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t - ,•r ;�"�OrI¢inal to City Clerk � �O1� DINANCE ���� 23 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� ORDINANCE NO /� An ordinance amending Ordi.nance No. 7607, entitled: ' "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Servi.ce of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Police Dispatcher . __._ _1_ - - Yeas Councilmen � Naya Passed by the Counci� Carlson , Dalglish Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Against � Tedesco � Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ��-��� r�m�-�=� , ?�����. , r ��� � .`Oririnal to CIty Clerk '- f� ��� � RDINANCE ,f ���'���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� ✓ � Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. t -3- AUG 2 0 1968 Yeas Councilmen Naqs Passed by the Council Carlson /' � Dalglish �� 7n Favor ' Meredith � ' ����°n� � Against Sprafka Tedesco AUG Z 0 196� � : �_.. E.. r: . •.::�:`� APArov .�egt: • Vieo Pr �ei ���son) - C' 1 k 4 d�' Mayor �� �� " Form approved Corporation Counsel By �-t" �— ����-p� � $��I�HEp AUG 2 4 19�8 � • , 156pllcate to Printer i� � � yORDINANCE � �,���� COUNCIL FILE NO �'�� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ✓ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and reaponaibilities and the minimum qualifica�ions for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved Februa.ry 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. ?607, approved Februa.ry 13� 1935, aa amended� be and the $ame is hereby further amended by inaerting in its proper alphabetical order the following title� and specificatione for Police Dispatcher -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Maqor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ID�pllcate to Printer � �. ,,� �� � �O � DINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO n �'r�� � � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 2. This ordinance ahall take effect and be in force thirty days after its pas sage� approval, and publication. -3- AUG 2 01968 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the�Eouncil Carlson ��i Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith �i a�n--� (� Sprafka AUG 19 �ainst Tedesco . . ..---- • . `.�.� � �� •:���: Approved: .,:.-.:,_.. Attest: .�' Vice President (Peterson) City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By : ' 1` - .' _ ' _ - _ z - ,.- - - , -- - - • , ' - . `i , _ • - ' ; ' - - " _ . . _ - . . : . - . � ' '- ' , ' ' • - , � - . r , ' . , . ' .._ - - - . - - = . ,.� , _ , . . - _ , .� � '. , � -_ ' . . .t, _ _ ,_- . ' + - - ' - " ' : � : _ ' , _ , . - � , _ _ � - ', _ - - " _ , . '_ ' , _ - ' � ° � ' • - - • � _ _. : _ - ' - . . , ., " , . • . • , - - ` � - _ ' .}t . , . � . . � ` " . , _ - . - • � .'` -� . ,,• `_' r �_` , _ , ' � �. ` - . . 4 _ r ' - - � . ` - . - • , . � . , _. , - • ` - _ ` " � . ' , 1. ' , " _ = -t - '_- = � �- - , ., -, _ ' _' ' ' _ _ , -'' - . :. � � � `. . � � ' � � � ' .' _ . �; - • � � . °- - - . � Aug, 2, .1968 � - " .• . ' : - - , � -� . � . - . . _ . . , _. . ,_ . - � . - . . , . ; . . � . ; - - -� - .., . . - - . - . ` - ` � -_ � . • ' . Mr. John Haider, �=� : �'= . ,. - . _ ,. - ° ' `_ :_ - • - . _ Chief_Examiner - Dir'ector oP Personnel, , � _ ; � � _ _ � . - � � City Civil Service Bureau: . ` '. - ' _�� c � • >� • � _ _� , � . � ' - ' � • . - ` . • .. _ , - - t .. Dear Sir: _ - ' . _ � ' , _. . .,:- • -� ' _ . _ : � - • - � . - = For your inforination, the Gity �C cil t.oday ga e First ' ` ' � ,- . - � , _° Reading�to .the 'followirig ordinances; - ,: ' � . • - . - -- .' - , � � � C. F: 239683 - Amending � 3250 - riking� from -. - � � _ � °� . • 4 � � ' �. -� Sec. �,� Grade 5�, t tit�.e " e er �'oreman" "_ ,' . = - °° - - - . ' - � , � �_ �and by subst3:tuting i ie �ewer Foreman I"; ' ' _ � � - - � ' by �nserting-in Sec. 6 ately after Grade -` . _ . • � '_ : �58 - Grade_ � c Wo Foremari,III"�and _ : - � , � -� _ ' -` - "Sewer Fore IZ"; _ nser g in Sec, 6, Grade `_ � _ _ ; - -_ ' • - - � • , . 