239703 ORI6INAL 70 CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.�`��4 0 . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE UNCIL�RESO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the award of Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars (�12, g00.00) previously allowed to Peter E. Fooshe, Jr. , Katherine B. Fooshe, and Grace V. Murphy, as contract sellers, and to Flarlan M. Lee, Pan J.Wolkerstorfer, and Margaret R. Odegaarden, as contract buyers, in the condemnation proceedings pursuant to resolution of the City of Saint Paul, C.F. 235916, which was charged to PIR Fund to be reimbursed from Bond Fund 7200-ST-32, approved November 29, 1967, and set aside in the City treasury under resolution of the City ofSaint Paul, C.F. 2382g6, approved April 25, 1968, be and hereby is increased to Fourteen Thousand Dollars (�14,000.00) for the damages suffered by the taking of the following described land, to-wit: Lot 1, except the South 120 feet thereof, and the South 1�2 of Lot 2, all in Irvine' s Addition of Outlots to the Town. of St. Paul, - _ according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds . in and for Ramsey Coun.ty, Minnesota; RE�OLVED FURTHER, That the award of damages as so increased shall be payable to Margaret Odegaard, Pan,J. Wolkerstorfer and Harlan M. Lee upon tYie presentment of a proper warranty deed .conveying title to the property to said partie.s, and upon the presentment of a� proper warranty deed conv�eying title to the property to the �C.ity of Saint Paul; � _ _ . � � RESOLVED "FURTHER, That the award of damages as so increased shall be payable from the PIR Fun.d to be reimbursed from Bond Fund 7200-ST-32. � �1UG 6 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson , . P1UC 6 196$ Dalglish � Approver� 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor � son . y Sprafka (� . ��1�� Ma or Tedesco A gainst � �_:.;:::�: ������'•'•:��::�:: - • Mr. �ice PreeiBont YPefiersori) F PPR VE � A!!� .14 196� �_�st, Corp r tian Counael O � ; . ,i. _ ,. DUrLICATLTO PRINT�2 • ���y p� F CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO `j , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONER �ATF RESOLVED, That the award of Twelve Thoueand Nine Hundred Dollars (�12,9'00.00) PreBiougly allowed to Peter E. Fooshe, Jr. , Katherine B. Fooshe, and Grace V. Murphy, as contract sellers, and to Harlan Pi. Lee, PAn J.Wolkerstorfer, and Margaret I�. Odegaarden, as contract buyers, in the condemnation proceedinga pursuant to resolution o� the City of Saint Paul, C.F. 2359i6, which was charged to PIR Fund to be reimbursed �rom Bond Fund 7200-ST-32, approved November 2g, 196'�, and set aeide in the �ity treasury under resolution of the City ofSaint Paul, C.F. 2382g6, approved April 25, �.96s, be and hereby ie increaaed to Pourteen Thousand Dollars (�14,000.00) �or the damages sufferod by the taking of the �ollowing deseribed land, to-wit: Lot i, except the South �.20 feet thereo�, - and the South 1/2 of Lot 2, all in Irvine' s Addition of Outlots to �he Tos�rn. of St. Paul, according to the plat thereo� on �ile and of . � record in the o�fice of the I�egister of Deeds in and �or Ramsey County, Minnesota; R�SOLVED FURTHER, That the at�rard o� damages as so incrensed ahall be payablo to riargarot Odegaard, Pan J. ZJolkerstorfer and �iarlan hia Lee upon the preaentment of a �roper zvarranty deecl conveying title to the property to said parties, and upon the prasentment of a proper ��rarranty deed conveying title to the property to the City of Saint Paul; ��tESOLVED FURTH�R, That the as�ard of damages as so increased ahall be payable from the PIR Fun.d to be reimbursed from Bond Fund 7200-ST-32. •� � AUG 6 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays . Carlson �� 6 1��� _ Dalgliah Approver� 19—_ Meredith �n Favor .Pe�er�e$- Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco A Sainst ��""��!°�,i�.�:�::i:� I1fo.�[ea Pra�B�at �Paterson) ��