�s Addition to Saint Paul; bounded by the following described , line`:• Beginning at a point on the west line of Marion Street at the south line of Lot 13, Block 29; thence west along said south line a distance of 50 feet; thence northeasterly on a straight line to a point on the west line of Marion Street 140 feet distance north of the south line of said Lot 13; thence south along said west line of Marion Street to the point of beginning. Also condemning and �taking temporary construction easements in the land necessary ,4 for slopes, cuts and fills, including the right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction - of slopes in the grading and paving of said Marion Street as shown on Plan No. 1919 Drawer No. 4 on file in the Department of Public Works. use an i y a u ng in e Ci�y;o . au . said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of - � ' , hearing,•the nature of the improvement and the�total cost thereof as estimated. ' " - - COUNCILMEN � � � �� - � •� ` •' AUG 6 �96� - - . ' ' Adopted by the Council � - � . Yea,s ���SO� NaYs - � , ' . • ` • -• . .. _ Dalglish - _ . , , . � �UG b .,196� . Approved � Meredith � . � . , . _ ' _ �'r � .' . � - ' � . � , .Sprafka . .. Tn Favor � � Tedes����+.,-�����,V � ' -� A • . . . • � : _ �;� Mayor � - ti ��,�=oei�lent��eheraon) `�' ,4 ga,illst ' .' �. - �• - � � , r - 6-88-2M �� x.� " � _ _ . _ - . . , - . - PU�LIStt�� AUG 10 19�9 � . � � . . . � ... � , - . , . _,: .