62 the ti �''Field S r,vis "; and inser�ting ' _ .. : ,' � . � _ ' : ` . " � 3n SeC: �� 3 (C�t�'�Fi � Supervisor,',- ,�Public ` _ " � - _ - � ; ' ' _ ` Works For n III • •an Sewer-Foreman II . ` . . , . - -. . � . No; 7607 By striking-out'_. . : . a -. • . C., F' �, - = � � he 'title "Sewer oreman" and by substituting�in' °, ' � , , ' y , � ' � _ . lieu. tk�ex f-"Sewer Foreman I"; by inserting in � , , - _ � " � _ � - - � ' _ • their pro r alpYiabetical_order the titles and � - - , � : • " , specifica ons for "Field Su�ervisor"; "Pub].ic. � ' � _ , _ ; . - � ' . Worki� F n III"- and_"Sewer Foreman II". �- " � _ � _ [ _y y . _ � - ' " '�—� � '. `- . - � � . - = C. F: 23�68�5 - Amendfng Ord. No. -3250 �by inserting in .^.� � � . � ' - - , • �.` _ � � � 8ec: 6, in Grade �+3, under '"Clerics,l'Group" the. __ s - • - - - ' � � �_ - ' � � � - ; title "Police Dispatcher". _ ° . ", . , ' - - , - . - _ - - z - .. . � � .� . � � - . C. F.�-239�6 - Amending`Ox�d. No. 7607 by inserting- in ='` � . . ' . � - � - ' ` . its proper alphabetical�order the title and spe- . - - _ - - - _ . � t.cificatioris for�'"Police Dispatcher". �� ,,- - ' . . � ' - _ . = � - . . . _ . � � , . . � ., - _ - - _ - . . � � Third Reading an,d Approvai,l. of Form on these ordinances will • , ; - . be August 13th. - � -- • _� � �' , _ . � ' . , _ � � ' .` � _ - _ - • , � . . . _ �` ` - ' ` ' • _ . _ • .: _ 1. " _ . , � '_ ' � .�S -_ . _ _ - • ': " -- . , � _ � • . � � - , ' . Very tru].y- yours, _ ; _t Y �- - � - • " - ' - 1 ` � " � -+-y ' . a � .. _ . - _ ..^ • _ ' •. ; . . _ . A' . "" . • ` � " _ �_ � ' � �_ � •� - ` � •'_ - �- -_- - `� . - ' City Clerk � � = - . - - ' , . � - - , . : �p , ' - - . . ' ' , , ' ._ {� �� : � � • ; • _ � ' : ' - , ' -- - ' ' . . . ��� ' _. �5 � _ . _ - ' .. , '� � . • ' ' '_ _ • �I �� � �3�����3 Title of class: , POLiCE DISPATCHER Dui:i�s and responsibilitiies: Under sup�i'VlSi1011e to handle telephone calls in the Communications Center of the Bureau of Police; to dispatch, by radio, police ` vehicZes and 'to maintain communicaf:ions with �hem; to maintain related records; and to perform related work as assignedo tPersons employed under this title will be required to work f o�ating shifts. � Examples of work pefform�d: To dispatch police vel�icles to acci�ent scenes and otlaer emergency situations. To disp�.tch police vehicles to inveetigate complain�s. To recei.ve iucoming calls from police vehicles, To receive complaints and obtain all pertinent infoimation regarding 'the complaint. To maintain a record of complaints received, To maintain a stolen aut-o file. To transmit and receive messages on the teletype machine, To route non=emergency calls to the proper person or departmenta To change recording bel�ts and tapes as needed. Minimttm qualifications e High school graduation, Must be 21 years of age, oZo r� � - ' � �����6 ' Title of class: POL,TCE DISPATCHER ' Duti�s and responsibilities; ' Undez• sup�rvisioii, to handle talcphone calls in tl�e Communications Center af the Sureau of Police; to dispa.tch, by radio, police vehicles and. to m2intain communications with them; to main+ain fel.ated records; and to pozform related work as asaigned, iPersons employed under �;his title will be required Lo work . f o�cating �hiftsa � Examples of work perform�d: To dispatch police vehicles to accid�nt scenes and other emerg�ncy situations. � To disp�tch police vel2icles 'to in•vestigate complain�s. To receive iiicoming ca11s from police vehicles. To receive complair�ts and obtain all pertinent inforrn�tion ' re,�rding the complaint. � To maintain a record of compl�ints receivede To maintain a st-olen auto file. '�'o tr�nsznit and �•eceive mess�,ges on tha teletype machine, To route non=emergency calls to �he proper person or departm�nt, To cha�.�e r�cordin� belts and t�.pes as izeeded. IVTinimum c�ualifications o High scrool graduation, Must be 21 yea.rs of age. �2� � �` � � �l I st � �• 2nd Laid over to • 3rd and app dopted � a Yea\ Nays Yeas Nays Carison arlson \Dalglish Dalglish � eredith ���� Meredith � � \� �- a �Sprafka � Sprafka �7'edesco \Tedesco . �d'��; :-:�.r�� .,1^"_ :.4•t�.lu..�=�• "� � ...C7�C :'SI��� .G1��63!:�V��1�a:�:.::i:::: 7:= .5a,s S1:.E7.'�7::::n� . i==n'" �Mi. Vice Preeideat (Peteraon��QQ �' Vice Preaident (Peterson)